WTH????who cares if it bends???it should be on your wrist. I own a TC LV with V4 bracelet and it's awesome! You guys should chill and enjoy this super rep! Oooor buy the GEN.
Both..there are crossfit workouts that are total body weight, but most require at least 135lbs in rubber bumper plates, kettlebells, pull-up bar, jump rope, and 20lb medicine ball. You can do most WOD's(workout of the day) with these. Oh yea a wood box about 20in high for box jumps.
Yesssurrr crossfit rocks! Been doing it since 2007. Best program ever! Highly recommend it....helped me to maintain a healthy weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Wouldn't be without it! Do insanity and P90x as well. all good programs and remember ANY thing is better than sitting on the couch! Enjoy to the max gents!
Hey Mike wish you well. I lost my grandmother to cancer. Just wanted to share with you a film I recently saw that is very encouraging "Dying to have known" please watch it and stay in the fight! I'll be praying for you.
Just heads up fellas if you need parts get with Angus at Puretime. He got this part for me for $12! Another TD from the "Cartel" who I won't mention told me the part would be $40 plus $15 shipping Outrageous!Way to go Angus!