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Everything posted by KB

  1. I would just like to bring to your attention the kind of issues many dealers are suffering these days with the 'Do it my way' crowd. Just before CNY I had a PP dispute from a customer who bought a suit and jacket. I told this customer (like I do all customers) that I needed his measurements using a tape measure. To this end he gave me his waist, chest, leg length etc etc. But when he received the items they were way too large. After much back and forth he admitted the sizes he gave were wrong but I should exchange the items anyway. I do not own a factory, I purchase the items from the factory and they will only swap if they have made a mistake. I therefore offered to help him re-sell the items and then send replacements at cost...instead he started a PP dispute. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer 2; Bought a Hermes wallet and 2 LV wallets Whe he received them the Hermes wallet was the wrong colour...I agreed to exchange. He also said there was issues with the LV's so I asked for pic's. There was no visual problems with the 2 LV wallets so I ask him what the issue was. First he said they didn't sit flat...I told him they were new leather, use them a little and they would. Second he said the bottom seam was a little wide....Personally I have doubts about that but I did point out that they are replica and who will ever get to see the bottom seam of his wallet. Third (and this is the real issue) the 2 LV wallets felt different...I will admit to be quite taken aback about this...I mean not only are they replica wallets but who in their right mind would carry 2 wallets around so others can get to feel the texture of both?.....I told them there is no way they can be exchanged as they were perfectly good wallets...he started a PP dispute I also had to ban this member as he told PP about buying replica items, about my replica site and about my legitimate site, he would not have hesitated to add RWG to the damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer 3; Bought a Chanel bag and an LV bag Claimed on receipt that the black Chanel bag was grey with black spots instead of simply black and showed a high resolution pic to support his claim. He also rejected the LV bag because he claim the LV logo was wrong and showed another high resolution pic as proof. Although my sales rep and I both had issues that he was using high resolution for something that should be viewed by eye (for example the logo was right but the weight of stroked was not quite the same as gen) we agreed to re-sell the bags at a loss of around $350 and replace. The new buyer was asked to comment on the bags and to show me pic's, he claims they were fine and the pic's looked good. In the meantime the replacement Chanel reached the first buyer and he claimed again it was grey with black spots. I told him that this time we photoed the bag before sending and that I also have pic's of the originals from the second buyer....so he started a Paypal dispute! The member was also banned when my sales rep urgently told me he had mentioned RWG on the dispute. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have run my business on this board for 8 years, I have pages and pages of reviews from customers not only very happy with my goods but also those happy how I have fixed any issues that come along. However Paypal has made it clear that if you buy you can easily get your money back but simply stating 'Goods not as described' How does a seller run a business in an environment that encourages the buyers to scam? Right now I have about 30 buying requests but noway to offer Paypal. I will work my way through the list telling all that if they pay by WU I will cover the fee but at the end of the day most customers are not willing to buy unless they have that gun to the sellers head. Ken
  2. Yes I have a couple like that too, it is possible the shipping agent sat on his thumbs with your order until too late. Ken
  3. Just need to bump this as I am getting a lot of mails which I cannot process until after the 28th. Please hold off until then and I will do everything I can to look after you. Ken
  4. Anything not already delivered wont move again until after the 28th of Feb. Ken
  5. If this thread goes political it will be shut down, please respect the OP's initial posting. Thoughts with those affected by this in Denmark. Ken
  6. Just to re-afirm what MOB stated earlier, we frown on political or religious discussions here. The rule.... [6] - Anything discussions regarding politics and/or religion in anyway will be closed or deleted unless determined to be pertinent by admins/mods. Why is this? Well look straight at automatico's post deriding his own president who was elected by a majority...twice...and then tell me how this thread can possibly progress without it going to shit? Worse he even makes comments that paints himself as a Climate Change denier, so he is going to offend people all around the world. Thread closed. Ken
  7. Just to let you know I have had dealings with Demi and I can confirm that he does in fact own his own menswear store and that he is a stand up guy. Ken
  8. That's it closed until the 28th folks. Ken
  9. The whole country closes Ken
  10. Last day folks, any order not paid in the next 12 to 14hrs wont ship until the 28th. Ken
  11. Only 2 more shopping days until CNY then no goodies until the 28th folks. Ken
  12. Bob my own father is in and out of hospital at the moment, with him it's his heart so it could be any time or it could be years but what I have noticed is that when faced with their own mortality nothing brightens their day more or gives them reason to be proud and therefore happy than to have their children with them. Just being there is making a difference. Stay strong buddy. Ken
  13. I have just been told that the softgoods factories are closing for CNY on the 10th of Feb I would assume this is the same for watches so basically if you want an order and it is not completed by the 9th you will need to wait until the next shipping date around the 28th. Ken
  14. Yes as Arthur points out you will need to give your TD an alternative shipping address...and ask him to split up the order. Ken
  15. Remember it is when problems arise that our TD's prove much better than off site sellers. The number one reason our TD's earned their spot on our forum is that they showed they will look after buyers with after sales service. Ken
  16. When seized you usually get notification within 24hrs. Ken
  17. Kargo are you also suggesting that Toro never showed you those refund particulars? It is a Month ago. Ken...not Kent
  18. Well actually I have a couple of points to add. First the watch was a $138 quartz, now I am not saying what passed between you and Torro but all the members here will tell you that you wont get a very accurate watch when it is a cheap quartz...really goes without saying. Point 2 Torro says he has not only done the refund but that he has all the particulars saying that it was cleared on your side. Have you contacted your bank to try and trace it? The proof has been emailed to twotone and he will also be sending it to me so if it checks out how will you justify these two long bashing threads? Ken
  19. Just one other point, every item gets....'Handed over to customs'....it is a normal part of the process. Ken
  20. I have asked Torro to reply on one of Kargo's threads so we get both sides before passing judgement. Ken
  21. So far I haven't noticed any pattern so I think it is still very much luck of the draw. At the end of the day customs are still working on a priority list that has drugs as number 1 Replica's will be much further down that list. Ken
  22. Meanwhile downunder we are just firing up the BBQ and cracking open another tinny...... Ken
  23. well thanks for the recommendation sgtguk Ya know...1:1 belts...like maybe KB?? Ken
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