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Everything posted by lazarini

  1. Took this one 5 minutes ago ... Sushi anyone ? regards Laz
  2. These same pics were posted over at RWI as a gen-rep comparison ... Laz
  3. Well nothing else to say but congrats R. U took this one on a whole new level! Regards laz
  4. i think its not about not able to make a decent rep either of vintage or modern i fear they think there is lack of market for a piece like this ... but from this thread looks not to be so ... Laz
  5. I'm just back for the cinema folks ... ill update my first post with the pics as promised @ taka ... dremel video uploaded hahah stay tunned ... Laz
  6. Capice at least do a decent photoshop m8 @ Stephane ... here sir glad to oblige with the un-photoshoped picture ! @ all set my pics to upload now ... will take some time im of with my GF to the movies now ill post the photo pictorial later in my 1st post regards Laz
  7. Uncle i just saw kelsters DSN PVD marina militare base on the euro GTG this weekend ... his case looks exactly as u described he achieved the semi gloss graphite finish by some serious cape cod elbow grease to eliminate the mat black stock look ... regards laz
  8. Hello all, im back as i presume all of you are by now from the Euro GTG version II still fresh on the events that took place the weekend of 14-15. June in Koln, Germany. First and foremost thx to everyone that were involved in setting this up and to all of you that joined. We had some new people that joined us from the last GTG in Brussels and was a pleasure to meet you guys in flesh finally ... we know each other from the here but nice to put some new faces next to the avatars. Second thing i would like to thank the GTG Raffle Sponsors that provided prizes for the people that attended and should be noted: K2222 - AR coating Verbal Kint - Pam Straps petergunny - GUNNY STRAPS - Custom Pam Straps THX to the people above, ure support, appreciated and well received between the attendees! Congrats also to the winners! Thx to all the members bringing there watches and sharing the collections and your experience etc. u guys are awesome in any sense of the word ... the camaraderie and the exchange of knowledge was once again top notch i would not miss it for the world I have came home yesterday rather latte as my flight had a delay and did not have the time to upload my pictures i will do so today and update this opening post, u can expect to see some really nice watches, some extreme modding pictures from the "hotel modding studio" and some pics from the Koln watch fair we visited on Sunday. Hope all of you made it home fine ... so let the discussion flow ... as said my pics to follow latter in the afternoon LETS ROLL THE PICTURES ... 1 Members watches 2 The night shift at the hotel room while half were partying hard ... some were working hard (11pm to 3 30am) in the morning one more job by the sub master himself ... The night dremel video show at 2 am ... man we were lucky none complained in the rooms next to us ahahah SPEAKERS ON! 3 Steaks for the boys ... sorry for lack of pictures in this part but no faces ... all do i think u get the idea from the 2 snaps below ... great food ... great people ... great conversation ! 4 Few from the Watch Fair on the Sunday ... 5 The ADs were visited all around the weekend we spent together OK I think this does it ? Hope u all like the pictures once again thx to all that came this time and i know we meet again soon ... last one before im of to bed ... happy smudgy group shoot ( pardon to the few missing on the shoot ) SEEEE UUUUUUUUUUU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOON !!! Regards Laz
  9. Kick ass guys congrats to new owner and the modder course cant wait to see that tomorrow ... Laz
  10. This one today as i fly to Germany Laz
  11. Came home ... still 5513 on my wrist just changed the bracelet with a green nato to match my combat green shorts regards Laz
  12. Freddy he did not admit to nothing about his replica DJ was from a seized items he just admitted its a replica ... all do i did not ask that either but hey there is good reason to believe he got that from a confiscated package ... regards Laz
  13. Hi corgi ... ure right i did not from the front but when he turn the hand around to expose the bracelet and explain me that its screwed in by screws etc i had good closeup on his modern jubilee bracelet ... the crown was completely off and the overall finish of the bracelet was questionable, that give me the hint ... then when i complimented the watch and said that it must have been expensive ... he was glad to proceed to tutor me that its a replica Rolex of low value ... regards Laz
  14. in the morning i was picking between these ... decided on the 5513 bottom right corner in the end Laz
  15. Great review my friend ... impressive watch my colleague here has the same one for a month now and i keep staring at it Thx for taking ure time to write this down ... Regards Laz
  16. HEAR THIS HEAR THIS ... Yesterday i received a note for customs that i need to drop by because of the shipment from US containing a watch bracelet. I just came back from customs and is in my hand ... i payed no tax! Heres what happened ... i came there course waited for cca good hour when came to the window and gave papers the guy asked me is there a bracelet in the box ... and why the value declared was =0? I replayed that its a gift and contains a box and a spare link but no bracelet and for sure no watch ... So he says : what kinda value are this items ? And i go well u cant buy this in a shop i got it as my friend had a spare and did not use it so cant really put value on that ... The customs guy say ... oka heres how we rolle ... ill send down a colleague who will open up the package with u ... if he determines value is over 45 euro u pay 19 percent tax ... if he determines its lover u can pick up the goods and go. So i go 2 floors lover and wait for the other customs guy ... he comes in 5 minutes and asks the ladies at storage tu rip the pack open ... in the meantime asks me so u sure no watch there ... i smile and say im sure ... The package gets open and he goes ulalal a Rolex box thats not cheap for sure ... me nothing ... he opens up finds in there on SS link for oyster bracelet , one green tag, one Rolex chronometer seal , and a Rolex polishing cloth ... He looks at me and says this link is not White Gold is it ??? And me nope its an SS link sir He says right ... but why bother u can get a after market replacement link like that in almost any watch shop here and i say yea but this one was for free and he goes thats cheap anyway china makes that ... i hat to change mine several times and points at his watch ... A SS ROLEX TURNOGRAPH DJ !!!! And me eyes out he turns hand around and asap i saw the bracelet i knew it was FAKE all do styed cool and complimented the piece by saying : Thats a nice watch sir probably costs allot ... THE customs guy turns to me and says heh not really becouse its a FAKE !!! And smiles .... He says OKA we finished here ... u can have ure package ... have a nice day ... me still with a bit of confused face thx the guy and get outa there with my package .... THIS MADE MY DAY regards Laz
  17. Omg i wake up and then this I love it snowflake sub is something i had my eyes on now for ages ... as some other people noticeably Steph im sure looks like he is still sleeping since he did not post here yet Well its never over guys ... im marking this at the top of my wish list and hopefully a 2008 project for me ... Congrats UBI and thx for sharing ... regards Laz
  18. lovely mrandrazzo thx for sharing the pics! laz
  19. Truth to be told u cant go wrong with either of those 2 ... here is mine 111 & 112 ... regards Laz
  20. Looking good lani! Keep us updated as the story unfolds ... let the games begin Laz
  21. Lovely 112 ... seams like its one of the most popular Pams ...im wearing mine now Laz
  22. Totally agree on the film opinion ... reeves was a bad choice for this role i mean he tries but just does not deliver ... highlight for me was the GMT Pepsi appearance Laz
  23. 112 is popular these days so here is mine standard rep case then added DSN dial + DSN hands (superloomed) asian but correct lookin movement , leaver fix + tall pinion, strap Greg S. Crazy horse 1st gen ... be good Laz
  24. Traveled to Brussels GTG this year with 4 watches NP ... Laz
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