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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. After several false starts, I am jumping back into physical fitness with both feet, and I figured why not give myself every advantage (within reason) that science has to offer. It didn't hurt that I get this stuff wholesale; here's about half of what I bought today:


    This is just the stuff I am keeping at work.

    It seems like we have a good amount of fitness enthusiasts here, I was wondering was your take on OTC supplements?

    Whatever you take, stay away from Vitamin E! It promotes LUNG CANCER!!!!!! 7% per 100 milligrams, so if you're taking 400MG, you're 28% likely to

    contract lung cancer!!!!

  2. Got this last night from ZTECH! He said it came from Silix with Asian 6497.........., well I opened the watch and found the following:

    The watch have no rubber o-ring on the caseback and the crown o-ring was very dry!

    I put a new O-ring in and greased it and the crown.......but the biggest surprise of all????????

    The movement was Swiss 6497. I can't believe it at first, so I opened my PAM036 with Swiss in it, and lo and behold......

    it's exactly the same! Z! If you're reading this, thanks Bro! I guess Silix gave us a free upgrade!

    Water Test came out to 10ATM! I will be swimming with this beauty!!! Here you go!


    Put a BOB Shark on it for the swimming!


  3. You guys who plan to drop Verizon for an iPhone on the AT&T network: Think twice. Before you lock yourself into a contract on an inferior network, you should buy a GoPhone (AT&T's prepaid service), and check out their coverage where you live and work. Maybe you'll be lucky in your area, but on average across the US, Verizon operates a far superior network from a quality standpoint.

    I beg to disagree! I have a Curve 8300 right now with AT&T and it make and recieve calls practically anywhere! My basement at home; my gym, which is in the basement of our 60 story bldg.; at the train; lots of airports and hotels in CONUS.......

    It may be cheaper up front, but there is a catch...

    The iPhone unlimited data plan will be 39.99 a month instead of the original 29.99. So, it ends up costing you more in the long run.

    Will they sell it to you without the Data Plan? Have someone bought it without?

  4. For me the easiest to water resist is the Radiomir Black Seal! I have been wearing mine in a lot of water lately and so far so good! When you get one, just check the gasket/o-ring for its condition and replace if needed, then grease it. Also check the crown gasket and grease it, too. Tighten the caseback and screw down the crown and your good to go!



  5. Denver weather has been kinda wet and rainy lately... Temps as low as the mid 50's last week. However, the past couple of days have been nice 70 - 80 degree days; I can hardly complain...

    Ubi, how's the water for White Rafting! Is class V running now at Royal GOrge???

  6. I had the tv on while I was reading RWG & overheard Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes say the word 'watches', so I walked into the room where the tv is & happened to catch him talking about his watch collection. Unfortunately, I only caught the tail end of his segment, but I thought it was interesting that he used it to talk about watches. If you are on the west coast of the US, check it out at the end of tonight's 60 Minutes.

    Someone pls record it and post it on youtube!!!

  7. Hey CBR where did you find the update? I have seen them around here and there but have had not so good luck using some of them. SInce you acctually tried and are able to use the one you got it would make me willing to try it out.

    + 1 Ditto! I have been using my 8300 for over a year now and it is the best CP I've owned!

    BTW: The Bold is suppose to be out sometime this summer.

    EDITED For a shout out to CB: Give up the site Dude or just post it for us to download!!!!!

  8. ... I posted the comment and I am quite serious.

    I thought you couldn't get away with wearing one !

    I've traveled in EU and Asia with 1 on the wrist and 3 on my Laptop bag all the time! No Problems! Same here in the US!

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