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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. I think it's great to see someone trying a new source, as who knows, they may come up with the goods:) Best of luck with your purchase
  2. As mentioned, this is all that is involved with this mod It's as simple as that
  3. I miss not having these two about anymore... I miss being able to wear this one:
  4. :thumbsupsmileyanim: All it needs now is some wide spoilers, some flames up the sides, and some Chip Foose wheels Only joshing, that really is a fine automobile
  5. Sorry for the late reply, bro, I would've responded last night, but I was ordered to turn the computer off for making too much noise SubbiesRock has already said pretty much everything I would have said in response to that clarification, but I will add that it's a relatively moot point if the children of immigrants are citizens or immigrants, simple because they are still part of that Immigrant Community, and due to either non-acceptance by indigenous native-born, or lack of assimilation due to parental/community influences, they can still lack cultural integration, and maintain their own cultural identity. They also still provide statistics/faces on the street to change the ethnic demographic of that host country, which was the point I was raising about the predicted change of demographics in London Absolutely spot on :victory:
  6. About 9 years ago, it was predicted that by 2010, white British-Born people would become an ethnic minority in London, representing the first time in recorded history where an indigenous population (well, as close to indigenous as can be reasonably agreed upon) has become a minority in their own country, without also suffering invasion or war. At the time, anyone who commented upon that prediction was accused of 'being racist', rather than dealing with the issues the prediction represented. It is now 2011, and while I don't have access to the statistics on London's current ethnic melting pot (and too lazy to Google them) from my last trips through the city, I would certainly say that if that prediction is not true already, it certainly will be within five years: London is an extremely cosmopolitan and multi-cultural city. In addition to the rate of immigrants arriving through the borders, one must also take into account the birth rates amongst immigrant populations. In cultures where large families are common, there is a higher birthrate than other cultures. As I said before, bro, if you were to see the town I now live in, I think you would be surprised at just how many Eastern European immigrants there are, especially compared to the smaller number that was here when I first moved to the area 7 years ago. At one point, there was a lot of Polish immigrants working in town (and they were working, not sponging off the government) but once the economy nosedived 2 years ago, lo and behold, they all left to return to Poland... Now, if that's not a sign of economically-driven migration, I don't know what is Something else which needs to be remembered, is government statistics cannot be trusted as accurate. Within the past few years, the British government has effectively owned up to not knowing precisely how many immigrants came through the borders in a year Something else which is rather disturbing, is reading the weekly Court Register in the paper. While Eastern Europeans don't make up a majority culture in town, they do make up almost half of all the court listings, which to me, just shows a lack of respect for their host country Oh to have 2nd Amendment rights You've made some very interesting points, and I agree entirely, especially with the section I have boldened. If there is specific policy, then it can then be adhered to Likewise, even though this debate was not what I intended when I first posted about the riots, I am extremely gratified to see that people have been able to discuss the issues without any offensiveness or hurt feeling The situation you describe with the LA situation, reminds me of the Polish immigrants (who have now left) as they were working crazy hours then living like peasants so they could send the majority of their money back to Poland, which was a bad thing, as it wasn't pumping that money back into the local economy... Sounds positively :group:
  7. That's the look I'm going to be going for with mine when I can start the build I would ask how you treated the bezel insert to get that effect, but I know that that is naturally aged
  8. Can't wait to get one of those straps for my Heritage
  9. And that is precisely the issue we saw with the riots...
  10. It used to be this one... But since its acquisition, I think it's safer to consider this one my True Beater (for now):
  11. I think the issue is that there are so many facets to immigration, it is all to easy for them to become blurred in discussion. I agree, it is mainly a political issue for the parties to bat around, and I quite agree about immigrants not necessarily being a strain on communities. Here in the UK, there are many businesses owned by Indian and Pakistani families, and they are run with a work ethic which puts sections of British society to shame, namely, the benefit scroungers who not only don't work, but are outright unwilling to work. I think the problem there, is when there are families where several generations have not had to work but survived on handouts, there is no incentive for the younger generations [of that same family] to think differently about work, and that is very wrong. However, to say that there is no economic grounds to the claim that immigrants 'take jobs', you really ought to see the area I live in, bro... Plenty of Eastern Europeans working in the factories, produce gathering, bar work etc, all jobs which could be given to the above-mentioned unemployed. Personally, I would love to move to America. I nearly did eight years ago, but circumstances changed and plans fell through, but if the opportunity to move to America to tattoo ever came up where I could also bring my wife, I would jump at the chance I think the issue with the asylum seekers, is that the UK is not getting any from France, Holland, Iceland or Ireland, so all those coming from Arab nations and elsewhere, simply do not meet the criteria of 'asylum seekers', and having to keep them in the UK while their status is determined (Australia would just deport them) is a drain on resources. Overall, the UK is just a mess, and I just wish I was in the situation to be able to not live here anymore... I guess all I can do is keep networking, keep practicing, and make sure that tattooing becomes successful enough for me that I can make some much needed changes in my life
  12. My First rep was this EuroFakes Submariner, which cost me about $800. The 'why', is that I'd tried on a gen Sub, and was not impressed enough by the feel of the watch on my wrist to justify the price tag, so I started looking for reps, and that was what I found. I sold it a couple of years back to help fund my wedding, and the buyer confirmed that it really did have a Swiss movement in it My current favorite... That's a hard question... My rebuilt collection revolves around the seasons and occasions/wardrobe, in that I have a DateJust which I wear with suits, a 1655 Explorer II on a custom leather cuff, which I wear more in the winter, and with more casual clothes like T-shirts, and I have a self-built Tudor Submariner on a Tropic-style strap which is my 'summer watch' (not wearing it at the mo as the keeper on the strap is on the verge of ripping ) My overall beater, is the Tudor Heritage which I'm wearing now. It's a bit big to really wear with a suit and expect to look formal, but it goes well with all other casual clothes, and when the weather gets hot, the NATO strap goes great with it If I really had to choose a favorite, and I'm sure this won't go down well with some, it would probably be my black plastic Submariner, which is simply the combination of a cheap fashion sub, with a modified Rolex dial. I say it's my favorite, because it cheers me up every time I wear it Welcome to the party, and best of luck with your future purchases
  13. Brilliant idea, they should definitely do that, but what the scum then bleat, is "If you cut my benefits, my child will starve..." so the pussy government lets them keep their benefits As above, if they don't want to live by the standards of the country which they are living in, they should be 'reminded' that they are always free to leave
  14. They have a store like this in Crawley, in the UK, it looks very much like an Apple store. I went in to see about getting my iPhone fixed, and it wasn't until they said to take it to Apple, I realized that it was just a rip-off store
  15. ie She gets paid for exposing herself, but she's not getting paid for this, and will likely not see any money from any of the publicity this generates. If she'd posted the stuff up on her facebook account, then fine, but her accounts have obviously been 'taken into custody', so the nudes must've been hacked, so that makes it an invasion of privacy... This is a bit like having a good meal and then not tipping the server (ie attacking their income) If she didn't get paid for the pics, then she's no different to any number of girls who pose for nudes, but those girls likely don't expect them to attract world-wide attention Celebrities try and keep stuff like this out of the public eye, but she's not a celebrity. Or is she...? Will this make her famous? If it does, I hope she can use the cash to turn her life around. To be honest, I'll stick with my very first answer of 'sure, why not...", I'll just also stick with my feeling that I wouldn't want pics like this of my sister getting made public knowledge, call it an unanticipated attack of conscience
  16. In terms of accuracy to the gen? Absolutely no idea whatsoever The bezel rotates quite easily, without slipping or rotating of its own volition, and the case doesn't flood when it gets wet I've never wanted to take it apart to see what might be swappable, as I always found the factory issue satisfactory
  17. As in same outsourced factories which provide parts for the gens also provide parts to the rep market? Wouldn't surprise me at all, although sadly, Tudors are still very limited in terms of which models are replicated... I guess there's just not as much demand for Tudor (in the mainstream rep market) as there is for Cousin Rolex
  18. Absolutely so, this goes back to the issue of if someone is a legitimate migrant working on a visa, someone who is genuinely seeking asylum, and those who are just trying to make a quick buck and dodging the system. As before, govenments keep a pretty tight grip on these discussions, by branding anyone who dares to think otherwise 'racist', and effectively sidestepping the issue itself. Personally, I think that is a dangerous tactic, as all the time people cannot express their opinions, they just become more and more frustrated, and more likely to become 'radicalized' in some manner, and that is where the real danger lies Absolutely, sure, by all means maintain cultural traditions as much as feasible when emigrating, but there must also be willing assimilation into the new culture. Sure, I don't expect Muslims in the US or UK to be force-fed pork, but neither would I (nor should they) expect a country to adopt an entirely different set of customs and procedings. Sure, it would be nice to see Sharia law enforced on looters, I bet they'd've thought twice if they knew they were going to lose a hand when caught stealing But equally, if I really wanted to live by that guideline, I would move to Saudi Arabia (good for road surfing ) Personally speaking, I think people should be flexible enough in their outlook to adapt where possible, without having to compromise their core values, and those who can't do that, well, there's nothing to stop them leaving the country voluntarily Then get cavity searched, sent home, and shown on Border Patrol
  19. [Edit to add] Having thought about it, I wouldn't want someone posting pics like this of my sister online, or directing attention to anything which had found its way into the public domain... Sorry, Lee...
  20. There're nudes???? :Jumpy: LINK!!!!! :Jumpy:
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