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Everything posted by Geof3

  1. alligoat! Cool thanks!
  2. Interested in the gilt, chapter ring dial of the 6610. Checked Yuki, and others, but it doesn't seem to be an available option? Any ideas?
  3. Ha ha, ya playing any sort of mod on a 'gen' rolex forum will get you tarred and feathered for sure. My 5500 is a complete gen 5500 case, gen bracelet and end links, yuki gilt dial and an eta movement. Love the little thing. God forbid I post it on WUS. Anyway, I would one day like to purchase a 1520 or 1530 movement and make it "whole". In your case, I would keep it like you have it. Technically, it is simply a redial. The Yuki blanks are genuine Singer (at least mine is, I assume he still uses them) so, really it's a redial. The key is, never trying to sell it as genuine. Other than that... Post pictures, and wear it in good health!
  4. Leave it alone. Looks perfect.
  5. Like you, I've seen this post from the start, but am surprised by your response. A bit haughty, eh? While there are certainly some here that may be a bit hyper-reactive, the simple reality is MD2020 choked. And still is. It doesn't take a business degree to see the utter failure of the CARDINAL RULE of business here, customer service. Regardless of reason, business is business, and to stay in business and be successful, THE CUSTOMER ALWAYS COMES FIRST. Sure, life rears its ugly head, but the rule still applies. The two things that would rectify this situation are simple, communication and a complete return of each watch in either commissioned work completion, or as received. In as quick a manner humanly possible. There is absolutely NOTHING worse than a bunch of excuses laid out to justify a failure. As my dad once told me, and it is an axiom I practice to this day, under promise and over deliver. This is not even close to the case here...
  6. I've got one that I would call Franken, it is gen everything with a redialed dial and eta mvmnt. Personally, I think case, bracelet, crystal etc are more important that the rest. Particularly on Rolex watches. Most of the aftermarket cases are iffy at best. I would prefer a gen case with dial all day long vs an aftermarket case with gen dial. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter, that are all "fake" to one degree or another unless made of 100% gen parts.
  7. http://www.vintagehour.com/rolex-tropic-crystals-a-comparison-of-superdomes-domes-service-domes/ Enjoy!
  8. Many poo-poo the 34mm watch, but they work great with a tight cuff. Also, they look pretty classy, and understated when dressed up. (a good thing in a nice suit). I wear my 5500 all the time, looks great...
  9. Genuine alright! A genuine POS! Unbelievable people can be so stupid...
  10. Shiny!
  11. Tag is a great brand, always been one of my favs. Heuer has some "firsts" in the industry as well. I also agree that the chrono is a rip off of the IWC is off-base. The only real similarity is the fact they are both chronos with sub dials at 12 and 6...
  12. I would say the links for sure are rep. That engraving is just funky, and as others have said the numbers don't add up. Not sure about the clasp. Not too familiar with Tudor markings. They look pretty good though.
  13. Quite frankly, that entire picture is pretty disturbing. I would almost certainly say that is not photoshopped, the shaved areas are too new and obvious, as well as the previous shaved areas. Someone would need to go into a serious amount of detail to PS that pic. What is disturbing is the obvious blood on the rails of the gate, and seemingly on the pigs feet. IMO that is borderline animal abuse and, if real, the owner should be shot...
  14. That engraving is definitely off. I would say they are not the same watch. And to the post regarding moving the rehaute... can't, it is integral to the case. For the $$ you plan to spend I would find a new base.
  15. I wonder why the rep makers don't get some key details correct. Like the end piece link, one would think that would be a no brainer. Also the links themselves are a bit off proportion wise. The 19mm's are worse. Overall, they look nice, few would be able to spot (if at all) the little idiosyncrasies we obsess about.
  16. Nice! Generally not into chrono dials, but that looks great!
  17. This is where I struggle... Great looking watch, no doubt. However, I can never decide if I would rather see these in "distressed" condition or nice and shiny "restored" condition. Tough call for me. Fully polished and such, that would be a stunner!
  18. I SO want to do a project like this! An old IWC movement, or something. Some of the old Hamilton pocket watch movements are really cool. Any tips? Did you source the case from Ofrei?
  19. The yuki looks nice. I have one. But for a vintage piece it is completely wrong. Not sure if I can add this here, but it is just sitting, if anyone needs a yuki pm me.
  20. Mod a ROLEX, are you f-ing kidding? Blasphemy! The Swiss gods will reign hellfire and brimstone upon your unholy soul!
  21. I left the fold of TZ years ago. There are/were a couple of moderators over there that were absolute a-holes. Short of the cool pics of the Basel shows and other new releases, the place had become a hotbed of pointless discussion and wrist checks. God forbid even thinking of a discussion of modding, or somehow altering a gen piece, short of a Seiko...
  22. Stainless steel does rust, look at the numerous roles cases with pits under the bezel, or caseback. Although that may be more of a metal to metal contact issue. Either way, I agree with the rest, if its stainless you won't see surface rust occurring like that.
  23. Personally, if its gen... I'd hunt for a good used gen. They can be had. Usually not TOO outrageous...
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