As a seller (replica) I find it gives the buyer way to much power and incentive to hold a gun to the head of the dealer.
Every single dealing I have ever had with a buyer I have set a standard well above what a normal legitimate store would and still I have had many accounts burned because someone with unrealistic expectations or an outright scammer has used the system.
I am exactly one PP account away from going out of business and guess what, I have another PP dispute.
Well a customer ordered a bag with gold hardware and due to (freely admitted) my teams mistake received the bag with silver hardware.
Customer says his wife doesn't like and can he send the bag back for a swap....I said yes
Then customer says would I be willing to pay half of shipping...I said yes
Then after much discussion with my sales rep I decide to make him an offer, for $15 more than his half of shipping he can keep the perfectly good bag he has and I will ship him a replacement with gold hardware, a saving of over $200.
He doesn't say yes, no or maybe he starts a PP dispute!
In the comments of the dispute it has become obvious that he expects the new bag or a full refund without returning the one he has...And that's a big no! Until the other bag arrives back I do not even know for sure if he is just trying to scam me.
Still I have safe guards in place now so this guy is having a lot of trouble getting any sympathy from PP.