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Mike on a bike

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Everything posted by Mike on a bike

  2. Sorry "V" there are links but not for public consumption to protect our sources on Rolex forums. I'm sure you understand they are very touchy about the REP community.
  3. Ado you didn't help him out you helped the board out to solve a problem like a stand up good member . The fact that later damming info came to light does not diminish your efforts at my request or good intentions. Again my thanks for answering the call! OH! look at that so strange you are a Diamond member now, wonder how that happened! LOL Unknown............... But I have given IP and email to Trailboss and Geek that covers the big three.
  4. As you know I hold full inquiries into such things but in this case evidence presented to us was in controvertible. Grail has been selling rep Rolex boxes and Rep watches as gen on TRF nobody knows reps like we do and upon being informed we looked into it. Athaya crowns, MQ cases you guys would spot a mile away along with some interesting picks of the same hands and wedding ring............... Need I add more there are movement shots also, you name it it's there. We buy reps that is our choice we mod and get them pretty damn close but we do rip off others with our skill set instead enjoy our watches as paying 50 -100 grand is not in the cards. Stay safe in these trying times my friends, for myself I go back into the COVID wards tomorrow. Alas a moral dilemma I hope you all never have to deal with, once more into the breach........................
  5. Guys going badly here up from 8 to 39 in my hospital in 7 days. Load up on vitamin D guys and zinc along w/ K2 to offset side affects of D. MOAB prescription get 10 K gel D first week 3 per day, 1 after daily not w/ coffee in morn, at lunch & not at night w/ your dinner wine.LOL Watch and learn:
  6. Update from the upfront front lines in NY and NJ. My NY hospital is clean and quiet no COVID the NJ hospital had two last time there, so good news. My NJ system sends out updates regularly last one 69 in 6 hospitals again good. Is it the quiet before the storm I hope not , we shall see. On another more ominous note COVID has mutated and infected the Mink population of Denmark ( like17 k of them being destroyed) now this changes the spike protein so our vaccines might be ineffective. ( except the RNA one) Of course the Copenhagen airport still open flying here and there, when will these guys learn.
  7. Class act sorry to see him go. But never the less 90 , go for him!
  8. Nice Jack , very nice.................
  9. OH HOLO for all your expertise and ability to get parts and put them together properly you fail in only one category. Walk/talk softly like I do, if I had half your ability I'd be so confident I'd let the blows fall off my amour of ability and knowledge like a lite rain. Just a bit of advise from MOAB, relax you know your stuff .
  10. Guys watch this we have known this in hospital but you should also. So after 10-11 days not so invective it's in the start that the risk is most, be careful my friends.
  11. Hmmm Ray....................
  12. Guys load up on Zinc , D and C also K to offset high D levels , better out comes from peer reviewed studies. Just vitamins and minerals so big pharma does not like cheap as chips , worse case you spend a few bucks on them. Go on line watch DOC Campbell posted above in this thread on youtube you will get info on levels etc needed. Just like watches guys do your homework , don't be lazy your life could depend on it, need more motivation I can't help you. A lot of research and inside baseball stuff but take the K also D tends to build up calcium in your arteries K takes care of that, short version.
  13. I do not and you could not pay me to go there! And I take a ACE inhibitor for high blood pressure!
  14. Jk from your lips to Gods ears, back to normal by Christmas. As of now we in the medical community are getting ready to be hit again in NY and NJ here in the states, we could be wrong but better safe than sorry.
  15. Caveat emptor ..............................
  16. By the way guys vitamin D take it a lot of it, Spanish did a study on infected in there hospitals gave half D half not w/ same medicines. Guess who did well the high D folks so if get it go in w/ good D levels you increase your chances. Do some C also in your regiment along w/ Zinc. You want your immune system working at peak these things will give it a good fighting chance and they are cheap as chips.
  17. More good news my friends. I have cut this for the meat of the vid but urge to watch it all and Dr C daily. It seems our German friends are very thorough and on to something as to be expected, hat tip MOAB! https://youtu.be/TZ7vPxWC-3Y?t=271 Now the short of this is German info is age adjusted we all thought OH yea young getting tested positive they can weather the storm little hospitalization and deaths ( numbers look good) but they have found deaths by infection rate down dramatically over all as they isolated age groups in their data. Look above....................
  18. JMB good move wish I was with you instead of on the front line. Keep going I may be able to get one when you cull the herd!
  19. Been watching him for a long time spot on so far. Let us hope with this first of major positive info he is spot on as in the past.
  20. Guys finally some good news on the COVID front, watch this Doctor I do every day he is on the money. I am elated!!!
  21. Sweet!
  22. Rower couldn't agree more. Everyone from WHO, CDC and of course Trump not to mention a few Governor's have screed up in spades. Meanwhile people die or have respiratory problems for the rest of their lives. Florida should be in lock down stay at home orders weeks ago , Texas seems to be getting their heads out of their ass albeit slowly. Trump is such an ass if he had taken the other side of this showing more concern for people locking us down send out money to everyone we would be in decent shape now and he would win election . Now who do I vote for Biden is senile and Trump can't get out of the way of his ego even with tens of thousands of lives at stake damn asshat. Forget asshat it's criminal , I did not support prior impeachment but for this I would.
  23. Well gents I implore you to watch this: NO watch it for sure for your own good! Now WHO finally conceded this after much pressure, be careful out there. I know most can't get N95s but something is better than nothing.
  24. Looking good buddy, wish I was with you to shoot off some rounds!
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