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Everything posted by KB

  1. But it did As to the topic, it's worrying that there are press releases about how good reps have become coming from Basel World. It makes one wonder if they are about to ramp up attempts to get to the manufactures or at least to stop the flow into the western world. Ken
  2. Dunno I haven't had any survivors yet. Ken
  3. OMG I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that studio shot BT, that's one beautiful watch you have there. Ken
  4. Done, only I hope you realise I answered as an Aussie as the survey looks to be aimed at US populace. Ken
  5. Ok here we go....... Anybody want work done? Ken
  6. Omega BA gen has blue hands as does some Pateks, Breguets and Glashuttes There are in fact many gen watches that come with blue hands and (as Freddy points out) blue screws, I would even go as far as say that if a rep was shown here that was accurate in every way except it had incorrect blue hands it would be labeled as a fantasy. Ken
  7. Very nice, please add your thought's of the watch and the transaction. Ken
  8. No they are not good places to buy from because (i) they show pic's of genuine watches and (ii) As far as I know SWI's are not replicated. Ken
  9. @Joint05 if you indeed only write a blog then I will be the first to say sorry, however I do know you have tried very hard to get many replica phones both off me and others...that suggests that you are not being totally honest about sales. @Flashman you need to understand that the Admin teams number one job is to try our best to protect our members, to this point we are constantly booting spammers and such who which to offload all kinds of junk on our membership. If there are dealers of anything on our board we want to know about it so we can at least monitor what they sell, the reference to Joint not being a supporter is just that we personally think it would be very cheap for someone to leech off our membership and not at least give a little back. Ken
  10. You see the thing is now that we just find out that Joint05 is a dealer with his own site, he has been a member here since August last year and he's not even a supporter but in all likelihood has made a few sales on the sly...yes?....now he is worried that he might be in trouble and he has come to us to try and help. Now that might be a totally wrong read but it sounds right to me. Ken
  11. Joint what is your native language? We need to get a member to talk to you in your own language because so far it's very hard to understand the problem. Ken
  12. So what do you mean by bad mail? Ken
  13. I tried Googling them and drew a blank, maybe you better tell us more. Ken
  14. Lets see... platinum member........check 2 continuous years as a member......check Powermax......Che....err Not even 1400 posts! C'mon man get to it Congrats by the way. Ken
  15. Ok there are two main methods of grading replica watches. (1) It works/It doesn't work or (2) Looks good/ Looks like shit. Ken
  16. Why does everyone automatically assume that the watch needs to be pulled to pieces? The makers aren't copying the movements they just want to make the watch look cosmetically the same, maybe in some cases this may require pulling the bracelet apart but all other measurements should be able to be taken with the watch intact. Ken
  17. It is a wonderful result and all who took part can pride themselves with the knowledge that they have honestly made a difference to the many families caught up in this massive tragedy. No amount of money will ever replace all the lost loved ones and all the irreplaceable memento's gathered, in many cases, through numerous lifetimes. What the money raised has done however is given those affected a chance to rebuild their homes and lives and put them squarely and soundly on the long road of recovery. As an Aussie from Victoria I thank you all for rallying to the aid of my fellow Victorian's, the stories that have come out of these stricken towns are truly heartbreaking, some of my own friends have told of families they knew that were totally lost, yet the time for these shocking stories have past and now is a time for healing. As to Col, I can only applaud his initiative and the following hard work to pull this combined forum fund raiser off and I would also like to point out that whilst he was at his busiest with this his own state (Queensland) was being devastated by severe flooding, so yes a herculean effort that we should all recognize. Once again these boards have shown that whilst we collect replica watches we have real hearts. Ken
  18. When I read Nanuq's initial post I got a mental image of one of these dogs shooting down a snowy street still chained to his dog kennel which is tobogganing along behind him, so yeah I was thinking along the "these dogs need to run" line too. Ken
  19. imageshack.com imagecave.com Ken
  20. Pho breathe in...breathe out... Now remember it's the red pill in the morning and the blue pill at night. Or was that the blue pill in the morning?.............erk Ken
  21. Enjoyable read and welcome to RWG nnomad Ken
  22. For all those looking for the dealer go to RWI and PM D4M, he sells them there. Ken
  23. Sorry the only one who can give you that kind of guarantee is your watchsmith. In terms of quality I have many and have not had any trouble others have a few and problems with all of them. I think you really answered your own question....get them serviced. Ken
  24. Prettier than a Fiddy Ok jokes aside she's a cutie. Ken
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