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Everything posted by jiro

  1. Damn~ V....those are some dings right there~ LOL I have one major scratches on my PO bracelet.... How did it happened?.... This perverted asshat was keep touching my fiancee's hip while we were at dance floor.... She gave me a look and as soon as I saw him doing that.....I snapped.....I'm no touch guy or anything but when it's need to be done, I get it done.... After knocking this asshat on the floor, I saw this major scratches on my bracelet......which made me even more MAD!!!!!!!!!! But by that time, security came and kicked us all out from the club...... I probably can get this scratches out with a cape cod but I'm leaving it like this to show my fiancee whenever she doesn't listen to me..... "Look what I've done to my watch to protect you!!!!".....then she listens.......works every damn time~ hehehe
  2. I was wondering the same thing.....luckly I can read japanese....
  3. What about my Tona?! Are you dissing my lovely Tona?!! How dare you!!! j/k~ Sub is from king and the yachtie's from BK. Thanks for the compliments~
  4. Thanks guys! and thank you pug for letting me post on your section~!
  5. Frrrrrriday!!!!!! Sattttttttttttttturday!!!!!!!!! :punk: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSunday!!!!!!!!!!!! :punk: Make it a rollie weekend....Yeah...... :punk: :punk: :punk: :punk:
  6. Nice Tonas my friend~
  7. damn....you guys making me hungry..... .......oh....nice watches btw.....
  8. Wow....great watch....Fantastic pictures!!! it sure doesn't look like you needed my help though~ hahahaha You already know how to take EXCELLENT picture my friend...... ......now.....teach me, master!!!
  9. Here are some of the results by using same method on tutorial part 1~ enjoy~ Before After Before After Before After Before After
  10. Oh, and here's another very easy to use tip that should come in handy~ It's called "Dust & Scratches" Filter tool ya, "dust & scratches" filter tool comes in very handy when there's unwanted dust or little scratch on the dial or etc... Here's a little tutorial of how to use "Dust and Scratches" Filter Tool in case some of you guys are wondering what it is... Here's a close up shot of my 005...and there happened to be some dusts on the dial. First, select the necessary area and go to... Filter -> Noise -> Dust & Scratches... I usually use 4~5 radius to remove small dusts like these while leaving the threshold to zero at all time. Notice that little white dust is gone? Repeat the same process on all the neccesary areas. But this time you don't have to click on filter, noise, dust&scracthes... Just select the area and press "Ctrl + F" to repeat the last Filter Action. It will save whole lot of time! And Here's the result after getting rid of all the dusts on dial. Neat~ eh? LOL And of course, you can always take it a little further and do those steps in part 1 of my crappy tutorial to enhance it a little bit. Here's a shot of before being photoshopped for better comparison~! Cheers~
  11. Hi, I have recently been asked by a lot of members from all forums how I take pictures...and what kinda camera I use....etc.. And every time, I tell them...."It's not the camera...it's how you take the picture and what you do with it after you took it." Since our photo geek member pugwash has already posted many threads about "how to take good pictures"....I'm going to mainly focus on what to do when you want to enhance your picture. I know...I'm no pugwash or by-tor but I'm doing this for all those people who are struggling with their photo technique. I'm not going to cover the advanced level technique which i'm not even too good at.... It will be mostly basic technique which will come in very handy for many members. A lot of members already know how to take good pictures....but at the same time a lot of them don't seem to know how to enhance their pictures when it's needed. So...here I go~! If you're a photoshop friendly members like pug or by-tor.....you probably don't wanna read all this crap I'm about to write~ First of all, you will need a program called "Photoshop" Latest version is Photoshop CS but I'm using version 7.0 which is slightly older version than CS...but it still does the job. Already have one? good! Don't have one? Go get it, it's worth every damn penny....or borrow from someone you know if you can. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jiro's "How to enhance your picture" Part 1 -Basic- Have you ever took a picture and the color came out all off and wrong? .....yes, we all have...haven't we... This is probably the most common and most basic enhancement you can do when that happens. Here we have a picture of beautiful Daytona... See anything wrong with the picture above?.....yes...color is off.....way off....not even funny.... The most simple solution to fix the color in most cases are the "Auto Color" function under the Image Tab. Image -> Adjustments -> Auto Color BAM~! See how much difference that simple button makes???? HUGE~! Next, I want that black dial to pop out a little more. Click and hold on the "Lasso Tool" and change it to "Magnetic Lasso Tool". And carefully, go around the area that you want to select..... Let's get the right contrast first... Image -> Adjustments -> Auto Contrast Now, let's get that level adjust to make the black dial pop out a little. Image -> Adjustments -> Levels... I will go ahead and change the first input level from 0 to 20. All done. Here are the "before" and "after" comparison pictures... *Before* *After* Cheers~!
  12. haha, sorry that i can't be much help here V~ since i haven't had DSN pam yet....but yes, I have heard people saying about that hard to mount bracelet issue....good luck to ya~ I'm sure other experts will chime in and give you a good advice~
  13. Wow~ I think you take some awesome pictures~! You just need to work on your light a little bit like you mentioned~ or you can always use photoshop to fix those wrong colors.... Here's how two of your pictures would look after correcting the color by using photoshop...... Again, you take very good picture~ You will get there in no time my friend~!
  14. Thanks for all your kind words guys~! much appreciated~! My next wishlisted rep is Tag carrera black dial with silver sub dial....
  15. HEAVY METAL today~!
  16. Tona Today~
  17. Why you.....now my fiancee wants that shoes she's wearing!!!!!! Lovely lady there my friend~ keep her happy~ ...... ............I know I am....since I'm taking mine out to the neiman macus tomorrow to buy that freanken shoes!!!(it's all your fault gio! lol ) ......what....this is gonna be her....like....50th shoes?.....I'm telling you....girls with their shoes......never ends.....
  18. oh my...thanks coolfire....but it's not even close to by-tor's pictures~ I have a lot more to learn~
  19. Now THAT'S some Funny [censored] bro!!!!!!!
  20. Oh~ the Yuckiemaster~! :yucky:
  21. There's a huge disaster going on at Greece right now........ Almost half of their country's been burned under the biggest fire man kind ever had..... And it's only getting worse even at this very moment.... More than 60 people died....Hundreds are injured.... ........... ........ ...... My prayer goes to all of the people in Greece......May god have mercy on you...... http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/08/27...s.ap/index.html
  22. I second what v said.... You have one beautiful daughter, my friend~ Who cares if it fits or not when she's that cute! let her wear whatever she wants!
  23. Wow, Great job on making that strap yourself! You sure do have one hell of a talent my friend. And this picture.... That is some serious picture right there!!! Kudos to you!
  24. @Phantom: Damn~! That's a great story! hahaha That dude got spanked by you big time, huh? Good for you!
  25. You serious, gio? a guy at AD? wearing a rep? wow....now that's messed up....
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