At the moment, the H factory is better.
The bezel on the H is wrong and when compared
to the N factory.
The N factory has some major issues at the moment!
The lume on the Noob is not superluminova, almost no lump at all..
The crystal on the noob is not's foggy compared to the H 243
The bezel on the noob is perfect and correct, where the H bezel looks weird
compared next to the noob.
The Crown Guard is better on the Noob.
I will post some actual comparison shoots that were done last
week. I have shots of the 243 noob vs the 243 H.
You will be able to see for yourself. The noob factory is not
being sold much, as the problems have to be settled. In the end,
The Noob will win hands down.
I will see you guys tomorrow the actual pics we took!