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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. Thanks guys I don't think my cat would be very happy if I took one of her whiskers... Does this look like a cat that can take a joke? I definitely think I'm going to keep practicing, it'll be interesting to see what kind of results I can achieve
  2. Thanks for the feedback, amigos The lume I used, was Revell Night Color, which, in it's 'natural state', is pretty gritty in texture, so I think I'd certainly be interested to try with proper lume powder and clear nail varnish (if that's the correct mix) as I think I'd get a much smoother application. I think this is just one of those things which requires practice, practice, and more practice [Edit to add] Here's a quick shot showing how it looks cased up and on the wrist
  3. Nothing to be getting excited over, but I figured I'd have a go at re-luming the dial of my vintage sub. Yes, I loved the coffee color the markers had scorched, but, their luminousity was non-existent, and as that's such a crucial aspect of a dial for me, I felt it was time to up the ante and try my hand at something new. I'll preface this, by saying that painting is probably the artistic medium I am least comfortable and practiced with. (It would be fair to say I don't paint at all, other than spray cans or abstract brushwork) Overall, I am relatively happy with the results. I wouldn't say I re-lumed it 100% successfully, as it took me a few attempts to get the paint consistency correct, and that lead to a few smudges during removal. After two attempts, I decided to try grinding the paint pestle and mortar-style to get a smoother consistency, and that went on nicely It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm more happy that not with the results, and for a first attempt, and considering I did it without any magnification, I definitely think things could have gone worse. I'm looking at it this way: I don't feel the need to replace the dial, so feeling more than over the outcome In addition to painting the lume into place, once the paint was partially dry, I used the flat side of the screwdriver of my pocket knife to apply a very gentle, even pressure, just to help flatten out the paint, which was more 'sausage-like', than I would have liked. I'm not sure if I'd re-lume a dial again, but I wouldn't totally rule it out if I really needed to do so on a project One thing I did as preperation, and which I found very helpful, was I practiced with the printing on a promotional flyer, to get myself 'into the zone' of tiny applications, and sharp edges The glare from the flash has made the smudges appear worse than they are to the naked eye, and the dark 'sploches' on the dial are where I rubbed over it with the oils on my skin to create a little texture, which again, is nowhere near as severe to the naked eye My 'workstation' Steady... Outcome: Closeup outcome showing smudges...
  4. Thanks I had several watches in my previous collection which hardly got worn, so I think the best thing to do while rebuilding my collection, is to only have a few key watches for particular occasions or situations, so there's more opportunity to wear them all (maybe not equally, but each would get its time), rather than just having a lot of unworn watches All I need to do now, is acquire them
  5. Absolutely fantastic The Snowflake Tudor is one of (if not) my favorite watches, and Kangaroo is my favorite meat, so a winning combo for sure
  6. Absolutely awesome to see parts of Lani's collection on display I would also agree 100% with this, especially the boldened text: I think the definition of a good collection, depends on one's definition of a collection, or rather, what 'plan' one is collecting too... Some might choose to collect a particular manufacturer, or type of watch, where others, might choose to have a collection with a set watch for a set activity/look, or, even incorporate both aspects It's all down to the individual and their own tastes, and that's what makes this such an awesome hobby, as there's truly something for everyone
  7. Couldn't've said it better myself
  8. Thanks for the birthday wishes, amigos, it's all very much appreciated I didn't manage to get any 10:10 wrist shots like I did last year, as birthday activities just didn't give me the opportunity, but I had a great time with my closest friends and family, which is something I haven't been able to do in five years Demsey, indeed, I do still imbibe, as my understanding of the passages in question, are that the prohibition is on praying whilst drunk, and the other passages, I read as rhetorical questions rather than actually listing alcohol as forbidden That said, I've never been a particularly 'big drinker', mostly just socially As for watches... No change for me since wednesday
  9. People who don't know me, could think I was racist for wearing this jacket... I guess combining that with having a shaved head makes me look like some White Supremacist... I can understand that, and it's my choice to wear a garment which could give that misconception, but, I think it's sad that we live in a world were pride in one's heritage or nation can be misconstrued as 'being racist'. The only thing I can say to people who do make such misguided assumptions, is that before judging a book by its cover, they really should take the time to read it and understand it properly... As illustrated above, the Scottish Doctor wore the flag of St Andrew on his jacket, so given my English and Welsh heritage, I think it's only proper that I should wear the flag of St George, the flag representing a unified England and Wales, with my Atlantis patch. What can I say, I'm a collector of film and sci-fi memorabelia, and I'd rather have something personal (and relevant to me) than just wear a 100% off the rack replica of this jacket, as I'd look pretty silly walking around the UK flying the Stars and Stripes... I can't think of anything more petty than racism. Personally, I've no time for it or any other kind of bigotry.
  10. I'll be away for the next few days so I can spend my birthday with my parents and friends for the first time in five years, and this is what will be telling me the time till I get back Sunday
  11. I'm no expert on the 1655, but it is still on my 'to acquire' list Wear it well
  12. It's a beaut, isn't it I admit, the first one wound up in my collection, and might even make it as a future project, but at the moment, it's just a paperweight (keeps good time though)
  13. But of course, even the gen will still get the "Is it real?" question
  14. TeeJay

    Got wood?

    Sadly, I don't have access to screen printing techniques Nor even transfer printing... I'm definitely feeling the idea of a woodmariner, and that was definitely one of my choices for the project, but I wanted to keep the wood 'reserved for special occasions', rather than a daily beater, so what I'm going to go for, is a Presidential DateJust, with modern 'rectangular lume' markers, so it will be a primarily smart dress watch, but with the ability to be functional beyond that formal setting Thanks for the feedback, and I love the sound of wood as mid-links, I'll have to hit up Google to try and track down some photos
  15. I really like the sound of that If I can help out in anyway, just let me know
  16. To be fair, the Submariner is the watch which brings many people to forums searching for the answer. It's the 'spring-board watch' which gets most folks into collecting, but, most branch out into other brands, other models, other variants. As I mentioned in a thread in the Rolex area about the 16610 (as nice a watch as it is) there are more interesting variations available, such as the vintages, or no-dates, or even Tudors. The standard 16610, I feel, is like getting a hamburger. No cheese, no mustard, no ketchup. Sure, it's tasty, sure it does its job and fills you up, but, there're 'optional extras' available which will make it a better burger
  17. The 16610 is such a 'middle of the road' Submariner, I would have to say it's not worth it. There are more interesting variations available, and the reps of the 16610 (such as WM9s) will look just as good on the wrist, for only a fraction of the price But that's just my .2c
  18. That's a tasty looking watch, and interesting that it is a budget version, but only has 'Oyster Perpetual', where the budget versions often have 'Oyster Perpetual Date' on the dial (Pretty funny for a no-date watch ) so that one's quite a find As you say, a little vintaging, and it'll be looking 'historically authentic'
  19. And he wears Panerai Rocco is The Man
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