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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. For me, it would have to be a Rottweiler. Absolutely fantastic guarddogs, especially with children. With friends and family, they're soft as butter. With intruders, they're hard as nails
  2. Yes you do. There was proof last year that you sold Bell & Ross watches with ASIAN movements, which you were advertising and selling as having SWISS movements. That, is a scam. Telling people they buy a Swiss movement, and selling them an Asian movement, is a scam. Selling people watches which are supposed to have been serviced and waterproofed, but are unserviced, and leak under water, is also a scam. I don't care how many positive reviews you have, the facts remain that you have scammed people in the past, and from this thread, it is clear you are still doing so. You are a scammer, and do not deserve to be considered a trusted dealer by these people, who admire you. Good service to some does not justify scamming others.
  3. A Cect P168+ I get about the same battery life out of mine, if not slightly better. However, if I don't listen to the MP3s at all, then the charge lasts a lot longer That said, when MP3s from a seperate MP3 player drown out phonecalls, then that's more a hinderance than a help. Fortunately, now my new headphone adaptor has arrived (allows me to use any headphones with the phone) I don't have to worry about missing calls while listening to my tunes I guess all I was trying to illustrate, is that a multi-tool like the Nokia Morph (if it existed) would likely be more a hinderance than a help, as it would only be possible to do certain things at a time, which would rather defeat the object of it being multi-purpose, in that people would still require other 'tools' so they could do all those things together (if needbe)
  4. He could, if it is His will to do so A lot of people say "If God exists, why does he let XYZ happen??" For the simple reason, that that is God's will. Everything that happens, good and bad, happens because it is God's will. Sometimes, bad things happen, because a good thing will come from it. Example. Three serial killers sent down in one week. Very bad (and tragic) that their victims were killed. Very good, that they are going to spend the rest of their lives rotting in jail (assuming the other cons don't murder them) Not only do they get to suffer that turmoil, they'll then have to answer to God for their crimes. We might not always understand God's plan, but that is not the point. The point, is in submitting to God's will, and trusting ourselves to Him. I guess missing this thread is the price I pay for watching Torchwood
  5. I remember hearing that only the indian was actually gay. Not too sure how accurate that is though... I'm no bodybuilder, so no guns here... (same goes for firearms, as I'm British ) I wanted to see firearms, damnit
  6. I've never had a problem with an Asian movement which was not caused by either an accident, or my own amateurish attempts at regulation. The Asian movements I have (which I have left well alone ) have worked flawlessly. In terms of value, I don't think it is worth paying double price, just for a Swiss Movement, when an Asian one will do the same job just as well. However. Knowingly selling an Asian movement as a Swiss one is not a cool move, and one Andrew has been brought to task over before. He knows what he's selling, he knows what he's doing. Isn't it about time the forum admin stepped up and gave this clown the boot? If a member were to pull stunts like this, they would be immediately barred, and other forum admins warned about them. Just because Andrew pays to be a dealer here, that does not give him the right to keep ripping people off like this. Enough's enough...
  7. What happened to the thread entitled "The Time Has Come To Say Something"? When it was part of my signature, the thread mysteriously vanished.
  8. I think it's hilarious that you even make such a statement, in a thread pointing out that the watch has literally fallen to pieces by itself, but that's just me, and I admit, not really helping your situation... Here's what I'd suggest to do. Before even contacting Andrew, try taking the watch into a local jewellers/watch repairers, finding out if they can repair a mechanical watch, and see what it would cost you. (Even though it's a rep, it's still a mechanical product, they should be able to do something with it) then, contact Andrew via email/PM outlining the situation, and see if he would be prepared to cover repair costs from that jeweller. If he isn't, then request a return address and return the watch, for a like for like exchange (not worth the additional delay of getting it fixed in China) Best of luck with getting it resolved
  9. Are you planning on having work done by TWP? If not, he does not have to justify himself or his methods to you, nor does he have to provide you proof that he is actually the one carrying out the work. That is a ludicrous accusation to level at someone, unless you indeed suspect TWP of 'drop-smithing'... As for your character assasination, by referencing your own friends in the medical profession, that's entirely unnecessary and irrelevent to the point of this thread, which is critiquing TWP's quality of work. TTK could hardly be said to have the best 'bedside manner', but, when it comes to providing top quality watches, he is above reproach. Personality is irrelevent here, unless it a ) interfers with someone ability to do the job they are paid to do, or b ) puts clients off working with them. In terms of personality, I have always found TWP to be polite, friendly and professional. In terms of quality of work, I have always been impressed with what he has done. Now, in terms of this specific watch, yes, those smudges on the dial are ominous. If they are cleaned off, then no harm, no foul. If they were to still be on a delivered watch, personally, I would not be impressed... But, artists are human beings, not machines. They can't be expected to perform 100% accuracy 100% of the time. Take tattoo artists for example. Although there are indeed some incredibly talented artists out there, they can all have their 'off-days', where a design might not come out quite as intended, and, when that is being permanantly inked on a person's body, consderably higher pressure for accuracy, than luming a watch dial. Even the best of us make mistakes in such things, it's part of being human, and, unless a really serious error, not things to hold against people, when the rest of their portfolio, is good. I'm sure TWP will handle this in a suitably professional manner
  10. That's no way to speak about Sir Sean's hair-piece On topic: Just finished watching Hitman. Pretty good film, and, always good to see Timothy Olyphant in things. I suspect, that in a few years, he'll either be a 'big name', or, relatively unknown, but with a huge portfolio of good (if unknown) roles under his belt.
  11. One single to the Plato Crater, please
  12. I'll remember that for next time
  13. And you expect gen detail for rep prices ? (low rep prices at that) You're deluding yourself. These are replicas, not gens. The fine details, especially those on a part which is seldom seen, are hardly likely to be of the best qulity, and, given that they are seldom seen, not really important compared to things like dial details, and should hardly be considered thus I am constantly amazed that members like yourself, live under the delusion that Andrew and Josh can actually be trusted to deliver what they say they will. If you want to pay them extra for a watch to be serviced and waterproofed, go right ahead, knock yourself out. That's likely what you will be doing when the watch goes anywhere near water and starts leaking like a seive. Have people forgotten the Little White Lies, and The Time Has Come TO Say Something threads so soon? At what point are people going to wake up and realize that just because someone PAYS to be a dealer here, that does not automatically make them trustworthy, infact, it just creates a false sense of security, given that the forum admin can do nothing whatsoever to make a dealer correct a bad deal. At least sites like eBay, iOffer, CQout, LoudFrog etc, enforce BANS on dealers who scam their clients. That still does not 100% guarantee that the dealers there are trustworthy, but, it does at least give confidence that they are more likely to be trustworthy, or they would not still be on the site. There is no such guarantee here whatsoever. Absolutely so. That does not mean worshipping the 'Trusted Dealers', (as still goes on) it means making one's own enquiries, following leads provided by other members, and asking the right questions. Just because a dealer pays to have a presense here, that does not automatically mean that they are above question or with impeccable honesty. Just because a dealer does not pay to have a presense here as a 'trusted dealer', that does not automatically mean they are a scammer...
  14. Absolutely awesome However. Battery life and other considerations might mean I might not actually use such a device. For example. I can listen to MP3s on my phone, but, it drains the battery (quicker than just having it on standby in my pocket) So I use a seperate MP3 player. But when I'm listening to my MP3 player, it drowns out the phone's ring tone, and I can (and did today) miss a call... So, what option... Phone, or MP3 player? This is the kind of 'inflexibility' which could plague such a device. While performing another function, it is incapable of performing the other. Example, you're using it in phone mode, and someone asks you for the time. You look at your wrist, but, there's no watch there, as it's being used as a phone Or you're doing some word-processing, and need to make a call. You can't just pick up a phone, you'd (most likely) have to save what you're doing, and re-configure the device... Flexible, but inflexible for the very reasons that make it 'flexible' [Edit to add] To answer the question about phone or MP3 player, my best option would be to use my phone as the MP3 player, and just keep an eye on the charge, and have a seperate MP3 player for use when the phone's battery needs conserving
  15. Chad was not arguing against Ziggy's abilities or skills. Not once. He was simply asking for an alternative. As mentioned above, if Ziggy does not want to do business with someone, he won't. That's his privelage. That's his right. But. Where does that leave the person who needs something done with their watch? As mentioned, if people don't have options available, that's when they can get frustrated at situations, when the only other option, is no longer viable (for whatever reason) As mentioned, Ziggy is extremely busy. Having more approved smiths available, would help spread that load, and give customers the choice of who to do business with, rather than hoping that someone wants to do business with them. It is another example of something I have mentioned before: On RWG, you don't choose Dealer. Dealer chooses you Having more smiths available is not a mark of disrespect to Ziggy. There are several recommended dealers available for many items, that is not disrespectful to those other dealers, and the same principle applies here
  16. I don't think people are taking issue with your choice as such, more possible consequences/results of it. People are often told they can buy a less than perfect watch, and then have modifications made to improve it, so that's often the mentality someone might buy with (ie ignore poor lume and cannon pinion (for example), but buy the watch anyway as they know it can be remedied). Yours, is the name which is mentioned as the person to go to, when people want mods done. Now, as other smiths are less recommended, some people might only want to deal with you, and, if you are unavailable, or unwilling to work with them, for whatever reason, they are left with the situation of wanting work done to a watch, but no other 'ports of call' to try in commissioning the work, leaving them with a watch, which, if left un-modded, the would likely not have bought 'as is', nor wear 'as is', so they feel that they're not only down the opportunity to get the watch worked on, but, left with something they don't really want, a bit of a double-whammy. You are, of course, entitled to choose who you want to do business with. Just remember though, that some people do not take kindly to being told that, (No one likes the feeling of not 'making the cut') and that honesty might even turn away clients who you would have worked with, as they might not like that approach. (For the record, I totally understand and agree with your view on things, I'm just pointing out how others might be viewing the situation, and why people might be 'taking issue') [Edit to add] My point being, that if there where other recommended smiths available, giving people the choice of who to go to, rather than relying on you choosing to do business with them, then such rejections might not be taken so personally, as they would know they still have options. I've found people are their most abusive and hostile when they feel they have no options in a situation (whatever that maybe), and when they've missed the only option. Just my .2c PS This isn't meant as a personal attack, it's just my instinct as a Libra to try and be a mediator and get both sides of a story across so people can reach a better conclusion.
  17. I'm a fan of divers watches as well. Have you seen any of the Russian divers watches? Some aren't too shabby
  18. And you say you're a WIS? Even though the 127 is my favorite watch in my collection, I'd be the first to admit that they take a bit of getting used to, before becoming a daily beater. I'm sure I read on the forum that someone bought and sold two before settling on one. The first one I had (returned due to a defective crown guard lever, and exchanged for my PVD 111g) I felt was 'too big' (especially when viewing the luminous markers at night) but, the second one, I adapted to pretty quickly, and I wear it every day. I'm now so used to it, that I feel the 45mm Planet Ocean 'looks small', and a Submariner, looks almost 'feminine' by comparison
  19. Guinea pig claws can look sharp when not clipped (Sukoshi-san is too young to need his cut yet) and they can scratch up arms quite nicely, but they're not sharp enough to go through econodenim
  20. Who doesn't know a 127 crownguard is inverted, compared to many other Luminors? Sorry, couldn't resist
  21. The technical term, is PAMophilia (coined by me )
  22. As you like that, here's some photos of Sukoshi-san out of the hutch
  23. Thanks I got it from Tonyxkf's (of CQout) own personal website, watch-ebay.net. He advertises it at $199. I got it for the mentioned price, as I asked for a price in GBP, and that was what he asked for it. I admit, I do buy quite regularly from Tony, for presents for friends and relatives, so that was likely a discounted price. Either way, I'd've been quite happy to've paid the $199 list price. Other than a very slight rattle in the crown guard lever (I think the tube is set slightly too far in the case) it's fine. I'm planning on sending it to TWP for his 'plume' treatment, and I'm hoping he'll be able to tweak the tube at the same time (if I touch my fingers to the inside of the crown, not even really applying pressure, that is enough to hold it firm against the lever, so we're talking about a hair's width miss-setting of the tube, so hopefully, not too hard to rectify, and certainly not worth sending it back over )
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