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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. @FrankT.......I love the Dynamic......just a beautiful chronograph......classic styling.....good health to wear it....!

    It's an Italian weekend for me .......:D




    Sub Zero yellowed the thread on his strap to match with the dial, and it looked really sharp.

    Yellow Chrono is stuck on me:





  2. That's an awesome watch :thumbsupsmileyanim: First time I saw pics of a Panerai, I wasn't over impressed. However. Then I saw the sandwich dials and the open display backs and grew to appreciate them. I'd definitely like one for my collection at some point in the future, although in all honesty, I don't know how often I'd ever wear it, as my favorite watches are my Omegas. Congrats again on a great project :)

  3. A new rep bracelet costs about $25. The next time I order a watch I just have them through in an extra bracelet.


    Good idea, but what if that extra bracelet also has a similar problem with screws jamming? For example, the most frequent grumbles I've heard about the Planet Oceans (of any generation) is that the screws in the bracelet are a [censored] to adjust, and that the crown threads are prone to stripping, so chances are a spare bracelet would have the same problem. I can certainly attest to that, as that was the case with mine. However, as I said, by taking the watch into a jewellers and having them struggle with the bracelet, I knew if anything happened, they would be paying for the replacement, not me...

  4. What, professionals have better screw drivers? If it ain't coming out, it ain't coming out.


    No, but if they screw up the bracelet, at least their insurance will cover replacement costs. If you screw up the watch yourself, you're left with a screwed up watch...

    Also, if they're not an AD, but an independant operation, they're less likely to be clued up on the 'tells' that it's a rep watch, but they'd still have to be insured to be running the business.

  5. Hello all,

    I've been trying to resize this watch for a while now - even ordered nicer screwdrivers from Ofrei for it! Anyway I need two links removed from the band to size it for my hand, but I'll be damned if these screws even budge. I can tighten them about a half-turn further, however when I try to unscrew them, they go only forward that half-turn, and that's it. Eventually the screwdriver just pops outta the screw.

    I even tried putting some DW40 on it, but its obviously not absorbing into where the screw-threads are.

    Any help would be appreciated - thanks!

    Have to admit, you've already tried everything I'd've suggested for doing the adjustment yourself... My suggestion would be to take the watch into a small jewellers (not an AD of any kind) and get them to re-size it for you. If you keep on it yourself, you're liable to damage your tools and/or your watch, and if the screw's head gets stripped, no one will be able to get it out. I had to do that with my Planet Ocean after trying everything I could. Might be a case of having to leave it to the professionals...

  6. Odds are that at some point you will scratch your bezel insert. Fortunatly they only cost about $30 bucks...but here's my thoughts. If your are thinking of purchasing a Planet Ocean, consider the model that has the orange numerals. That way you can alternate insert colors (black or orange) for a change if you so desire. Just my thoughts.

    Although I wouldn't want a Planet Ocean with the orange insert, I definitely see the point you mean, as the black insert appears on the models with both grey and pumpkin numerals.

  7. Sounds good. I suppose I'd better get tooled up. Can anyone suggest a spring bar removal tool that'll fit my PO Ultimate, so I can get the old bracelet off.

    I've always used a 1mm flat head jeweller's screwdriver. Admitedly, not as good as a proper removal tool, but certainly up to the task.

  8. I never used to be too keen on the GMTs but the other day something 'clicked', and I figured it might be worth getting one for sake of the collection. I have other presents to pay for before I can treat myself to anything, but, when I can, my first personal purchase will be an SS black on black GMT Master II, and I'm thinking about also swapping the bracelet for a Daytona strap. Out of curiosity, is the SS black on black a genuine color, or a only a fantasy model?

  9. I think I've got a set similar screwdriver's from a computer upgrade kit. Thanks for the detailed info. Just got to track down some good straps.

    That set should certainly do the job, providing it has a 1mm flat-nose screwdriver. Again, no problem at all, I'm glad to be of help, and ironically, re-fit a strap to a watch less than an hour ago, when I remembered I had a cheap watch I could use for new spring-pins :D

  10. Isn't it funny how it's the little things that can cheer you up the most. I was starting to suffer serious withdrawal from my Omegas, as, having broken one of the spring-pins on my project watch, I was 'reduced' to wearing my Submariner. Had it on all week, and to be honest, it didn't 'feel' right. Sure, it looked slick, but it wasn't what I wanted to be wearing. I literally just remembered the ABS 'Divers watch' I bought a few weeks back just for the amusement/novelty factor, and thought, "That has 20mm springs!" I snatched up the tools and removed the bracelet, hoping that the pins in the plastic bracelet would be thin enough to go through the rubber strap I got last week and wore for all of 24 hours before breaking a pin. The pins slid through perfectly, and I hastily put the strap back on the watch :thumbsupsmileyanim: I hadn't taken any decent wrist shots before, and as the weather is so nice, decided to make the effort, so without further ado, my beloved 2531.80 project watch. Still no-where near finished, but, in the absence of my even more beloved Planet Ocean, the watch I most want to wear :)

    Excuse the flash :)


    Mediterranean? No, Britain.


    Today's 'colors'...


  11. No problem at all, I'm glad to be of help and pass on what I've learned while here. Special tools are available for easier operation of the spring pins holding the bracelet in place, but, I'm sure your local hardware store will have a set of "Jeweller's Screwdrivers" (even a set from a Dollar Store will suffice) and the 1mm screwdriver is perfect for flicking down the sprung sections to then remove the bracelet. They are also usefull for locating the sprung sections back into the lug holes when the new bracelet/strap is fitted. If it is a leather strap, like on a Daytona, you might find it is best to insert one end of the pin, and then use the blade of a craft knife to operate the other sprung section, as that will slip between the strap and the lugs. Best of luck :)

  12. Is it available? I know in some month there will be a rubber strap for the 007 version, but won't it have 007 all over it lol?

    As far as I know, the only rubber strap currently available to the rep community is the Seamaster Rubber strap, but this is different to the straps on Planet Oceans. The differences on the Planet Ocean strap are:

    1. Notch holes are 'off-round' rather than rectangular

    2. The tongue of the buckle is 7mm rather than 10mm

    3. The printing on the inside of the strap says Omega / Seamaster Planet Ocean, rather than simply Omega / Seamaster

    4. The color is different. The Planet Ocean straps are Charcoal Grey, not black.

    As far as I know, only genuine PO straps are available, such as from Ofrei.com, and I have yet to see a PO rep with the correct strap attatched as Factory Standard.

  13. Hi peeps,

    This may be a dumb question but here goes. Is it possible to replace the bracelet on any Rolex with a strap? If so, can someone point me to a good source of suitable straps.

    Many thanks

    (frustrated Rolex loving, bracelet hating guy)

    It is most certainly possible to replace a Rolex bracelet with a strap. It's just a case of removing the spring pins in the lugs, and the bracelet is off :D As for a good source for straps, I can't really help you there as the range is soooo huge, it is probably easier to hit up Google for some suggestions... My personal suggestions, are, for a more 'elegant' look, try to get a leather Daytona strap, as they have a nice solid deployment clasp with the Rolex logo on it. For a more 'rugged' look, then the most obvious choice is a black NATO strap. Of course, there's everything out there, but I'm afraid I don't really know any good strap dealers, so my advice remains to see what you can find on Google or even eBay. Best of luck :)

  14. Hi TeeJay,

    It is ok. Based on your previous statement. It is ok, perhaps the wording of it could be fine tuned. I was not born in America. Neither are my folks. As a matter of fact, my folks are still in Asia. Taiwan to be specific. The practice of business can be differ in China vs. Taiwan, but I think it was still a tad harsh. But all is well, and I have half of eastern and half of western thoughts in my upbringing actually. Apologies accpepted if you can especially get me one of those Pilot Chronos!! :thumbsupsmileyanim::thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Hi Woody,

    Thanks for accepting the apology with the spirit it was intended with, and sorry for assuming you were born in America.

    Pilot Chrono? Not too sure what watch you're refering too. I've seen a rather nice GMT II for

  15. Bundling the business practices of 1/4 of the Earth's population into one half-glib sentence was unhlepful, but it accidentally raised an important point: Acceptable business practices may be different all over, but everyone in question by now ought to understand from long standing practice what acceptable bvusiness practives are here. .

    It was never my intention to be in any way glib about Chinese Business Practices, but to be as mindfull of cultural sensitivity as possible, while getting over (intentionally) the point that acceptable business practices are different all over, and people need to be aware of that before crying foul. For example. I have read complaints left about my dealer where people have had an issue and had to ship the goods back to China, and did not seem to understand why they had to ship them back to China rather than Canada, where the dealer lives. If those people could get it through their thick skulls that the product is not coming from Canada but coming from China, it would not be hard to understand why they have to go back to China in the event of a problem, and they would then not complain about the destination they have to ship to in the unfortunate event of a mistake. (which can happen with dropshipping)

    I'd also urge everyone who's worked with a non RWG they have come to trust to introduce them to RWG. I know a totally trustworthy guy who sells parts and a few reps on the side and have just emailed him--I haven't done so before because I thought we just about had it covered over here, but now I say the more the merrier. After all, as effecttive as the amin's new enforcement will undoubtedly be, the best way to end price fixing is good ol' fashioned competition.

    I have three potential dealers lined up who I plan to order from over the next 3 months. When I have evaluated their product and business ethic, I will be more than happy to pass on the names, but at present, I do not want to recommend people look at them as I cannot personally vouch for them, and I would not want people to think I was promoting poor dealers.

  16. Hi TeeJay,

    As a Chinese person, I find your comment to be a bit harsh. Not all Chinese business practice are of this way, as I am sure not all western business are the exact opposite. There are bad fish in the sea. Your own opinion, although based upon your own dealings, seemed to generalize all Chinese businesses, and I just don't think that is true. My parents owned a business, and they never performed such practice of do anything at all cost so that they can get your business, so I wish you could be a bit more accurate with regards to your descriptions. Based on what you said in the above post, you had drawn on your own conclusion, that all Chinese business practice are bad, all Thai and Japanese business practice are good, and we know that is not the entire truth.

    Hi Woody,

    I'm sorry if you took my comment to be harsh or offensive, it was certainly not intended to be. If I may make an observation, I see that you live in America. Would I be correct in thinking that you, and your parents were raised in America rather than China? If so, I would like to respectfully point out, that your cultural values would be rather westernized, rather than entirely Chinese in nature. If this is an incorrect assumption, then I apologize for my assumption. The point I am trying to make, is that the values of an Asian-American will be quite different to those of a Chinese person living in China. My experiences have been with people from Hong Kong who came to the UK to study, and people from Shanghai who moved to the UK as an outlet for their business (dress making) in China. While I would not like to 'tar everyone with the same brush', it has certainly been my experience (and also the experience of others) that people from China have had a very similar outlook and approach to life, which Chinese people I know who were born and raised in the UK did not have. Once more, my apologies if you took offense at my comments, I was merely trying to make people more aware of the cultural differences involved so they could better understand some of the behaviours reported. As I said to Robertk:

    I NEVER said one was good, one was bad, I said that the two are VERY DIFFERENT and what is acceptable to one group, is not acceptable to the other. That does not mean one is better than the other, it just means they are DIFFERENT. Those differences need to be acknowledged and understood so they can be anticipated and overcome.

  17. Perhaps a little more lenient than I would have been in the circumstances, but, I must admit and agree with the other comments that this is a very fair outcome. I hope the dealers in question appreciate the opportunity they have been given and will work with the mods and admin to ensure such concerns need not be raised in the future. Best regards to all.

  18. What strikes me the most is rather than uniting as a community of three strong forums (yes many of us can claim membership in all three places) we have people not wanting to make any positive change.

    Too many people afraid to post their experiences for fear of getting cut off by their supplier of rep watches.

    Guys, with a united front, w can dictate the rules of particpation and agreed business practices before we allow ANY dealer access to our fertile cash cow of rep buying fanatics.

    No one is on a wicth hunt--we just are tired of paying through the a** because a few people got greedy (the $165 Planet ocean Ultimate Versus the $238 version for example--both identical product), or because some dealers don't want to address QC issues and CS issues.

    That's all, no more, no less.

    So why aren't all three board admins coming to a united decision? If they cannot--maybe we can do this grassroots style?



    Amen to that.

  19. Yea I might end up with the SMP GMT. same thickness. Only issue is it has the display caseback but wrong color movement. I might be able to live with that.

    Boy: You are right about the Rolex stigma. Everyone in Scottsdale is walking around with a "Rolex" of which I am assuming 90% are fake! That's why I have only the LV rep (3 of them which I am trying to get perfected.

    I have kindof become an Omega guy. People recognize the brand as quality (james bond) and don't even assume they make fake ones.

    Although I am excited about a Chpard gran Turismo I have on order from Neil.....

    I read on another forum that someone's boss bought a gen Rolex, but got rid of it because his buddies kept asking if it was fake or not. The guy collected vintage Ferraris, so why they thought he'd wear a fake Rolex I don't know :D That said, as I've said a few times, I wouldn't buy any gen even if I had more money than Bill Gates, simply because I don't think they are worth the price. The most I'd pay for a watch is about $200, and that would be really pushing things. I'm such a scrooge :D

    My preference has switched to Omega as well. I agree with your point people don't even assume they might be fake, but I like them better because of the better quality clasps, clearer dials and larger hands, which make them easier to read at a glance:)

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