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Everything posted by KB

  1. Well the pic clearly indicates that Kate is still a commoner.... Ken
  2. Is this an Auto? If so the only way you will keep it running once you take it off is with a winder. Ken
  3. "Don't worry little one she is only polishing the royal sceptre" Ken
  4. Looks like he cut a chunk out of an airplane dash and put a strap on it. Ken
  5. Gotta admit the Pam307 floats my boat. Beautiful pic's, great find. Ken
  6. Hmm...wondering if there would be a market for lead lined watch cases? Ken
  7. Like Pete says you are on a winner with Reg, if there is something you want to know about the watch ask him and you can be sure to get an honest answer. Ken
  8. At the end of the day you simply have to say is the gen DLC or PVD... Ken
  9. At some point a man or woman who chooses to serve in the Army, Airforce or Navy have written their country a blank cheque for the amount up to and including their lives. In Flanders’ Fields In Flanders’ Fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders’ Fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders’ Fields. LEST WE FORGET Ken
  10. Big congrats buddy. I always make sure to read CS posts as nothing can brighten your day quicker. In honor of reaching the 5K milestone a couple of links to CS classics... Here's a "I told you first!" Ken
  11. Wow that a very kewl self portrait Dave. Ken
  12. Yes Rima I remember these sweeping quartz with micro-stepper being sold years ago, I never saw one in action so I will just have to take the word of the sellers on this. As to your second question, it's a pretty safe bet. Ken
  13. No no you misunderstood me, the tatt is visible in the first pic...I just wanted to scroll down a bit more. Ken
  14. Something wrong with that link T, it stops just below here knee. Ken
  15. Actually someone else did this a very long time ago, it's a great idea for traveling as you know your watches will be safe from any rough handling. Ken
  16. I doubt it, he is a gen watchsmith I don't think he would assemble a rep but he will service them. Ken
  17. Is Dandenong Victoria any good for you? Ken
  18. You're glad you found us.....and so are we! Congrats. Ken
  19. Hang tight Bill someone who knows this stuff (not me) will be along eventually. Ken
  20. Just thinking about the fireproof angle. Do these safes have room numbers actually stamped on them? Imagine the hotel burns to the ground and all you have is these couple of hundred unmarked safes, you had a cell phone and a few odds and ends in yours but the first one they open in front of you has Daves couple of grand and wifes jewelery..."yep thats mine!" Ken
  21. KB


    Relaxman is too drunk....the dial is on the other side. Ken
  22. We need this guy at RWG, someone show him a watch. Ken
  23. BTW I read an interesting article in a travel mag at one point which stated that whilst some hotels may offer cheap accommodation there were many hidden charges that get added whether you use them or not. A safe was one of those charges, so when booking a room you need to make a point of no safe if you don't intent to use it. Ken
  24. I'm guessing (I'm no rocket scientist) that where ever there is current there is also a strong chance of a magnetic field, so no I wouldn't be putting a watch in there. Ken
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