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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. That IWC is an awsome looking watch Hike!!! Enjoy them both.

    Thanks, Z!

    Hike - The August issue of Watchtime has an 'IWC In Depth' feature you might want to check out.


    Yup, I got it! Did you see the new St. Ex coming out? Damn, if that gets Rep'ed, I'll be all over it!

    Hmmmm I wonder what could be on Corgi's wrist...


    oh, right.


    ....... :good::victory: hehehe! of course, but what else!

    03B Baby



    Nice whitey! My new PAM favorites are thse white dialed ones! Looking for a Slytech right now!

  2. Hike, I hate to tell you this, but unless you rinse yourself (& your watch) off with denatured alcohol upon leaving your shower, that soap you use to wash the sweat/salt away may also be leaving a nice additive residue on & around the gaskets in your watch which decreases their lifespan & increases the chance for leakage. Just look at the scum it leaves on your shower tiles (unless/until you remove it with a bathroom cleaner). And the repetitive heating/cooling, which leads to repetitive expansion/contraction of the rubber material, does not help either. :thumbdown:

    Freddy! Thanks! Yup! I completely agree with you! That's why I wash and rinse them real good when they go back to storage and also re-check the seals every 6 months to a year depending on how often I wear them!

    This is good advice!

  3. I have a silly question. Why do guys wear your watch in the shower? Seems to me that it would just get in the way no matter how water resistant it is.


    Because we're lazy to take it off! Specially after working out! That also washes the sweat/salt away!

    I dont think you actually ever touched the keyless works. :) I kid.

    You make me sick with your trips Hike. I am looking forward to taking next week off to relax at the beach,

    BUT you Mr. Hike have like 6 full months of fun [censored] already planned out. Enjoy it my friend but stay away from my girlfriend.


    Thanks! Your girlfriend is safe with me! I'll just oogle her! :D BTW: Thanks so much for the re-assembly offer!

    I have taken almost every rep I own to the beach, pool, dive platform. I dont take the chrono's, but if its a dive watch... its been in the water. I havent had any fail yet. I will admit, the GMT IIc hasnt gone in yet, but when Im working 14-16 hours per day, its tough to find time to go swimming!


    I'm glad I have a partner on this! BTW: Thanks so much for the Movement!


    Those two guys up there!!!! Sir-Lance and carlsbad are two outstanding members of this FORUM! My hats off to both of them! We need more

    members like these two!


  4. On my GMT IIC, the water got thru the improperly seated crystal! It's on it's way to China now! This particular model, ASIAN 21J IHS, is guaranted to be water resistant up to 10M, so it should be safe for swimming and snorkling! If the dealer guarantees it as such, I take their word for it (silly me?) or else it goes back! The reason why I dont even bother to open and grease all the rubbers when its guaranteed is because of that! "Guarantee void if opened!" I also believe that in the rep world!

    I just ordered an SSD that is guaranteed down to 100M and I'll dive with it in the cold waters of Lake Michigan at the end of the month, out of the box! I'll let you know what happens!

    If there's no guarantee stated, then as soon as I get the watch, I open and grease all the rubbers.....caseback and crown! If it doesn't have one where it's suppose to be, I put one on it (happened on a few models)! So far, it works for me! just dont' let me touch the keyworks.....right, SirLance???? :D

  5. Its $66 shipped and he told me he had it in all three colors...I ordered the black thinking i woudl get the real AD rubber in other colors..Just interested in the buckle/deployant

    You and me both! I already have the GEN rubber, I just need the deployant buckle! How did you order yours? From Silix website?

    Thanks for the info!


  6. Welcome to RWG! There's a few dealers here who ship within EU.....I think Narikaa and Eurotimez are the two that comes to mind! Our Asian dealers like Joshua of PC88 or pefectclones could also ship to EU, just be patient! Let me suggest you use the search button on top and start your RWG education.....there's plenty to learn here. You came to the right place! Also visit the dealer section and get to know all the dealers.

    Goodluck and have fun here! Don't get addicted with this hobby, but it only takes a few purchase and your hooked!


  7. @ itseme - added pics

    @ llsteve80 - I do have brass ones; left crystal in and just applied pressure toward the 3 o'clock side... e v e r s o s l o w l y....

    @ HikeUSA - I guess so; I don't know, but under a loop, it appears to have evenly sealed; I took it swimming yesterday and it was fine; off a diving board several times and in a 12 ft pool, and no worries. Of course I made sure the crown was snug and the case back was tightened.

    Great job, there T....I'm proud of you! Keep us posted!

  8. Will post some pics when we get back home on friday.


    And don't forget those topless ladies on the beach!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim: I can't wait to see them! If it was me, I would have probably hang out there and don't see

    the other places! Except of course the watch SHOPS! :D

  9. TJ! Great choice my friend! You're not planning to wear this on your wedding, are you???? LOL! :D

    I love mine so much, I've bought five straps for it already! Mine came from Ztech and it was an excellent deal!

    A friend of ours here might even come up with another 113 out of that deal. i guess he's still working on that

    project! I'm waiting for him to post some pictures one day! ;)

    Good luck and wear that beauty will!


  10. That same screw seems to be coming loose on most of these watches (mine included). Usually, the owner becomes aware of it before the bracelet falls apart because as the screw begins loosening, it comes into contact with the flip lock hinge making it difficult to open/close the clasp. A dot of Loctite blue (available at many hardware & auto parts stores) on the cleaned screw threads will solve the problem (& still allow you to remove the screw as needed)



  11. I truly thank you for this thread... and think that we need more people that are willing to detail there failures! I have made MANY a bone head move and screwed up no less than 5 2836-2's. My one great succes (we should discuss this also) was getting my DOA GMT IIc and replacing the entire main spring barrel. The fact that the watch is within 3 seconds after nearly 2 weeks blows my mind!!! And I thank the members here for the information necessary to make that swap. I had 4 different threads open at the same time looking at pictures and reading about how the movement fit together.

    PS: I have a couple Asian 21 jewel movements in running condition that people can practice on if they want!

    @CBR.....would that A21J of yours fit a Noob Sub case? I have a Noob Sub that I killed the engine by doing the unthinkable faux pas......"pushing the stem back and when I encountered resistance, instead of pulling it back out and starting over again, I pushed harder!" There goes the keyless works! Now I have a case and a dead engine! I tried to reset the keyless after reading some post here and ended up with a halfway dismantled movement and trying to find the patience and time to put it together......I need more practice.....LOL! :D

    So, if thta spare 21J you have is good for a Nob Sub case, I'll take it!

    Thanks, Hike!

  12. Making a baby. This is hilarious!

    There is not one dirty word in it, and it is funny.

    The Smiths were unable to conceive children and decided to use a surrogate father to start their family. On the day the proxy father was to arrive, Mr. Smith kissed his wife goodbye and said, 'Well, I'm off now. The man should be here soon.'

    Half an hour later, just by chance, a door-to-door baby photographer happened to ring the doorbell, hoping to make a sale. 'Good morning, Ma'am', he said, 'I've come to...'

    'Oh, no need to explain,' Mrs. Smith cut in, embarrassed, 'I've been expecting you.'

    'Have you really?' said the photographer. 'Well, that's good. Did you know babies are my specialty?'

    'Well that's what my husband and I had hoped. Please come in and have a seat'.

    After a moment she asked, blushing, 'Well, where do we start?'

    'Leave everything to me. I usually try two in the bathtub, one on the couch, and perhaps a couple on the bed. And sometimes the living room floor is fun. You can really spread out there.'

    'Bathtub, living room floor? No wonder it didn't work out for Harry and me!'

    'Well, Ma'am, none of us can guarantee a good one every time. But if we try several different positions and I shoot from six or seven angles, I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.'

    'My, that's a lot!', gasped Mrs. Smith.

    'Ma'am, in my line o f work a man has to take his time. I'd love to be In and out in five minutes, but I'm sure you'd be disappointed with that. '

    'Don't I know it,' said Mrs. Smith quietly.

    The photographer opened his briefcase and pulled out a portfolio of his baby pictures. 'This was done on the top of a bus,' he said.

    'Oh, my word!' Mrs. Smith exclaimed, grasping at her throat.

    'And these twins turned out exceptiona l ly well - when you consider their mother was so difficult to work with.'

    'She was difficult?' asked Mrs. Smith.

    'Yes, I'm afraid so. I finally had to take her to the park to get the job done right. People were crowding around four and five deep to get a good look'

    'Four and five deep?' said Mrs. Smith, her eyes wide with amazement.

    'Yes', the photographer replied. 'And for more than three hours, too. The mother was constantly squealing and yelling - I could hardly concentrate, and when darkness approached I had to rush my s hots. Finally, when the squirrels began nibbling on my equipment, I just had to pack it all in.'

    Mrs. Smith leaned f orward 'Do you mean they actually chewed on your, uh...equipment? '

    'It's true, Ma'am, yes.. Well, if you're ready, I'll set-up my tripod and we can get to work right away.'


    'Oh yes, Ma'am. I need to use a tripod to rest my Canon on. It's much too big to be held in the hand very long.'

    Mrs. Smith fainted.

  13. 'Nor should it be, assuming you understand how the US works relative to it's states autonomy. The basic point was that you can't directly compare Europe's gas prices, public transportation or automotive trends to the US. It's apples to oranges for MANY reasons. My drive from Pittsburgh to WV or KY is 400+ miles. From 75 miles outside Pittsburgh, to Charleston WV, there is NOTHING but open road and country. Sorry, there is no public transportation for that, other than booking a flight. Even when I worked in Pittsburgh, public transportation from my home to the city was spotty at best. Not because of poor planning, but because of the distance! People seem to forget that the US isn't just NYC and LA (or the tiny Hawaiian islands.) There's a whole helluva lot in between that can't be 'fixed' with a bus, or a small engined car.

    The present day Corvette has absolutely nothing in common with a true Muscle Car, 'nor does the Mustang (other than the name and number of cylinders). Muscle cars were big block, big inch, gas guzzling beasts. They made power with cubic inches. The current day V8 American performance cars (of which, there are what, three or four?) are excellent on fuel considering the output and certainly when compared to a real Muscle Car. But even that doesn't change the fact that today, the 'kids' are into the 4cyl imports. That is the 'toy' most kids go for. That was the point I was trying to make.

    Actually, my mileage doesn't drop that much when towing. I get about 8-9 mpg when hauling the trailer. But it's just the cost of doing business. In order to do what I do, that's what it takes. Same for the 'jerk' suburbanite that has the huge SUV. Many of them have big families, and/or boats, or trailers they use for vacations, work, etc, etc, etc. It's cheaper for them to own the SUV and use that all the time than it is to own multiple vehicles for multiple purposes. Again, apples to oranges when talking about stuff like this. I wish people would realize that before making rash judgements about how folks in the US live, work, drive, whatever, relative to this topic.

    SR! You make sense, Dude! I agree with you 110%

  14. I don't know about the rest of the planet (USA) anyway... but In Hawaii we have seen our lives changed literally .. in what seems like overnight

    the week that the price of gas really started to escalate .. everything that had a price on it followed suit .. no other way into the islands except by container or air..

    everything in the markets jumped 50 cents to a dollar .. there was no gradual increase here...so we adjust as alway's ..

    But what was really surreal was this weekend .. the costal and shoreline roads along Waimanalo ... going around to Makapuu (where Sea Life Park is) is usually crowded with vehicles out for the weekend beach cruise ... this is the first time that on a Saturday the roads were empty.... I called a buddy on the other side of the island from where I was and he said the same was previlant on the leeward side... no one can afford to burn the high priced fuel anymore..

    Now granted .. Americans are the most glutenous gas guzzlers on the planet..... but that was our lifestyle...."Crusin"...

    It seems that those day's are a thing of the past.. and may very well be refferred to as "back in the day" when talking about a ride around the island...

    Where I'm at/from, what I've noticed is not the traffic (I bike to the bus station and take the bus to the train station), It's the major increase in ridership. I now felt like in Tokyo everytime I ride the train. It's driving me crazy. Before I would be able to sit, now no way. It's shoulder to shoulder on the vestibule! And I live in a very affluent town in my nick of the woods! What that tells me is that we in the US are in for some major changes in our life style. At least we have time to adjust! We always have!

    The sad thing is that the politicians that we elected to make the right decisions for us are the ones screwing us up! One side will not approve offshore drilling so when the Alska drilling came up for a vote guess what???? Time to get even, that didn't pass either! The US of A have shitload of oil all over its domain, but the politicians are playing games with each other and the poeple are the ones suffering! Ayy yayay!

    I think I'll just buy more reps! That'll help the Chinese to buy more gas!!!! :victory: Maybe I'll move to China or somewhere in Asia!

  15. Howdy...I have to return a watch to Hong Kong for exchange, from the US, and was wondering what to put on the customs form...Anybody done this and have some words of wisdom ?


    Put down watch sample and claim $10 for the value! I do it all the time!

    O...and to make it a little safer, have it registered and send that # to the other end by PM or email!

  16. Swiss IHS

    Ordered from Josh $323

    Ordered eraly June received Late June

    I love this watch! It is my second rep, first is a Explorer II Swiss ordered from Andrew 6-7 monts ago. Everyting works fine and looks good. I would like to take the back offf to see if I really did get an ETA movement but I do not have the tools. Band is still shinny after being worn everyday and no problems with the GMT hand.

    I would have the watch lumed, but The Zigmeister told me that he will not work on this watch due to the high failure rate <_< Overall I am a very happy customer and reccomend buying this GMT.


    To get the back off can I take the watch to a jewler?

    or you could go to ofrei.com and get some tools like the rubber ball case opener...haven't failed me yet!

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