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Everything posted by HauteHippie

  1. Guys, run 3 (double sided) is a few days away from being sent to the coater. Then we're doing a single sided only run... So we'd be a few weeks away from forming another double sided coating run. But, as always, the signup thread will be in the Repair & Upgrade section of the forum.
  2. Lacquer thinner. Click the link to the AR Coating FAQ in my signature for my method.
  3. Not unless you remove the Swedish girl stuff from your signature or reduce the font size.
  4. All 3 that were in run 2 did this. But none of the three had it stripped. If The Zigmeister has stripped the old coating, you should be fine. The stripping is not difficult.
  5. You might have seen the many pictures from flav of watch crystals he reassembled from the 2nd AR run. If not, follow the link to the pics in my signature. The run went very well accept for three Navitimer crystals. Apparently the Navitimer has a light coating of some sort (visible or not). During the AR run, my coater was unable to detect this coating prior to applying the new AR. The chemical reaction of the new AR on top of the old AR resulted in the Navi crystals turning a yellow color as opposed to the normal blue. Big disappointment for the owner of these crystals, but unavoidable. I do suspect that stripping of the rep AR coating would be possible, however. And now we know it is necessary. FYI Chief
  6. Ditto and enough said. The Zigmeister, thanks again for the education. The Technician should thank you as well, unless of course he's out of business now.
  7. Kruzer (I assume) is going to be giddy!!!
  8. Yep. Economics shmeconomics I say. Personal satisfaction is the name of the game.
  9. Yes that's my watch and I removed the AR coating on the crystal myself. Piece of cake.
  10. I'm glad you all like the results. Very interesting to know about the difficulty stripping this coating. That says volumes about its real durability. A couple hours of scrubbing with steel wool and chemicals is impressive. And to put that in perspective, I have stripped the rep AR coats in about 3 minutes with lacquer thinner and light scrubbing with 3/0 steel wool... So, everything my AR supplier has told me about the coating has been right on the money.
  11. Sometimes the USPS really amazes me. That was super fast! Glad you like the results!
  12. Welcome back. You missed a decent fireworks display.
  13. Hot damn!!! Another mouth watering Daytona!!!! Congrats on the fine piece, reelamore.
  14. swdavid, great news! I don't want to rain on this at all, but I've talked today to a TiAlN coater and that 180-200 price range is orders of magnitude higher than what I've been quoted. Now, the place I've talked with won't do the bead blasting and this is a big issue as it relates to the sheen of the finished product. But I can't imagine the bead blasting itself is responsible for the tremendous price difference. Perhaps we should talk offline. PM me if you'd like.
  15. Flav you're a gen maniac!!!
  16. Lello, having been there myself with the cyclopes, I would say that projects of this nature which have long production times require prepayment by those interested.
  17. Most politicians start out as young idealists who go down the path of thinking they can make a difference and by the time they realize what you've so eloquently articulated about the realities of politics, it's too late for them - or the greed and hunger for power has already got them in its grips. Now, my President can have all the affairs he wants, but if he'll go so far as to lie under oath, well then he deserves whatever comes to him. Me, I say politics as usual needs to be squashed. I'm going to have to temporarily relinquish my independent voter status so that I can cast a ballot in the primary.... Ron Paul for President! (Assuming Ubi decides not to run)
  18. No, but President perhaps. After watching "highlights" of the Donkey's Thursday night debate, it is clear to me that Ubi is far brighter than any of the candidates currently seeking nomination.
  19. We want you back, Ubi. We just won't stand for this distancing stuff!!!
  20. Pop an ETA into a VIPmariner, and you've got a great starting point for modding. The only real drawback to it is the lousy crystal, and I bet the MBW crystal won't fit.
  21. "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit" (John 12:24).
  22. Cyclops first, then AR coating... Hopefully you get that 063 back - those old school 2892s are the best. Just let me know your final count whenever you figure it out. This run looks to be a go. Thx.
  23. Tell us about it. We love Ubi stories.
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