Yes, let's talk statistics. Excellent. Let's talk about where the murders in the United States are taking place... Washington DC, New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles have the strictest gun control policies in the United States, and YET they suffer from the highest murder rates in the United States. But how can this possibly be!?!? Oh, because illegal gun ownership is included in your percentages. OK, so, what are the effects of less gun control? Again, we must look to the numbers to discover the answer. In 1999, 824 people died from firearm accidents, while the defensive use of guns saved approximately 400,000 lives, in most cases without even wounding the aggressor. The more you look at statistics the more they tell the real story of gun control's toll on everyday American life... And it's not good. However, if you can't quite grasp the concept of guns saving lives, consider how criminals would react to a sign on your lawn saying, "This home is a gun-free zone." On the otherhand, take note that when select counties in the US have mandated home owners own a firearm (yes, it has happend) that home invasions in those counties plumeted by 90%. And it only makes sense.