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Posts posted by Stephane

  1. Guys,

    Let's calm down.

    Come on.

    I mentionned long time ago that I could not attend allthough I WANTED to have an autumn AND german GTG.

    I feel terribly sorry for this.

    That said, radio is one of my hobbies and when I have the opportunity to be live on one of the top 3 in my country I simply cannot say no but I also miss A LOT the friendly atmosphere of our GTG's.

    So, for all of us who are cancelling I would suggest to respect the time and energie spent by the organisators for this German GTG.

    Pls be not offended because they might be disappointed.

    I fully understand their feelings.

    I would finish saying: it makes absolute no sense to cancell this GTG.

    I would also remind us all about this:

    - GTGs are a splendid time for all.

    - They also are a lot of time and efforts (even money) put by the event manager to make it happen.

    - Before we commit we should be more carefull. I have no excuse. I was very surprised that the radio called me but still I should have say "I'm not free on that date". I didn't and understand that others simply cannot refuse work.

    - For all of us who cancelled, we should apologize because 99% is just not enough. It's words...not commitments on one end, and it is 99% commitment on the other.

    I do apologize for not being there Guru & Caruwe.

    Again I should have said NO to the radio for the sunday morning show.

    Let's bear in mind ...we have, we had, and we will still have great times in the future.

    All the best,


  2. Interesting reading. At the end of the day, you can't argue with experience so I find myself in the unusual position of agreeing with the naysayers even though I made the vintage forum suggestion myself. By-Tor's experience must be heeded. I vote against the idea :o

    That is unusual for sure :D

    But, in the end, I agree with you: if experience prooves that a route is not good, why would one want to follow it B)

  3. I agree 100% here with Stephane.An if you happen to hear a comment in my opinion it would be "Hmm...this is a fake right?"Doesn't sound too much of a comment for a "status symbol" IMHO.What i want to say is that with Rolex being the most replicatedbrand in the whole world someone who wants to make a status statement should rather consider wearing another brand.

    Oh yes, that is something I remember I heard once.

    Totaly forgot about that comment.

    I was at the footbal match watching my son playing as every week.

    A father of another boy noticed I was wearing a new watch.

    The guy said "cool one, is it gen?"

    I replied "Well it doesn't really matter but if you like it, it's yours for 200

  4. All good points here.

    I wanted to add that I have never been pointed for wearing a Rolex.

    My GF wears my DJ since a couple of months, and though she didn't want to, because she thought "it's too much to wear a Rolex", she has not yet been asked about that watch.

    So, when it comes to have comments because you wear a Rolex...I'm really wondering if it is not exagerated to think that it happens so often.

    It's been almost 4 years now...and not a single comment :animal_rooster:

  5. Thanks for posting the pics again Nanuq.

    I have three bloody cristals in a box and I mixed them.

    I know one is clark, one is gen and one is a rep.

    Boy, it's a pain to find the difference between the clark and the gen.

    I agree with Freddy: Clark sent me one for free and for comparaison purposes.

    When it arrived, before I mixed them :bangin: I remember that I prefered the Clark.

    One thing is sure: no more money in expensive gen tropics like a 39 SD for me.

  6. And even if I had the extra 30-to-40 grand laying around, (I am sure Ubi is nodding his head in agreement) I think I would still opt to build my own instead of buying 1.

    +1 here Freddy.

    It is so much more fun.

    I remember wanting them all right away when I found this place.

    Now I narrowed my choice to a couple of Rolex that I want to finish as perfectly as possible before trying anything else.

    Once again, great job and remarquable result.

  7. To do -

    Replace hands (current hands are too short & in poor condition)

    Replace strap with a gen rivet 7205 (en route)

    These will complete the project.

    Pfff, disappointing Freddy...not even finished :thumbdown: ?

    Well, I don't know how you 1) find these parts 2) find the brain cells to keep all this knowledge in one single place :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I must say that this one is another nice project of you.

    It is not my cup of tea, but for sure a beauty.

    Congrats to you, and above all, thanks for sharing. :group:

  8. How the hell could I miss this thread back then! :animal_rooster:

    That is of course a very beautifull watch Freddy. :1a:

    And thanks for all the nice photos and explanations.

    The 1665, toghether with the 1680, is trully my favourite.

    A coincidence is that I am in the process to rebuild my great white with Tribal currently.

    @Dizzy: good luck...you'll soon discover what "extra cash means" :black_eye:

  9. I hope you did not go and buy another gen mate

    I have you to blame for this

    And i will proberbly blame you for the 1016 when it is finished and the 1655!

    Oh no Andy.

    No gen anymore for a while.

    Bought a Reverso for my lover...that will calm me for the next 6 months :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I'm happy you blame me!

    Now you found the light :D

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