After much trial an error I have come to the belief that it is physically impossible for me to look at Puggys "I have a bucket" pic's without laughing.
And BTW guys it is not a seal, nor is it a walrus, it is in fact a sea elephant..........................and a bloody funny one at that
Ok folks just waiting until Thomas logs in, and I should point out he was having a lot of trouble with his personal computer, but when he does log on we will get to the bottom of this.
I can not believe I have just read the entire thread where a bunch of "Go out and kill something for dinner dear" guys are talking about laundry
Hang on scrap that I just remember I sell handbags
Deve I'm sorry my friend but you are really drawing a long bow there, if Klink has any problem at all about the "Little white lies' thread it is because of what it means to Josh and Andrew and not wether Neil gained any benefit.
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Simple the vertical black lines are not parallel and so the dimensions of the parts in the top triangle are in fact different from the ones in the bottom triangle.