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Everything posted by KB

  1. As a seller (replica) I find it gives the buyer way to much power and incentive to hold a gun to the head of the dealer. Every single dealing I have ever had with a buyer I have set a standard well above what a normal legitimate store would and still I have had many accounts burned because someone with unrealistic expectations or an outright scammer has used the system. I am exactly one PP account away from going out of business and guess what, I have another PP dispute. Why? Well a customer ordered a bag with gold hardware and due to (freely admitted) my teams mistake received the bag with silver hardware. Customer says his wife doesn't like and can he send the bag back for a swap....I said yes Then customer says would I be willing to pay half of shipping...I said yes Then after much discussion with my sales rep I decide to make him an offer, for $15 more than his half of shipping he can keep the perfectly good bag he has and I will ship him a replacement with gold hardware, a saving of over $200. He doesn't say yes, no or maybe he starts a PP dispute! In the comments of the dispute it has become obvious that he expects the new bag or a full refund without returning the one he has...And that's a big no! Until the other bag arrives back I do not even know for sure if he is just trying to scam me. Still I have safe guards in place now so this guy is having a lot of trouble getting any sympathy from PP. Ken
  2. Sunny Melbourne here Ok stop laughing already sheesh. G'day and welcome to RWG Ken
  3. Well I would advise you to put in a formal request to the admin team before you start popping these posts up or you may find your account banned. Ken
  4. Starting at 10 bucks...I'm going to buy it and sell it for....well $25 bucks Ken
  5. Actually the email you sent is showing as deleted so I can't reply to it. However I do have Goyard wallets and card holders. Ken Edit; That should read PM, I have no email message.
  6. Welcome to the team Mike You're new so I'm afraid you have to shout the bar Ken
  7. @jpc please take no offence, if you stick around you will find we are a nice bunch of people it's just we know the damage PP disputes do to our hobby so we are super sensitive to them. Ken
  8. Ok guys enough already, he made a mistake and he has rectified it now leave him be. Ken
  9. @jpc thank you for being reasonable if the dealer does not come to the table on negotiation contact me by PM and I will talk to him. Ken
  10. Because a PP dispute against a replica dealer means burning his account, which means he can't offer PP to the very many buyers who don't fly off the handle filing disputes. Ken
  11. The go to man was always Narikka but i don't think he is in business anymore. I don't sell them so don't ask me. Ken
  12. I hate PP disputes they are either signs that one party expects every thing to work according to their own expectations or outright scamming. To the OP you have been guilty of the first case, there is so many other steps, including more discussion with the dealer, before going to PP. All you achieve is ruining the whole game for everyone else. My advice is to drop the dispute immediately and if the dealer remains unresponsive and you are certain you have been done wrong by contact an Admin team member as all dealers are on this board because they have shown they are willing to address issues. It would also help if you show the pic that you find not up to scratch it may turn out to be nothing more than camera angle. Ken PS I also missed the pic, but again communication between customer and seller is the key
  13. No All packages in all transit points through-out the world always go through 'Handed over to customs' the only time to worry is if you receive a letter from customs. Ken
  14. Congrats Germany. My pick the Netherlands seems to always be the bridemaids. Ken
  15. who have you sent the emails to? Our Admin has been away for a while so it's best to contact another team member. Ken
  16. Guys since posting this there has been a slight turn around in sales but the important thing to keep it going is reviews. My happy customers out number my reviews by 10 to 1 yet most buyers read my reviews before coming to me. If you have bought and like the whole process and of course item then a short review will do more to help than anything else. Ken
  17. Well I'm stunned, I'm surprised, I am simply lost for words. But how about.....This thread is 8 years old! Ken
  18. No I don't have triangular shipping sorry, I will ship to Germany but there is a fee to do so. Italy and Switzerland can also be difficult but again I will ship there with an added fee. Ken
  19. Don't cry for me Argentina the truth is I score with my hands..... Ken
  20. Some say, others do Stu is obviously a doer. Congrats Sixx. Ken
  21. Thanks fraggle but I do have a working PP now. Ken
  22. Australia Yeah ok it was a joke Probably Brazil but I would love to see The Netherlands win. Ken
  23. @Gen TLe the problem is that PP stores all details now including URLs This means changing the site name will make no difference, it also means neither I nor my sales rep can hold another PP account, to get one we actually need to get someone else to set it up. Ken
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