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Everything posted by KB

  1. Well Rod console yourself with the knowledge that had you not helped to identify him he may have hit a few more houses in your street, even yours, so stuff the ungrateful neighbour and think of it as a community service. Ken
  2. For a start Juan I don't get personal about your idealism (regardless of how misguided it is) but with your belief that chargebacks is a legitimate avenue when trading with our dealers, it is not, clear that thought from your head because we don't want to lose our dealers because of your lack of patience. Unless a dealer say's "I have your money so stuff you Jack!" then we need to see some proof of a scam before you start any actions, Paypal gives you 45 days to launch a chargeback use them not one or two weeks! No I don't think asking Chinese dealers/factories to adapt to our western ways of trading as unreasonable but as one who has persistanly tried to do just this for the past two years I do see it as unrealistic. Maybe you find my use of the term idiot a bit strong, I assure you there are many on these forums that would use far worse terminology especially when a little research on our board will show you that you have jumped straight into the middle of a very sensitive issue we have here, however remember this if you do ever file a Paypal dispute against a dealer they will all blackball you.....then you will only have the scam sites to buy from. Ken
  3. Juan it seems you like to use very many words to say very little, therefore let me condense all this for you... There are many reason for this, a good one is the volume they have to process, but at the end of the day they have a product we want....It's their way or the highway....simple. In three separate posts on the first page Watchmark refers to the fact that the OP's payment will be refunded directly to him so in fact watchmark in agreeing to send the watch is doing so for free and he is placing his trust in the OP to remake the payment when his funds are returned, you wont find another dealer willing to do that....no scrub that....Walmart wouldn't do that! Surely you don't believe you can make such open ended comments without having any real experience? I have been dealing with the point of sale factories for two years now and all I can say is save your expectations and beliefs until you have walked a mile in my shoes. Trading with Chinese is totally different to anything you will find in the west but rule number one is regardless of how much blame falls on the factory with a wrong or damaged order they must never lose money, the will break even by making the customer ship the item back but they will not ever cover the cost of the return or reship postage. Yes the customer who will initiate chargebacks without any reason to believe they have been scammed is an idiot or just plain selfish because the end result is Paypal accounts frozen/closed which in turn means other members have to use alternative methods to pay these dealers at an extra cost to themselves.........much there in common with how insider trading is stealing off other stock holders.....the difference here though is members forced to use say WU could be paying an extra $30 per transaction each because of one idiot instead of the pennies in the dollar that you would see in the market. Ken
  4. You my friend have chosen the wrong hobby, it's the idiots and their chargebacks that has caused many problems for the dealers (and by extention members) of this and the other rep forums. Ken
  5. Hey big congratulations Kostas, welcome to the life of a Daddy Now get some sleep because theres precious little when he gets home. The best to your wife and little boy. Ken
  6. As Pix stated as much as we all like it it just slows the site down too much. Ken
  7. Before taking the steps outlined by Freddy may I ask was a refund offered? The dealer may in fact be in the process of replacing the goods as very few like to go the refund route. Ken
  8. Actually Lani Eroutimes is the collector based in Thailand who is geared up for Europe, Watchmark is based in Gaungzhou and sells everywhere like other collectors. A question for the OP...Why did your bank freeze his account, was it something you wrote on the payment? Unfortunately when we talk of frozen PP accounts it is fortunate that you get a refund at all let alone a 20 day wait. Ken
  9. Thanks for the help on this buddy, I should be back online full time tomorrow but have pity on me.......I'm using vista Ken
  10. As a bloke who has had a gtg with offshore I can testify that yes he is indeed a classy guy. Ken
  11. I was going to guess a Rolex.....is that too obvious. Ken
  12. Dani it is not a case of others not daring to speak of these subjects it is more that they recognize that this is primarily a watch forum and they follow our rules. If you want to break rules then you need to be prepared for the consequences. Also I don't take kindly to be called a liar, it's possible I may have clicked on this thread earlier but for one reason or another (incoming PM or Email) I did not read through the entire thread until just before By-Tor locked it. Ken
  13. Well I can't speak for the rest of the team but I, at least, am doing something! I'm eating lunch.........now rack off and stop bothering me. Ken
  14. @Dani for someone who has a penchant to go around starting flash fires everywhere you certainly get very opinionated, maybe if the mod team didn't have to play fireman and follow you around we would have more time to monitor some sales. As it is By-Tor has stated that he shut the thread down when he noticed it, I will add I was also in the process of locking it (but beaten by By-Tor) as I had only noticed it at the same time. To moderate a board of this size is a full time job being done by part time members, we just don't have the staff to monitor every sales thread. That is something an Admin member from another board (@star) should know too. Ken
  15. Dani Chads watch had AR no other mods. Mickey's first post was in no way a thread crap (read it) the seller just responded badly and it snowballed from there. Ken
  16. Yes Victoria he posted a lovely thank you to the community and he is still logging in on a regular basis. Ken
  17. Is it just the cyclops or is there something wrong with the dw font as well? Agree with the above the lume looks unusually shiny. Ken
  18. Whats more it was only one exhibit, if you look at the vid most people seem to be steering clear of it altogether. Yes TJ pigs need sunscreen as they don't have fur to protect their skin from the sun but as one that has lived on a farm I can tell you that sunburn (other than itching) doesn't bother pigs it is more the concern of skin cancers and such that makes the farmer use the cream. Ken
  19. Thanks Puggy I knew if I waited long enough you would come up with something that would make me feel not quite as bad about this. Also on the bit about the tats on the pig's, yes it's wrong but I seriously doubt they feel much (if any) pain from the process due to their thick hides, I think people are equating it to the pain a human feels but for the pig's it is probably more like scratching an itch. It also looks like those pigs are living a pampered life, will they in fact even be slaughtered? Ken
  20. Well imagine that If he had invented an alternative fuel source for automobiles one could assume it was an OPEC inflicted cancer, but the watch industry isn't that cutthroat.........................................is it? Ken
  21. I get concerned when I see members make excuses for these high prices, we need to understand that the guys selling us these watches are not the same ones who make them, it is the factories that are turning out a better product and even if this is at the beck of dealers close to them it doesn't warrant the obscene price we are paying. I know for a fact one of our biggest dealers sold one of my customers a HBB fast beat with AR and ceramic for under $350 when they were still extremely popular. Ok this customer was a big purchaser of watches but we all know that the dealers would never sell at a loss, so look at the profit margin on that one watch alone and equate that to the hundreds of watches these guys sell a Month......greed is a terrible thing. Ken
  22. It's from some Internet game I think, it's certainly not good English. Ken Edit; yep here you go....... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_your_base_are_belong_to_us
  23. Don't worry it is a private enterprise and nothing to do with replicas. Ken
  24. No, I've already moved to another thread sorry Ken
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