Japanese couple in an argument over ways of highly erotic sex....
Husband: Sukitaki.
Wife replies: Kowanini!
Husband says: Toka a anji rodi roumi yakoo!
Wife on her knees literally begging: Mimi nakoundinda tinkouji!
Husband replies angrily: Na miaou kina tim kouji!.
And you sit here reading this as if you understand Japanese!
You are really unbelievable!
I always knew that anything on SEX would grab your attention!
Since the search button don't work till now, has anyone bought this model yet. Could you please share your thoughts and recriminations
on this particular model?????
Highly appreciated!
I use Slysoft's AnyDVD HD/BlueRay to automatically decrypt. I us DVDDecrypter if I want to copy contents to my hard drive. Nero 12.5 Recode If I want to burn or convert to any file type, with many options on sizes/Video qualities, etc. + sound and subtitles. You could also use Recode to import/export video files in any format!
Hope that helps!
Damn......I thought ZK finally did his thing......so much for RAID? When you have it figured out, please share your experience, it would be nice to know for us GEEKYS!