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Everything posted by V

  1. If he wants to destroy it.. he can send it to me and take it off, keep it and send the strap back
  2. It is dark blue.. and I agree max it will look good with the 82 but I don't have any
  3. Very nice strap and combo with the watch... Be careful though because mine just torn apart in 3 weeks 2 summers ago.. Very nice but bad quality but cheap nevertheless
  4. Thanks Vic.. To save you from the dilema, I don't have any more leather from this colour. It was just a small piece for max 2 straps and still don't know if I will be able to make a second one. Save for that JV.. Nice strap but too expensive I think. Btw I think I will go for very dark blue (close to black) stitching on this one.. It was my first option and I think it wIll look good with jeans.
  5. I only have the 112.. so it goes to that watch.. D it is much lighter colour.. almost white than your Toscana.. but grey is another option I guess
  6. I had this off-white colour one ready couple of days ago and I still cannot decide which colour stitching will look good on it. I know it is a 'summer' strap so all the options are open.. Black will work but it is common I think with this off-white colour (Strapmasters danish pale) Blue will look good with jeans I think.. red is nice as well.. or maybe off-white matching or boring? Any recommendation are more than welcome
  7. I know.. I don't understand how difficult is to align the holes properly.. If I was a normal customer that would have kept me away from Simona's straps because it is that way in 99% of her straps... Personally when I will order a strap I will ask her to leave it unpunched and do the holes myself properly.. thank you Yeap.. you have eagle eyes... and no you do not overanalyze anything. That was an issue with some of my customers in the beginning and especially those who wanted to put the strap to a Dsn case. The thick leather was rubbing against the case and it bothered some of them. Since then I am now asking if they want thick leather on lugs or thin. Personally in the luminors I prefer thick lugs un-shaved because it fills the watch better. With my gen 112 (and my old jimmy case destro 22-same on the 196) I don't have any problem at all. On my Cali dial radiomir I prefer the flat lugs. So if the strap is intended to go for a Dsn Pam I suggest flat lugs. But of course it all depends on the customer and his personal taste. This is my own strap unshaved:
  8. V


    Yes... I know I can surprise people sometimes
  9. No need to change my mind my friend... If you like it that's what really matters, all the others are just opinions
  10. V


    THanks for that slai... Indeed a unique buckle that haven't seen before
  11. Thanks a lot D... glad to hear that from someone with an important collection of straps
  12. Thanks M.. I think I have mastered at least the stitching part They are the same hide.. but the one darkens with time while the other one is untanned and untreated and it remains the same light tan colour
  13. Antoni you had the Vintage tan version... not that one
  14. Yeap.. we know about leathers It is not like your LV.. that one it gets darker with sunlight and wear. THis one is not tanned and treated the same way so it will remain 'pale' and light if only will get a slightly darker colour. Consider the one you have Simona's Vintage tan and this one Simona's Anticata
  15. I like a lot the SImona Anticata strap mostly of the 'pale' light tan colour it has.. So I tried to find a hide that it will be close to that look... This one is the Greek hide but not tanned and treated as my usual straps so it will not get the patina my original greek hide gets. The following strap is for a member's 217
  16. The SC looks great.. Second one is a agreat hide/leather but as you can see it has a ruined stitching.. I don't know what happened but do you really like that stitching??? And in a vintage strap 'might' look ok.. in an aligator?????
  17. I have to agree with all the above members.. GREAT strap.. not for this watch. You need a black with blue stitching strap ...
  18. How about ten minutes in an AD who knows about Panerai with the Ferrari 008? Does that counts? *Don't do it. It is stupid. I haven't done it on purpose.!!!
  19. Most of the people I think they say to have it in the adjusting position when you do it. If I remember correctly The Zigmeister says to do it when in winding position so I do it that way following The Zigmeisters advice. I guess there is no definitive right or wrong on this one just different ways to do it.
  20. I agree.. you narrowed down to two not so good straps.. THere are many other better options out there. Keep looking
  21. Bump.. since this is not pinned I have to bump it from time to time for new members to see my videos
  22. Seems like you had a reat time guys.. I wish I will be able to attend the next one, and maybe organise one in UK
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