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Posts posted by Stephane

  1. How offering a service, where people freely decide if they want to have it done or not, with the costs clearly posted up front, is considered a bad thing, then I am missing something.


    Hmmm, I am fully happy with the stuff I got back from you Ziggy. Nice gen little crown :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  2. I believe that being a member of this forum is a privilege, VIP or no VIP. How many of us would be buying pretty bad rpelicas or paying more for repiclas that we can get here for chepaer if it had not been for this forum. I'l tell you how many, all of us.

    I think that membership should include an introductory period of a month. After that if you want to stay, you pay, if you don't like, it you can leave. It costs money to keep this place going, and alot of effort form our mods, admin etc... and for the sake of $30 per annum, it's pretty poor practice not to pay it (This isn't a direct dig at you Teejay just so you know. You're posts are well thought out and you are indeed a valued member!! This is just my opinion in general)


  3. Hmmm, money is money and this place needs money.

    I will not argue with any non VIP member or VIP members neither.

    My 2 cents:

    when I became VIP I suscribed to a monthly recurring charge, then realised I would love it more than a month and suscribed yearly as many others (i even had both subscritions running for a couple of months as I didn't realise one would not stop the other).

    when there was money needed for RAM, I donated as many others.

    when the birthday happened, I donated as many others

    when there is a raffle I'm in, as many others. (bought 50 tickets because it's peanuts in regards of what I lost in collecting rep before I discovered RWG).

    So why the hell people spending hundreds or thousands of $$$ in fake watches wouldn't spend some 10$ in a real thing like this place is ?

    The math is easy again (like when the admin & co were looking for more RAM): xxx members times xx $ = a lot of money.



  4. Nickel is Silver coloured, as in the second post, Gold is...Gold, as in the first post... :)

    Did your stuff arrive?


    Cool, now it's absolutely clear....(let's hope they do not put red Eta on the market).

    The stuff must be on it's way but didn't yet arrive ;-)

    Hopefully it will be delivered this week or next.

    I'll let you know for sure !

    Thank you very much for your response



  5. There is no noticeable difference in quality between a Gold or Nickel ETA, at least I have never noted any differences.

    There is a difference as to where they are from, Gold ETA's are produced by ETA in Switzerland, Nickel ETA's are out of the ETA factories in the Far East.



    Sorry to bug but I don't get it...

    I maybe ignorant but what is Nickel as a colour ?

    Are the two above pictures Nickel or Gold ones ?



  6. Nice one, Stephane. Be sure to double check all those bracelet screws - especially on both sides of the endlinks... Many of us have lost those (and almost had the watch fall off our wrists in the process). Take 'em out, apply a little loctite, and screw 'em back down nice and tight.

    Thanks Ubi.

    Funny you say that now.

    I opened the case back and therefore reloved a link screw...

    When finished all screws were tight again except the one of the deployment buckle....that I never touched.

    It came out all alone...

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