DH, I've had a reasonable number of replica watches from different brands from the various XYZ factories through my hands. These have ranged from below $100 to $1200+. I, and me thinks most normal people wouldn't see this as being a low quality watches . Infact on the wrist it strikes quite a presence.
I hear your reservations on the strap. A colleague of mine has the same watch and has kept in on rep strap, standing next to him in the lift you really cannot tell. They are not that bad , but not that great and easily bettered.
I think the bracelet is a really great value option, I should of got one myself. Thing is I can't pull them off, my wrists are way to puny. In my early rep collecting days I hunted high and low for one and when I got one it was ridiculous on me and weighed a tonne. I think these new ones might be better.
As for the lume its not that fantastic and doesn't propose to be and again its not a hideously glaring fault. I'm always pleasantly surprised when it glows during the day when I move from the outside to an albeit darker inside environment .
The A21J and strangely more expensive option is IMHO the poorer version. It was the first version and though I'm sure the movement is solid but the thin DW font annoys me. They are ok I think they are the same as the ones in the IWC Big pilots they work fine.
The A7750 is the better movement. I've had/got several of these and this has been the only temperamental one. Somewhere in the mechanism the date wheel starts to engage to change between the hours of 10pm and 2am. This is why its recommended to only change the date after 2 or before 10. I usual set them to 6:30, but haven't following that rule. This is only an issue with these chronograph based movements and your standard eta 2836 types aren't prone to issues AFAIK.
Its a real shame that the rep community is so critical of this 1950 range because for less that $300 you can get yourself a reasonably nice watch. The case set is much more interesting than the bog standard Luminor especially with the polished bezel and brushed case. I am sure more members have them but are reluctant share them to avoid the potential scorn especially around the look of movement. Its disappointing that we can't be more supportive, enjoy them and appreciate them as they are.
With the pending 3 barrel P.2002 replica movement happening, it would of been nice to see a decent 233 in this case set. Sadly I doubt the factories will bother given the criticism these watches undeservedly get.
I hope to get my date fixed soon and hope you decide to take the plunge and enjoy your rep.