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Everything posted by Craytonic

  1. If you had no money in bank but cash (not in bank) I believe you kept it. I would suggest resetting ALL cash on hand and ALL bank cash seperately.
  2. Yeah I went from richest to poorest in .02 Bring back the casino, need to gable.
  3. Where can I get that watch? I need it for work. Gran hope you got the 500K I sent you earlier today.
  4. I'm burning muh mystery money in a big heap. Anyone else want some? Even the mods have high roller accounts!
  5. Esmarc is a Billionare too! Oh my!! More bourbon!
  6. welcome to the millionare's club.
  7. Patek or Cartier w/ a nice black crocodile band.
  8. lol, didn't thank me for the first 500k! well sent you another 500k. Welcome to the millionaire's club.
  9. Most people that sell have big rep collections so anything they sell is like new so they keep value, also no customs worries if in the US. You can get a nice submariner rep new from many for $100.
  10. 20 members reading... wow. I just want to not sometimes cyclops come incorrect from the factory. I just bought a MBW, not cheap, arguably the best rep for a sub, and the cyclops and laser etching were not properly alligned. Sent it to joe to fix, each is a _seperate_ service from him. I think in this case both were not purchased?
  11. No they filmed the 3rd season! PS how do you tell when/who tries to steal your $?
  12. To clarify that it was contingent on namor returning the watch to Joe.
  13. I believe he is replying now. His response, which I attempted to paraphrase, seems legitimate and hopefully will be from the horses mouth soon. I understand this concern and specifically pointed him to the thread in our converstaion so he could reply - he was very upset to be criticized while sick so keep hitting refresh. I just figured many people would want to have an update since no one has heard from him for a week or two.
  14. Spoke to joe for 1/2 an hour a few minutes ago. See my thread. He is no scammer in my book. I paid a lot too but it is worth it to me. Everyone has to evaluate for themselves.
  15. Everyone, I just talked to joe on the phone for more than 1/2 an hour. I brought him up to speed on everything and talked to him for a bit about his medical problems. We have never really spoken much before, but he was returning my call about some work I sent in a few weeks ago and we ended up talking for quite a while. Joe has 140-150 watches currently, but many of them waiting on parts. He is working on them now, but slowly due to his illness - he finished two today. He has also halted accepting new work. He is legitimately suffering, and suffering badly from asthma. He has alergy asthma, is on an inhaler and several other medications, & has an infection in his lungs (but is taking antibiotics). He probably is suffering from sleep apnia and is scheduled to go in to the hospital for a night so they can monitor his sleep. He is currently sleeping 3-4 hours a night, and even that is poor sleep. He also has several other medical problems that stem from the asthma and difficulty breathing - it is basically a catch 22. Speeking to him made me very thankful for my good health. His problems stem from having cancer at age 21. He sounded well, but is definitly short of breath. I have every reason to believe, after speaking to him, that his condition is legitimate. I also fully believe everyone will receive their watches back with quality work. We both emhasized the need to spend the needed time on each watch instead of rushing through all the work. It is better to get the watch a little late than to get it sooner but with lower quality. We spoke about namor briefly. The problem on the bracelet came that way from King. Joe said he paid $140 to fix it via palpatine. I am not sure of the details since this is just word of mouth, but I believe Joe did everything he could to fix the problem, including offering to have namor send the watch back for a full refund, which namor declined because of customs. Joe feels this was likely a case of buyer's remorse when namor discovered palpatine charges lower prices, but Joe pointed out that he does more work to each watch, and his prices have been known for quite some time. Joe is also respoding to namor directly in that thread. Wish I had more to share. Please don't shoot the messinger if you are one of the nay-sayers here; I am just conveying our conversation. I personally was a little skeptical when I didn't hear from Joe for a while but I have every reason to believe that he is very sick now but will be getting better. He is still working some and I believe, and Joe assured me, that everyone will eventually get their watch, and the work will be quality. He emphasized that his time is better spent working on watches than posting, so if you dont' see him for a bit that is why. Thanks joe for getting back to me despite your illness, I have faith in you and your work and know you will finish my watch as soon as you can. Everyone, please pray for his health. Cray
  16. I slip those in every time I play at the RWG casino... damn dealers there are blind as bats!
  18. eep its all dirty money. No one gets any till it goes through the laundry a few times. Hopefully the bank or tax man can help.
  19. Easy come easy go... I can spot you a few billion if you need it ;-)
  20. To quote the wu-tang clan, as featured on the Chapelle Show.... "Diversify yo bonds, bitches!"
  21. wow, that casino has deep pockets. Still hasn't closed its doors. I feel terry benedict may be coming after me soon...
  22. It is also a federal offense... destroying/defacing currency.
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