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Everything posted by Craytonic

  1. Thanks, glad to hear it fit and all you had to do was cut off the feet.
  2. wow, very impressive. I take it the TWG dial went in without any problems or size issues then?
  3. you might check ebay, lots of aftermarket parts there.
  4. Wow, high roller. I draw the line with my jacob & co. bling. But I do permit myself one on each wrist and one on the neck. With 5 timezones on each that is 15 timezones. Nothing says "I'm Ritch, [censored]!" like that.
  5. gen bezel insert MBW case Gen crown & Tube Gen springbar Gen crystal? (where the hell did you get it?) If you decide to sell this one I call dibs
  6. You could always just bend the swan neck on the current one? Just an idea. Was just looking at the back of my 111h and the movement looks mighty fine, just need to bend that little dude a tad.
  7. Looks like it. Wonder why they didn't fix the "sword" on this one as well. Seems like there was some issue with the bluing on his screws v. others; be sure to check before you buy. Also wonder why that movement is in that watch?
  8. Oh I was doing some testing of the casino way back and got lucky in finding a few bugs, of which I informed the admins; kept it there to keep testing but figured I could flash some cash now that it is being removed permanently
  9. As said above, you will probably have good luck as long as there is no AD attached. Work is work, your money will put food on the table just as well as anyone else's money so you are probably ok. Just ask.
  10. Could you clarify what you mean by "here"? Perhaps establish some limits? Do you mean the internet? This site? This forum? This thread? Your post? It appears you mean in your post, but none of us can post in your post! If I could post in your post I would post, but I can't because the system won't let me.
  11. Funny I was just thinking that about your avatar.
  12. I like the sub best, datejust if you are older. Most people think the datejust is more expensive than a sub, even though it is not. You consider getting a used one, perhaps off timezone? You might save a grand or so. If you are just going to wear it every day no harm in one that has been worn a week or two. People here can confirm it is real in .02 seconds flat.
  13. Let me add I wish you the best of luck; the price may be right for some if you can guarantee a speedy delivery. Maybe it will come down some after your initial set-up costs are gone.
  14. grief... I hope the dealers have some sort of email list with each other going so they can pass around paypal, shipping, etc info on clowns like this.
  15. I received the two I ordered at that price. Not trying to attack you setting up shop, but $170 additional overhead seems kinda steep to me.
  16. Amen to that! I spend about 4 minutes there and then close all windows in disgust. Could it really be that hard to upgrade... Mabye the just don't want to "replicate" the ease-of-use of the replica forums.
  17. Luckyyy was actually doing less than that if you asked him for help due to the high WU fees. I'm just surprised the shipping cost is more than $30 I guess, since apparently that could be knocked off with no problem and profit remaining. Cray
  18. I think people wait for the second revision in lots of products if they have doubts about the first... for instance I refuse to purchase any computer not made by apple and would like a new powerbook (even though the current one is not even a year old). But, I have one that works so I passed on the new intel-based one to wait for the second version; get the bugs out. Lots of us have many reps we are quite happy with. It seems normal to develop a "wait and see" attitude at some point. After a collection gets big enough, the "must have now" attitude fades.
  19. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/cowswithguns.php Flash movie on cows. somewhat humerous. Fits with thread title.
  20. You can't put gen parts on a modern MBW either; just the classic ones.
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