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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. Big congrats on this...it's a hefty piece...too big for me, but when I saw the gen in person...very impressive looking!! Well done. Look for the pics of The Zigmeister's orange lume on one of these...wow!!!
  2. From the pics it looks great. Do you have close-up shots in light to see the precision of application? That's the real "tell"!! What product did you use? For a first time job...even a 20th time job...it looks great. Well done.
  3. I think the 40mm's are totally under-rated...a great size for a piece...great stuff. The DW is a definite upgrade.
  4. You and a thesaurus are a very dangerous thing...
  5. I was just talking to a friend who has done P90, P90x and is working on the Insanity workout right now. His take was that the P90 workout is amazing for building base conditioning if you don't have the fitness level to do P90X. With P90X there is more of an emphasis on strength and mass building. But of the three, he thought that Insanity was the true butt kicker for intensity, difficulty and aerobic conditioning. The conclusion? For the 4th round, he's going to do a combination of the 2 workouts as they each provide benefit in the different areas so a blend will hopefully provide the best overall result for him. This is just his take...
  6. Just got back from vacation in the sun to arrive back in Canada with -14C and snow weather and this thread humming along. Wow...never thought I would see my name up here like this...funny...given the top members here. Much appreciated...but thumbs up to all the folks who kieep this forum groovin. I like the nom for Highflyingclive...too bad he's not around these days...he was definitely old and crusty...hah hah.
  7. You only need to slow down enough to have time to take pics and post your opinions about the pieces you get.
  8. Sea Gull as well does stuff... As well try: International Watchman
  9. Great read...and yup...lots of good memories to be had here. Hope to see you around for many more.
  10. She never gave me her name...but PM me if you want her number.
  11. That's hilarious...fun!! Even after I read that it's a shoulder...I'm ignoring it...the booty looks better...
  12. I'm in TO...lots of CDN's on board here. If you need servicing info in the TO area...let me know and I can hook you up. Like Lani...I have a modded SMP Chrono...my first high end rep...and still a fave. It's a great piece...highly recommended. The Planet Ocean's are also very popular. There's lots here for you and your son...so get that Visa warmed up!!
  13. Welcome to the world of reps...and the learning has begun. Read the links in my Noob Guide on care and feeding of watches and what not by our resident expert The Zigmeister. Just think...in a few months of reading posts and gaining knowledge...you'll look back on this question and smile...as you answer the next Noob member with your new found knowledge. It's all about information sharing!
  14. Beautiful. I love that Chronomatic 49. How do you like it? I'm afraid of the 49mm size...how big are your wrists?? Thanks for the post.
  15. Ditto...thanks all...and chime in...it's your reward for keeping this forum alive.
  16. @ BT...awesome as always. Thanks for sharing. I gotta get a DSLR!!! @ Tristan - The rep is awesome...it's just been a fave watch of BT for so long that he went gen...so nice to have the gen version of something you have loved for so long.
  17. I understand now. Like Blackbard said, if you know how you want it to sit...then custom may be the way to go. You can specify the length of the female end (or buckle end) to be in the position on your wrist you want, and then the punched end to be whatever length. My TWB SHORT strap has the buckle in the middle and I like this. My longer straps sit off to the side.
  18. Great strap combo R...looks good!!
  19. The other thing to note though, is that SOME of the reps with the new movement and the premium price are also updated versions of the reps...better insert fonts, new steel (316F vs. L), etc, etc...so is it worth it??? It depends on what you feel the incremental upgrades are worth for improved accuracy.
  20. A standard strap is often about 125mm/80mm (of course each designer is a bit different). I have ordered short ones at 115mm/70mm, have a 6.5" wrist, and it buckles on the second last hole...so the standard one is probably better. A 135/80 will likely fit closer to the 3 or so holes in from the lugs on a 7" wrist. There are some BIG wrists here on the forum.
  21. Welcome to RWG. That's a nice one but unfortunately, I have not seen a good version of it. The only SO's out there worth buying are either the SFSO, or SOH and SOH Chrono. There are decent BCE's though...but I haven't seen one with the blue registers on white dial.
  22. For a classic, small format watch that meets these criteria, I would also suggest looking at some of the Cartier line. They have a lot of quartz ones, but the Ballon Bleu mid-sized auto is nice, classic, elegant and has long-lasting styling that can be updated with strap selection for variety. The Pasha C's are also quite elegant. A very fun quest!!
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