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Posts posted by Stephane

  1. Prior to reply to each of you, pls note that in my signature there is a bucket with some of my watches

    @b16a2 well I have around 4 subs 16610 from which a 40$, a Paul Perfect, a Andrew Ultimate and a MBW. So, as you can imagine, I am not wondering which one to wear as I only wear my MBW anyway.

    If you want one, feel free to pm me. I keep an updated spreadsheet with all my watches, their prices (I paid) and the date I bought them. So, I want to be helpful but will not sell any watch for less than it is currently sold elsewhere. In example, I paid 115

  2. Dear All,

    I have a problem deciding what to do.

    I have quite a lot of watches now.

    The first one I bought was a DayDate back in 1989 while at PatPong.

    Then I stopped to buy reps and search for gens (cheap and middle range prices).

    Back in june 2006, the fever really got me and I wanted to have a lot of reps.

    I started to buy on eBay, which is not the best option, and got some watches in the house.

    Finally I discovered this place by chance (RWG), watched it for a while, became a member, and started to learn.

    I know exactly which watches I want now and, more important, which versions and mods.

    So my question to you is: would I sell all the watches I never wear, including some great reps and some bad ones for less money that I spent to get them or should I just keep all of them ?

    As examples, pls see here a Paul "perfect sub", a Trusty Ultimate 400$+ sub and a "Unknown seller" Fiddy aswell as a Daylight.









    Thank you so much for you advices.



  3. Hey, that's cool, I was just making a joke. I know that there are people who still choose to buy from Andrew and Joshua, I just find it amusing that they are people's 'automatic choice' when it comes to dealer, despite all that has gone in the past, and because Silix has the 22mm PO strap available now. As R11co said, other than a single letter on the product code, it is identical to the gen (other than dust attraction, perhaps) so it seems amusing that people would rather wait for X dealer when Y dealer already has the product they're after :)



    Sorry I didn't get that.

    Must be my froglish again.

    Anwyay, good news there is a 2nd generation...maybe we will have an ultimate generation rubber band to fit our ultimate po later this year, at xmas :Jumpy:

  4. In Greek, I say:

    1680= hilia eksakosia ogdonta

    1665=hilia eksakosia eksintapente

    16520= dekaeksi pente ikosi

    116520= enteka eksintapente ikosi

    16610= dekaeksi eksi deka


    I want to see the greek letters :thumbsupsmileyanim: I love them

    How would you write Stephanos ?



  5. What a surprise, a dealer trying to encourage someone to spend money with them rather than a competitor... :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Hey TeeJay,

    I didn't mean Silix is bad nor wanting to say the band is bad...I never dealt with the first one and never saw the second one in person.

    It's only that due to my many many custom problems in my country with packs coming from Asia, I do not want to deal with anybody shipping straight from there.

    And, at the end of the day, none of the dealers do manufacture themself :whistling:

    So, if there is a second generation of this bands, why not wait afterall. That is my conclusion, nothing else.



  6. I can't think of any good reason to, except that you like waiting. The Silix strap is as good as a rep strap gets and available now.

    Latest Update from PT:

    "HI Stephane,

    Yes i know silix had them, but im sure there was a mistake on his version..

    I will try to find details


    Having read a lot about the difficulties to put that strap (the current one available) on the PO and the gaps between the strap and the case, I would wait to get more information from PT.

    That is what I choose to do anyway for the mini EU group buy.



  7. Hi Guys,

    I'm not an expert at all but an happy owner of 2 wrong hand stack GMT Master II.

    Here a picture:


    One is in my possession since almost a year (june or july 2006) and the other since less than a month.

    Both are running fine. I managed to fine tune one so it doesn't even loose or win one single second for 72 hours :o

    Regarding the GMT function, well I do not wear these watches more than a couple of days in a row, if not less even, but I didn't have a chance to notice a difference with the second time hour.

    It follows perfectly the main hour.

    So, my guess is the choice is: do you really want the correct hand stack and take all these risks or do you prefer the wrong one and have a trustable watch ? B)

    At the end of the day, without a loup or a super super zoom, nobody can tell that my watch has the wrong hand stack.



  8. Talking about Sarko for any of you (unless living in France or Belgium) is stupid.

    Sorry to say :animal_rooster:

    It's exactly as french people were talking about Mr ElMochNovat from Republik of Ternuion...

    And by the way, he never said Racaille. He answered to a woman that said "Get us rid of this racaille" with "You are fed up with the racaille ? We will get rid of the racaille for you!"

    My two cents.


  9. Dear All,

    It's been a while I wanted to post this link.

    It's a Belgian based collector shop and site that has branches in France.

    The interrest is that they shoot their watches from several angles which can help us to compare to gen.

    I browsed the Recently Sold section aswell (1074 watches) and picked a lot of pictures from.


    Here are two more sites of shops of Brussels with some good pictures aswell:



    Hope this will help!



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