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Everything posted by StormTooper4

  1. 82 I've got an older dsn195 and its a freakin awesome watch. Ok its not perfect but considering the gen is going 15K+ what do you expect for 3-400$ the crown maybe slightly up having not seen a gen I can't compare. Of the 5 pams I've got its the one I've taken on holiday with me. I've just invested in a GSD whiskey strap for it and it looks even better. Is one solid piece of kit. If I could afford a Gen I would I can't so this is the next best alternative. I hope the 229 I've just ordered from him is of similar quality. Enjoy ST
  2. Had a 204 just sold it. Have a bit of regret. They are very good watches and should appreciate as they are soon to be no more. They are very similar to gens. Grab one whilst you can ST
  3. I've felt the same, I've been desperate for some colour in my collection was think Super heritage first but I saw a Gen and it was too big. So I've gone 229 a should be here in a week or 2. The choice was because I already have 2 Pam Ti and really wanted a Pam with a Date on. As I find my self look at my wrist to find the date when I'm working and these other Pams are dateless. I must be getting practical I'm my old age. the Militare does have quite a call to. Decisions ????? ST
  4. ZING ZING Love that Tudor, and the Rollies not bad either Nice Pictorial Thanks ST
  5. I was just looking at imdb and thinking a maybe on that to.............
  6. AAGGGHHHH this is frustrating more clues please
  7. If it is Steve Carell and "Get Smart" then I'm very impressed by the wardrobe dept ST and I want me one of those, love those vintage Heuers
  8. Sounds like you've had a great Window shop. Have to agree with the Corg fully , on his no omega stance 150percent. 3 of my best mates turned up at a wedding all proudly sporting their Gen Blue Seamasters their smiles soon dropped. Did you go upstairs in the Hour Glass? Its like a Horological sweet shop up there they have some 44mm Pams when I last went there. But my Fav Sydney shop is in the Strand Arcade. if you pass there you may see the imprint of my forehead still in the window. I could stand and look there all day. Keep us posted on your Purchases If you want to see PAMs the prom at Balmoral in the morning will let you catch a glimpse of these rare sweeties. Enjoy ST
  9. Fish Thank you for taking the time and effort to post such detailed information. GOLD STAR for you Dude ST
  10. If its not David then its a toss up between Ursula Andress and Peter Sellers, as they're both Nato'd up here I'm putting my money on Ursula due to the white cuffs.
  11. Some pretty boy in an Oceans 15 or similar
  12. Dude That is one nice watch, where did you pick that up and how many $$$ were they asking. I keep looking at these Anm's but never gone for it yet. cheers ST
  13. Good Folks Have any of you dealt with Sean at ETASwiss.net He is tempting me with this http://www.etaswiss.net/gallery/details.php?image_id=3747 which I've not seen elsewhere yet? I know its not ceramic but the Dial is not to shabby. Just thought I'd gather your thoughts Cheers ST
  14. Very nice indeed, I love that case back.
  15. Wow who would of thought that a changed second hand would of made such an impact. Looks excellent. Now put the crystal back in. ST
  16. IWC Spitfire for St. George's Day And been pulled up twice at work for it.
  17. HUBBA HUBBA HUBLOT Lordy I am seeing the light. Nice Pictures Dude, thanks for sharing its a Beauty ST
  18. No I'm sorry, call me a stick in the mud traditionalist, but I could not leave the house with that one.I'd be intersted in what people who see it say to you. I'm watching Ramsey's Kitchen nightmares and to quote him "F*#k me! What's that" seems apt.Wear it well you're a braver man than me ST
  19. 055 on a MF Pulled the trig on a Mellow Yellow today YIKES!!!!
  20. Super Sweet I'm sure there will be a rush on the beauties now Where her well ST
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