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Everything posted by StormTooper4

  1. Is this the most expensive rep ever ???, sorry if this has already been mentioned BUT YIKES!!! When will it stop. I
  2. Yeah that daytona in the middle of the back row , it just shouldn't be there Send it to me, it will be much happier. Nice Photo of a great collection ST4
  3. FREAKIN AWESOME picture dude, I've been trying to take a shot of my polished bezel and just can't pull it off good work
  4. A nice shout but Come on that needs a wrist shot from your old man. we wait with bated breath
  5. StormTooper4


    That Crown guard looks as if its been worked on already. I wouls send it back and get another one, Im think Josh will do that , just ask ST
  6. Dude Its not just Rollies, every board around these parts of late seems to be full of negative thoughts. Its seems unless your watch has a certain % of gen parts then its just not good enough. Its a shame because I thought this hobby was supposed to be fun. But there are many who wish to rain on our parade. Perhaps they are plants form AD's trying to dampen our enthusiasm. I thought the GMT looked pretty sweet, and its now firmly on my To Do list ST4
  7. that is looking very good indeed, great shape
  8. A fantastic read to start my working day, awesome work Thank you Glad the Rolex won, but very pleased that the PAM was able to hold its own ST
  9. Good choice I've got a 3706 which is a great little chronograph, The dial should have white rings around the chrono sub dials but appart from that its pretty close. Not sure if there are supposed to be rings on that one. Doubt anybody could tell. I've just sent mine off to k2222 for some good old Polish AR. go for it. ST4
  10. What a beauty and great Strap combo. What Mods did you do to the Dial. Wear Well ST
  11. Come on every home should have one Perhaps you could get it Rep'd for us. Nice find ST
  12. BRILLIANT My money's $$$$ on the SeaDweller Come on the Rollies Can't wait for the verdict ST
  13. Now that is a thing of beauty, where is that from? Is that a GSD strap to boot? Wear it well. Good shout and a gold star
  14. Cars are an interesting comparison. Not as obvious these days but you could compare a Base Luminor with a BMW 318i and the more expensive models with the 7 series with all the works. Etc. I agree they are expensive for what you get. But I only know that now given my time here on RWG. I would of know what a Unitas movement was until I read up on it on this forum. The thing is this a Raw watch movement that dubiously may or may not have some History associated to it. Abit like a Morgan or a Caterham car very basic but does the job very well. I disagree with the 1950 comment when Paneari released this it was RRP of around 7k so only 2k more than the smaller marina. It was a limited edition and its rarity and market desire that have pushed the price above 20kGive the total number of watches that Panerai produce each year its hard to fault. I'm not sure what the KPI of Rev/watch would be but I guess it would be low. Compared to the powerhouses of the likes of Rolex and omega who produce near on a Million watches per year. Questionable Value me thinks!Then again you could say the same thing about a 250000 comex sub. Now that really is insaneUnless of course you owned one in the first placeST
  15. Having same issues with my own camera if anyone knows how to fix the focus on my dropable underwater small thingymajig than I will happily take a font pic of my 229. Will try to get something over the weekend. Thanks for starting this thread as its something that I want to see about as well. Mine is OK but nothing like that of a Rolex Sub, and that I think is the dilema, I'm not comparing apples with apples I actually feel that the hole Panerai cyclopes set up is doomed to fail regardless of date font. Isn't just the physics of light in the reverse fitted lens, always going to be fighting a loosing battle. From a slanted angle my date font looks larger that if I look straight on. Bring on the Pics ST
  16. Great Pics as always, look forward to the next installment ST
  17. hxxp://puretimewatch.com/index.php?productID=131 Don't forget to get the screwdriver ST
  18. Thanks for the link Looks like there are some nice Daytonas. Has anyone ordered from here. Are they better or the same as our regular collectors? Cheers ST4
  19. Agree on the Anonimo, think that Glycine is underated little gem though not exactly new
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