Rules for High End Sales:
The Admin Team must approve all sales over $1,500.00 prior to the Listing We will use a Admin Panel decision process Approval will be based on the following:Time on the Forum Prior Sales History
Post Count and Quality
Membership & Time on other Forums
TimeZone Paneristi e-Bay with quality feedback etc...
[*]We may require personal information as well
[*]This information will be available to any potential buyers [but not to general membership]
The purpose of these rules is to protect our membership. As one of our moderators stated so well - "It is so incredibly easy for someone to breeze in here, prey on the sense of trust and walk out the door with 5k."
However, with all that said, at the end of the day the transaction is between the buyer and the seller. It is up to both parties to feel comfortable and secure with the transaction. RWG is not responsible for sales. Use common sense - PLEASE!
Thanks for your understanding...
RWG Admin Team