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Everything posted by lazarini

  1. this old thing today ... but something might be coming by mailman any minute now Laz
  2. Well what a nice review, my hat of to you senior Toad ... superb writeup with prime photography! Laz
  3. awesome!!! love it great combo ... im with Heywood don't mess it up with that pimped out bezel ... laz
  4. one more taken today in office ... laz
  5. Yes indeed ... congrats and salutations both to ziggster and cib0rgman ... wear it well, Laz
  6. Well i for one think its great ! Great job V. Laz
  7. English saddle leather hmmm sooooft Laz
  8. Well becouse i had t raise money for a gen purchase ... i tried to sell somethin else ... like my left liver ... but noone wanted it in that shape laz
  9. Love that Greg S. I keep on missing them on risti in a matter of minutes they get sold Nice pics guys ... Laz
  10. Good good thx for update M ... looking forward for more Laz
  11. Thx max rub it in well im sure it make the new owner a happy pup ... btw love that wrist shot ... one of the best ones i ever saw on any forum hands down ! Regards Laz
  12. Hmm not my cup of tea ... but i get some people like this piece ... Laz
  13. Love it looks superb ... i knew about this project Enjoy it and if possible do a wrist shoot ? laz
  14. Sweet story m8 Kids notice everything or for sure more then u think, my sisters daughter is around 10 shes he same Laz
  15. Marvelous watch don't u think My last Pam left is the 111h ... Vac job on it the whole treatment as they say ... since i have sellers remorse about selling my Ziggified 005 i took a couple of shoots of my 111h to feel better ... ... ill miss that 005 but i know the new owner will keep good care of it enjoy ... Now show me urse ... Regards Laz
  16. narikaa has a point ... all do if we pre-booked i think we can get a reasonable price no ? Laz
  17. Sounds gooood to me ... whos in ? regards Laz
  18. Do i have a feeling something is developing here lads? Its time already right to start planing another one of these ... Laz
  19. Yep i think it was ... i can fly cheap there from here so London is always an option ... les u can bring ure better half with you she can entertain my girlfriend while we can geek on watches heheh regards Laz
  20. Sweeet sweeet watch ... love it! regards Laz
  21. Hi Cats, thx for the he valve pic appreciated ! Looks to me a tad better then on mine 1665 as it looks like more submerged ... anyway a splendid watch ... wonder who modded that as the work looks so familiar Laz
  22. Looks good Cats ... wear it well ! can u make a picture of the HE valve ... regards Laz
  23. Hi there thx for the fine words appreciated I have to let takashi answer that but from what I know this is one of the standard mods on the watch and not so dificult one . Laz
  24. Well i have checked the link that freddy posted and here is my 2 cents ... i have heard allot about smaller timepieces coming back into fashion and that may be true ... all do i completely agree with the gentleman that replied in that thread saying to just go buy and wear what u think is best for you ... At the end of the day, trends will change juts look at the clothes ... stuff that my dad has in closet and wore 30 years back are now the latest thing again Stick to what makes u feel best ... Regards Laz
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