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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. IMHO, the Ingy Chrono is leagues more classy than the Oysterquartz. The problem with that one is the seconds at 6 A7750 mod that makes it...similar to the Portuguese movements (with the subdials at 12 and 6 not at 3 and 9). Look for the posts on this movement linked in my Noob Guide or in the Reviews post in the Supprters area. I love that Ingy chrono.
  2. Welcome aboard. You just found yourself the most knowledgeable and helpful watch forum around...gen or rep. If you want to see the potential out there...looking through the main brand areas and look at the pinned reviews, guides to models, etc and you'll start to see the better reps available. Look particular models you're interested in using the Search feature located near the top-right corner. You'll find there are quite a number of AP ROOs out there...with some more accurate than others (e.g. Seconds at 12 models)...but with potential issues on the movement (not major with the seconds at 12). Read my Noob Guide linked in my Signature and that will get you an idea of what the forum is all about...will answer most of the questions you have and get you ready for making a purchase...and what to expect from the watch...how to maintain it and keep it running. Remember...if you're not used to mechanical watches...even the gens are finicky and require proper care and feeding. Welcome aboard...read, search, learn and share your experiences back with the forum.
  3. I second Elvis above!!! You're going to get a lot of PMs from people asking where this guy is. You should ask if it's alright to pass on his name by private messages (not posted on the forum) to people looking at having rep repairs. I'm sure he'll be glad for the business.
  4. $289 for a quartz movement though sucks...and those are gen photos on the Ital fakes site...so you're likely going to get crap. Screw the oyster quartz...get yourself a solid, high end rep of another model...or a gen Swiss movement watch...like Milgauss or something like that.
  5. ...or was it the other way around: he had Gulfstream make him a jet based on the watch he wanted??
  6. Read the Noob Guide linked in my signature and that will give you information about mechanical watches in general which will help guide your purchase. To be blunt, sweeping hand movements (aka mechanical) are more finicky, delicate and costly to maintain than quartz movements...but are accurate to their gen counterparts and have a "soul" that a battery powered thing cannot compare to. The guide has lots of links to info on mechanical movements, how to care for them, the types, etc. Look up reviews for the Grahams on the board...there are lots and you'll see plenty of quality pictures I'm sure. The idea behind left hand vs. right hand watches is that if you're wearing the watch on a given hand, to comfortably operate the chrono buttons or to wind the crown or whatever, you want the buttons/levers/crown pieces to be facing your fingers so the non-watch wearing hand can access the controls easier. 99% of the watches out there assume the watch is worn on the left hand (for right handed people) and have the crown and chrono pushers on the right side.
  7. Better send that one back to the dealer. QC checks failed...it was supposed to be incorrect to differentiate it from a gen Swiss movement. Interesting question Andrew...I wondered the same thing for the longest time...never thought to question it.
  8. It's an interesting experience. A million things going through your head at the same time...yet also single focus on breaking things down into task oriented bites. You never know how you'll really react until you're actually in that situation...and in the post mortum afterwards...it's a real reflection exercise that never leaves you...especially if things worked out. You really do get the confidence that you can do anything. At the same time that I say nobody should have to experience it...I think everybody should because it's the only way to really know yourself and how you really handle stress. Trying to keep your cool afterwards while being attacked by TV crews is another experience for another time!!
  9. My understanding is that the movement alone if you were able to get one goes north of $1000...so add in a quality watch, and that's likely way less than 50% off!!
  10. That's not too practical for me...like Tazz said. However...if they had one that could unlock this...I'll be heading to my AD... HAH HAH HAH...
  11. It's true...the Lightening Bug is a user on RWI...use Search to find the post. BTW...on a serious note. The Zigmeister is the King of Lume. My IWC Cousteau Diver he just did with the new Tritec blue lume is pictured in the middle of his signature. I can tell you it glows like crazy...casts a glow right through a sweatshirt covering it in a dark room and is readily readable all night long. The precision of application??? Well...just look at his signature pictures...you tell me what you think!!
  12. If you want to know the best Seamster reps...read the reviews in the Omega section here. You'll find all the flaws of the currently available high end reps. Anything better pictured out there from an unknown site is likely showing a gen catalogue shot. There are few reps the dealers on this forum can't get that are worth buying. Read the Noob Guide in my signature to find out who to buy from. Read, search, learn, share...and have fun. Welcome aboard.
  13. It's expensive...more than gold. The only place to buy it is direct from RC Tritec...and it's supposed to be only a professional product for sale. So...you have to call them up, expensive shipping from Switzerland, and sell them that you need a kit as a hobbyist watchsmith. The problem is, white is not white...there are various shades, so if you do just the one dot...it will stand out in various light. You'll likely have to do the whole dial and hands to get things right. On the cheap, you could try user SMC (I think) who has cheap lume, and you use your own binder of choice. This will likely be harder to work with than the SL stuff according to The Zigmeister who has said that the SL stuff is easier on the learning curve because of the consistency of it...but more expensive on the wallet. Not an easy venture.
  14. from the main page after login...go to the Trading section, and the Watches subsection.
  15. Michael Allen Watchmaker a member on this site, said he got those letters from the Horological Institute and Rolex as well. He told them that when they pay his mortgage and expenses...he'll stop working on fakes. He never heard back from them. Read his introductory post...quite interesting on this perspective. Back to the topic...the more info you know on your watch...the better your engagement with the watchmaker will be. If you know you have an ETA 2836/2824, etc movement...ask if they can work on that. If you have an A7750 movement, ask if they can work on mechanical automatic chronographs...ask what kind they have worked on. Say you have an Asian copy of one that needs servicing...read The Zigmeister's posts on the peculiarities of servicing an Asian movement...and present them that information if they seem qualified to do servicing...recognizing that if a part needs to be replaced...you may be pooched because they will likely not have parts that are compatible or can be made compatible. If you have an Asian 2813/4813, etc cheap 21j movement...don't expect them to service it...but possibly reset a keyless works if you can't get the stem in properly, reset hands properly, fix a slipped datewheel, etc. If you know what you have an present it as a fake with particular movements...you might be better off. I've had no problems with a few in Toronto. For the real work...The Zigmeister's the man.
  16. A lot has changed over the past few years...for the better in most cases. The crop of new watches from the past year or so have been incredible in quality (unfortunately in price in some cases too) - complicated reps done very nicely. If you like big watches...you'll be like a kid in a candy store.
  17. Welcome aboard. You just found yourself the best source of watch information around...gen or rep...and a very helpful collection of watch enthusiasts. If you're interested in finding more about the rep world...grab a drink...site down and read, search, learn and share. Start with my Noob Guide as an intro to the most common answers to questions you're likely to have. Good luck...and have fun.
  18. I just figure all my hair and teeth are real... and I haven't been pierced by a bull either...so all that's real too. That's all that matters. Generalizations are a funny thing. It's just as inaccurate to say rep buyers are wannabes as going on the opposite end of things and saying gen buyers are the only ones who really have a passion for watches. I'm like you...I like the designs of a lot of gen houses...but feel it silly to pay the money for something that is powered by nothing more than a rhodium plated, engraved variant of an engine made by a Swiss owned company manufactured in Hong Kong/China (i.e. ETA).
  19. Nicely detailed post. Please don't think I wrote the list BTW...I just copied it from another site. I like my reps obviously...for many and all reasons!
  20. Don't recall seeing one. I don't think you'll get one either...at least not one that is fully functional (properly) because of the movement issues.
  21. That's debateable. All dealers claim they do in fact do QC and don't drop-ship. Chris is supposedly better...but some have had bad luck with him too. The bottom line is somebody out there has had bad experiences with EVERY dealer. You buy from these dealers because you know for the money you are paying, you will not be getting the low grade stuff found in Chinatowns the world over...and that if a problem does occur for QC, they will make it right, and that you will get your watch and they won't have run off with your money. Rep buying is always a bit of a gamble...but that's part of the excitement. I always say...don't spend anymore than you would feel comfortable losing...and you'll never walk away traumatized.
  22. Welcome to RWG. You just found yourself the most knowledgeable and helpful watch board around. I don't know anything about the site you listed above. They do look like they have the same reps that the recommended dealers carry here...but given that unless you know people who have had direct experience buying from them...their communication, support might be quite unknown...and you may not in fact get your watch. It's a risk. Some people have save a few bucks buying from dealers from various sites...but the dealers here have had thousands of transactions from members here...have prices fair to the market...and reputations as dealers who will provide some degree of warranty and support post-purchase. That being said...the manual wind Speedy is a great watch. The movement is excellent and won't need servicing for 5 years or so out of the box. The subdial spacing on the watch is wrong...with the dials spread out more than the gen...but that's the nature of Speedys in this subdial configuration (3-6-9). The current models have sapphire crystals which many Omega fans don't like, as the original 1960's Speedy had a plastic/Hesalite crystal. The gens for the most part did not have display backs (another sort of giveaway) but there was a model that did...which these reps usually are based on. The display back is nice given that the Seagull movement inside is beautiful. The watch won't be water resistant. Personally...I like the 50th Anniversary one with the same movement more...but most people here don't. It's very similar to the original but with a few dial changes. The last watch is a current model Speedy Date...powered by an A7750 movement. This is an automatic movement...which if you want the watch to last a lifetime (literally), will need servicing after about 9 months or so...any longer and you'll get premature wear on some of the gears requiring difficult part sourcing when/if it dies after the 1 year mark. Some have had their watches last years without servicing with no problems...others just source a replacement movement when it dies, and do the movement swap given that a new movement is cheaper than servicing (assuming you can do the swap yourself). The Speedy Date is a very accurate watch...and may be water resistant (your own luck may vary)...pressure test to be sure. I would recommend sticking to vendors recommended here...at least you'll know what you're getting into...you'll know what watch you're getting...and you will get a watch instead of someone stealing your money. Read my Noob Guide for details on how to enter the rep world with your expectations in check. It's linked in my signature. Rep dealer links can be found in the Noob Guide or in the "Links" link at the very top. Welcome aboard.
  23. The Zigmeister...that is outstanding work...and so clearly, and beautifully documented and annotated...a real treat to read. I was shaking my head, smiling in marvel the whole way through. Great stuff...and a great final product!!!
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