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Everything posted by lazarini

  1. @ Freddy ... this is a gen on his pics Regards laz
  2. Speechless some day some nice day thx for sharing was just of to bed now i know what im gonna dream about :cloud9: Regards Laz
  3. yep gotta PM him asap if thats for sale ... if all goes well ill attach the 5513 image up here next week laz
  4. ure soooo right !!! Lovely 5517 and Bond sub, guys keep em coming this is pure erotica for me Laz
  5. Thats what this board is all about ... great guys enjoy ure new toys ... ill be seeing that Yachtie really soon Laz
  6. Guys ... my 2 cents is that don't think to much ... everyone for them selfs know what is the value of this boards to them ... make a conclusion and match that with ure vote simple and clear ... no need to go into depth with this ... I think Admin set this thread up to get the feel of what regulars (supporters/members) basically all that visit on regular basis think its fair price to pay for membership. This can easy turn into nasty debate so please be so kind and just vote ... Mine was 5$ per month good knows i got outa this place much much more and im not talking great deals either and superb knowledge ... im thinking long term friendship! Now who can put a price on that i ask u !? Regards LAZ
  7. i posted this way back ... when it looked like this out of the box NOW for a good half year it looks like this ... kudos to the great "Tribalizer" Still a major update in 3 weeks time ...with a little help of my friends ill keep u posted ... LAZ
  8. @ jitai ... the size is only thing keeping me away from a project like this mind sharing ure wrist size ? regards Laz
  9. I have a question where are u and him located ... EU ... CoNUS ... ? laz
  10. Yep thats Takashi for u i cant wait to meet him again soon its been to long from the last GTG not much more now Regards Laz
  11. What SD4K and Taka wrote same here ... Laz
  12. this came in todays mail a modded 112h i hoked up a hKTan Gator ... looks sweet no ? the power of BASE Laz
  13. Drum role please hahah. KHM KHM well looks like i finally spamed myself to 1000 ... hmmm when i think of all the waisted bandwidth i cosed Oka seriously now: I came up here in end of 2006 searching for something better then a canal street rep and boy was that a good decision, after i purchased my fist serious rep "ultimate PO" that i think latter swapped with one of the SoCal gents (Chinkie)... i decided to stick around. That was good and bad ... the only bad was that i was spending a lot of cash the other were positives ... i was geting to know more and more people and started calling them friends all do i never met them in real life ... My collection grew and get smaller i gained some incredible knowledge from the veterans as from the newbs ... i tried to help people as much as i coud and shared what i learned to my best knowledge ... After some time my collection got smaller and i started to be picky hahah don't we all i went the vintage Rolex way (ill say it its STEPHANES fault, plus some other usual suspects ) and boy is that a rabbit hole ... u just keep falling deeper and getting lost in the wonderland hahaha ... believe me it never ends just recently i purchased a 5513 ... Pams were one of the things i came searching here ... but after beginning addiction and the vintage Rolex affair i kinda drifted out of them for a while until i saw some nice ones this year and i picked up the 2 i own now actually 112H just came today in Most of u know that i bridged another step by purchasing a genuine Rolex explorer 2 white dial from a forum member of these boards ... that was end of April hehe watch is now lets say in "transition" at a fellow member and a great gentleman that will remain anonymous for now I would never ever be able to get this piece if the offer were not so good and i had some reps that i could sell and invest so if i never joined RWG i would never be able to purchase my first gen Rolex !!! This year finally i was able to shake some hands from the people that were my "internet" proclaimed friends, to my surprise on the GTG in Brussels the atmosphere was like we knew each other for 20 years ... i mean u had to see it to believe it ... im so looking to the next one ... FINAL WORDS: Im glad i have found this boards ... im sure my employer is not ... hahaha what a roollercoaster ride a great magic carpet ... fun fun fun ... the watches, the community that strides together to help other people, the wast knowledge i am proud to be a member of RWG! I hope to be able to come here for years to come and if not for reps for friends that i met and spent so much great time with! Stay strong!!! WITH KIND REGARDS LAZARINI aka. LAZ
  14. top one at work ... the one on the bottom now ... regards Laz
  15. Yea sounds good to me im in Laz
  16. ME: HER: have a good week all ... regards Laz
  17. U sir are a GEM! The effort, the writeup, the time it took i mean where to stop ... phenomenal post i think its time this posts get gathered on one place on the boards My hat of to you B. I'm glad ill be able to shake ure hand in person again really soon ... drinks on me ... Regards Laz
  18. As promised here is my GF wearing a 111h on a bob brick orange leather strap ... we are still waiting on her 112 to arrive ... Must say im sold i thought she could never pulled of a 44mm pam but i was imho wrong and it looks good if not even great on her ... what u guys think ? Pictures took today with phone cam on the way to the supermarket ... was hard to persuade her to post the pics as "the top ait ironed" but as i explained to her thats not the purpose here ... One thing maybe worth to mention her wrist is not the biggest nor really small if someone wants to know the actual size that can be arranged ... the trick that makes this proportional on her is the fact she is 182 cm tall so keep that in mind! SPECIAL THX to B. aka Cats that gifted us the strap she is wearing @ Cats ... she loves it! Regards Laz
  19. Guys i would like to finish my pam historic collection white a white dialed pam so my choice is between the 113 and 114 obviously What's ire advice where to pick closest one outa the box I know DSN has a 113 how good Is it ? How about other dealers any decent options ... I would appreciate all advice and some pictures are welcome Regards Laz
  20. yeaaaaaa cant wait lookin good B. Laz
  21. just bought one last night hehehe ... it never ends so live with it be good laz
  22. comes and goes ... i was completely out of pams for a year now ... all do i started of with them ... now seam to picking up the tempo again ... laz
  23. lazarini


    Nice one congrats and welcome to the forums regards Laz
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