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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. :thumbsupsmileyanim: It kinda spun away from my original intention, but never mind... I think there's a huge distinction between legitimate emigration/immigration, and the kind of economic migration/bogus asylum seekers which currently plagues the UK, but sadly, the government just slaps anyone who dares question it at all with the Racism Card as a way of keeping the topic out of discussion As before though, I don't really blame the people themselves who come to the UK to sponge off the state, I blame the governments which have allowed that system to exist to be exploited, they're the ones who're really to blame, not that they'll ever be brought to account over it It just makes me laugh/weep how countries like Australia can have such vigorous immigration policies, yet the UK just seems to have an open-door policy On another note, I hope all's well with you, bro, I hope the Mercadona haven't run out of The Good Stuff yet :thumbsupsmileyanim: Put me down for an iPadII next time you 'go shopping'
  2. I think you're quite right there... "Welcome to the jungle, we've got fun and games..."
  3. Absolutely, but I wouldn't be expecting a change any time soon, as the political elite have got things so twisted, that if anyone dares to criticize 'immigration', the knee-jerk slap down they get, is "You're being racist!!!" It's nothing to do with race whatsoever, simply one of not having the resources to look after our own needy, let alone do the same for every scrounger refugee who turns up from abroad looking for a handout claiming asylum, but yet still, they will not close the doors The government complain about the amount of UK citizens claiming benefits, yet they don't create the jobs for the people to go into, or support self-employed start ups, and instead allow migrant workers to take the lower paid jobs, using the excuse that "No Brit wants to work for such low wages..." Maybe if they were actually given the choice through the jobs being available in the first place, they might actually choose to do the work, rather than just cash a dole check every week I've nothing against people who want to emigrate/immigrate to improve their lifestyle through integration into their new society and through hard work, but all these phony asylum seekers really gets to me I'll get off my soapbox on this one, as it's an issue which strikes very close to home for me and really grinds my gears. Besides, it looks like the rioting has stopped :Jumpy: :victory:
  4. :thumbsupsmileyanim: I wish it was the same here in the UK
  5. I saw a reporter wearing a Sub/GMT the other day on the news, and it looked pretty big on his wrist too
  6. Thing is though, does them going NoI in the pen actually make them worse than when they come out, or is it the situation of being institutionalized which has that effect of making them angry and racist? Not that I'm advocating NoI, but I've heard that it turned alcoholic wife-beaters into upright family guys I wish I knew, and I do finally understand the whole 'cold dead hands' red-neck manifesto, ie if people give up their 2nd Ammendment rights, then they might as well give up all Ammendment rights, including the 1st... As for how to get that freedom back, if only the UK could become the 51st State (and lets be honest, the UK is pretty much just the [censored] of Team America, so we might as well just go the whole hog and be done with it) then not only would we have constitutional rights, but things like the Blair Years wouldn't've carried on as long as they did, due to the 2 terms rule... Can you tell that I love America
  7. Maybe one of her brothers took them
  8. But once it hits Canadian post, then that is where the delays could be occurring... They may be zero communications for all sorts of reasons, but primarily, it could simply be that they have nothing to tell you, so are remaining quiet. I admit, it would be more courteous to give a token explanation of 'Canadian post is notorious for delays', but that's just how some folks are
  9. Yeah, I totally agree, the state of play in the UK really does just take the [censored]. Asylum seekers are supposed to declare themselves/seek asylum in the first friendly country they arrive in, not just keep travelling to the softest option, but I'm not seeing any asylum seekers from France, Ireland, Iceland or Holland As a result of the last government being so soft on these issues, people're now looking to far-right parties like the BNP for solutions... Personally, I don't feel that the blame wholly rests with people who abuse our systems like that, because they're just falling to the Human vice of greed, I blame the people who put the systems into place which allow them to behave thus... Sure, help those who genuinely need help, but not just every scrounger who holds their hand out and asks, because they're too damned lazy to sort their own [censored] out...
  10. Could the package have stalled in the mail system?
  11. That's just the mindset of scum like that though... I quite agree, any immigrants arrested should be deported, and any native born UK citizens given heavy sentences. It's a shame we don't have transportation as a punishment anymore. People like that clearly don't want to be a part of British society, so why keep them somewhere they don't want to be
  12. Were they Nation of Islam before they went into the pen though? I just wish we had 2nd Ammendment rights here in the UK
  13. Well, I was right in my hunch she was someone's sister They look like they keep it in the family
  14. Absolutely, bro, spot on Exactly Fingers crossed, the scum seem to have been quiet last night
  15. The thing that really pisses me off about the whole wearing of a veil thing, is it is not a religious requirement as stated in the Qur'an. I just wish more Muslims would realize this Yeah, that's what concerns me too, bro. Won't be long before we have barcodes stamped into our foreheads and being asked for 'papers' while going to the shops That'll happen once the Aliens turn up to kick our asses and we have to all stand together Hopefully won't be too long now, I just hope they bring Romulan Ale with them
  16. What's the catch? Is this going to turn out to be a relative or something? "Hell, I like you! You can come over to my house and [censored] my sister!" - Gunnery Sergeant Hartman
  17. Not stepping on anyone's toes at all, bro, you're absolutely spot on accurate there At least they've had the balls to ban the burka, which is more than can be said for the UK
  18. Can't say I consider it scary myself...
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