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Everything posted by StormTooper4

  1. Sounds like its broken, you'd be better off sending it to me, that way crazy lume won't bother you again,
  2. Great review TJ and most excellent Photo's It sure look like it will stand the test of time. But for me the back looks almost better than the front, that part is awesome Enjoy ST
  3. Admits its an Asian 21j so I guess he is honest of sorts The bay Item number: 180244990709 IWC I Think he may of taken Trusty's pictures and it has a starting bid $600 , but it has the box So how long before its taken off?
  4. now thats made my morning. Oh no I've missed lunch .....pesky reps
  5. Its an olde but SSX on the ps2 I play it with my 4 year old, and he is getting pretty good. Wish i had the time to get into some new things
  6. Wow What a beauty, very elegant. I'm still holding out for that Reverso. ONE DAY ONE DAY
  7. I'm looking at getting a 5218b from him and have asked for pictures first, have yet to see them yet. But he was Ok'ish with the idea. I don't think it will be an issues, but as MGOLD says photographs will only tell part of the story Guess its a a case of watch this space.
  8. GOOD MAN and you're getting some mods , even better I'm for one, is looking forward to your findings ST4
  9. Non Chrono I keep seeing this Gen in the shop window of an expensive second hand AD dealer in the city. It Goads me when I walk past it, it knows I want it Its freakin gorgeous
  10. and the funny, thing is it seem to work. Its a nice Fusion watch and the size of it does not seem over powering. I am really liking the look of that Carbon dial
  11. Not only do I now need a white dial ExpII but I new camera to boot. Awesome shot By-Tor ZING
  12. I think it took me a while to put my hand in my pocket , but I found myself spending more and more time here and it seemed the right thing to do, especially after I bought a great watch from another supporter here. I think I hesitated at first because I thought the Admin team might be a bunch of crooks who would run off with my credit card details. Stupid Old persons attitude to the tinternet and the wobbly web i guess. Though I had my own reliable dropshipper before I found RWG, the community has given me so many more opportunities to induldge my watch needs. I would never of found collectors like Narikka and Davidsen if it were not for RWG and for that I am grateful. Though my own contributions are pretty poor , there are others who are really inspiring with respect to Replica watch collecting, and I have found the contibutions by likes of Stephane and Rolli to really spark my enthusiasm and interest. The support by other members has also been in my mind priceless and I think the recent POTR auctions are really reflective of a positive community spirit. Sadly though, I really miss some of the positive posts of our missing member and the place is just not the same since we are no longer able to Gold star members and offer the odd Zing here and there. I Know our IT Dept had valid reasons for removing the grade system but it really did differentiate RWG from other Forums and that is why this place got my money. Given the Stats though I'd say the number of supporters is looking pretty healthy of the 143 online currently 50 are supporters so thats around the 35% mark which is not bad. Unfortunately there has been a recent shift in tone about RWG which though it may be useful for some, has made my enjoyment of the place much less than it once was and I will have to consider if I feel I want to contribute financially again Cest la vie If feel you can, you should , if you can
  13. I will add that if I had not just got the 229 I would have had the 240 for sure, as he seems to have got his Brown dials finally sorted. Of course I may well change my opinion of his work if I can't fit the Ti crown I've just got to replace the one on my 177. But that's another story all together. I look forward to the first review of the 240 ST
  14. > I think some members seemed to have forgot what the RW in RWG stands for. But its seems it should be renamed DSN bashing group. With respect to the rumours on the CG. They fit Cartel watches and vice versa fact. I have a DSN 055 one of 3 DSN I have. I broke the Crown gaurd on it and mail Davidsen asking to buy a new one. But being the mean incompitent watchmaker he clearly is apprently he sent me a new one FREE OF CHARGE. God he is so bad he didn't expect any money for it. The thing is the holes were not big enough to take the old screws. The cheap skate only sent a free CG and not the screws. Funny thing is the Crown gaurd on my cartel 177 was a piece of filed down [censored]. Oh guess what my FREE DSN fitted it perfectly and transformed the watch which I hardly used becuase the fanatstic cartel CG was a POS. Fast forward because of his poor quality watches I ordered a 229 and despite its poor backside actually works, and I got another titanium crown gaurd which fits perfectly on the 55 and the cartel 177. The 240 looks great. Its 3hundredfrickindollars for a 5grand watch. It is not going to be frickin perfect. If you don't want a DSN buy fronm someone else. Oh I forgot NOONE else makes the 240 I Love RW's Dispite their Flaws ST
  15. Yes Don't try a 127 first off work your way up to it. There are 40mm pams but I've not had the pleaseure yet. Though I think there is a 051 for sale in the trade area. Agree with Fish; leather wears very differently to steel. I've got really small wrists and quite a few Pams. If in doubt you could get a cheaper version to test the water. Just. Take the plunge. You might like it ST
  16. welcome young hobbit and good luck with your first watch. Yeah postage costs suck, the best option in my experience is to buy more watches in one hit ;-) as if you'll need an excuse. Enjoy and don't forget to share some Pics ST
  17. By all accounts DSN seems to have the 'Only' Titanium cases these days, and given the one I have, they are VERY good.
  18. The Pam's have been pushed aside for this young upstart BerLING
  19. Read this on the bus the other morning , but have re read at home and the impact of those pictures is awesome thanks for the effort dude, Goldfrickinstars ST
  20. Tough call The caseback looks pretty good , cant see the numbers though? But the movement engraving looks Too big. Could the L Swiss Made L be too wide? Gen to compare to. Really Hard to tell, our Reps are just to good these days
  21. Nice Photos and even nicer watch ST
  22. I doubt any thing you buy in a london market would last the trip home letalone the shoot. Save your money and buy from silix's cheap site. ST
  23. I really have nothing to compare my DSN with apart from the pictures. I find its good enough for me. If I ever get in to a position where its up against a GEN , I might have more of an issue. But for $280 DSN's watch IMHO is great Value, the power reserve seems never ending to boot EDIT (SORRY to use my 229 as an example in a 104 thread but as DSN released the 2 together I thought I'd chip in with my 2 cents)
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