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Posts posted by cougar1

  1. That is a shiite looking watch, tell him you will order a Pam 111 for him at cost price, he can sell or donate that pos elsewhere :)

    Seriously that might have been retail price (overpriced) but what is it worth now? And do you like it? If so then surely the value of one can be found on the bay or elsewhere? tbh though, always wary of trading reps or providing reps to non-rep people, you are almost guaranteed that the stem will pull out or the hands will fall off the first day they get possession of it.

  2. .....(I prefer the black version on a bracelet... I bought,sold, bought about 5 of them... I kid you not.... will probably get another down the line).

    I agree they are a great watch, a timeless looking classic watch, you couldn't date it, so it should never go out of style. Just your quote above about buying and selling them, if you pick up another good one, hold onto it :D ...they are easy to pick up on the bay or elsewhere as you said, but I notice lately they are getting more and more difficult to pick up in very good condition, as they are getting older they seem to be picking up many of those unremovable dinks on the case ;)

  3. I totally agree with the 'don't buy to impress your mates' or 'keep up with the Joneses sentiment'. Lots of very nice Seikos/Hamiltons/Citizens/Tissots that would never be 'looked' down on by watch enthusiasts, tbh those 'watch enthusiasts' who look down or judge a particular or select watches or brands are the wrong sort of enthusiasts anyway :)

    As mentioned above the SARB033 is a fantastic watch for the money. Also look at the Hamilton Khaki field auto, or an outstanding watch for a little more is the Longines Hydroconquest. At the same time, there are plenty of great reps out of the box available that are very close to gen without modding, look into the JLC navy seals diver, Ebel 1911 discovery chrono, Pam 111, IWC 3717, AP V3 Diver, TC sub with a gen insert also. The PO's are good reps, but the real attraction of the PO is it takes gen parts. It is not necessarily very close to gen out of the box.

  4. That's fantastic Kmac, great, pics btw! Looking at the PO rep next to the 2254 in the long exposure shot, it definitely looks like they improved the lume a bit on the rep markers, not quite as radioactive as the 2254 :) but it is much stronger than the PO hands. I'm not sure if this is widespread improvement in lume on all PO reps or you got better than usual lume on yours. Glad you like it anyway, for the prices you can't go wrong.

  5. Yeah agree with 2254 area being more glowing :) I had just wondered if the reps PO's had come on in huge leaps with lume or something I missed, I have gen 2254 and gen PO and both have different lume surface areas but similar intensity (brightness) in lume strength from equal charge. The rep PO is pretty good for a rep and while it is good on solid lume charge it takes much longer to get up to that intensity and fades much faster. Still a great rep though, if they added full superlume and charged $50 more it would be interesting to see how the sales would go :)

  6. Hi Blackflash welcome to the forum. I think you are approaching it in the right way. The rep world is a constantly evolving and ever changing place, it would be a lot of work to summarise things in one area and have it all nice and neatly layed out with a ribbon on top for those who don't want to do their homework...but what is gonna happen in a few weeks or months time? ...the information is then starting to get dated, a dealer who had a watch at a great price can no longer get supply, some dealer cuts the price on a certain watch and he becomes the new favorite goto guy, a watch that had great initial reviews, now doesn't look so hot etc etc.

    To keep on top of things requires huge amounts of searching and reading for many of us who like reps. The feeling is that a newb who isn't prepared to put in some effort is hardly worth the effort to sit down and keep abreast of the constant changes. To some just getting into reps they may feel they are being somewhat ignored when they ask "who has the best whatever and where can I get it?", but in reality what is happening is that because they've shown no incentive to look around and use the search function and in general are being lazy about their approach, then the response will be 'lazy' also. If they show they've done some homework at least and ask something like "I've narrowed down these two choices, which do you think is the better quality rep out of both" then the response will be much more forthcoming and useful to them.

    Most dealers offer or can get any watch you want, the supply in most case comes from the same sources for all dealers, often narrowing who you want to deal with it, is as awkward as choosing the watch, and in many cases will take some trial and error. Some people like better/faster comms and response time and aftersales whereas others will be happy with the watch with less of that and better price. Only that can be decided by the customer themselves. Anyway I know that might not fully answer your question but you get the idea :)

  7. In this pic kmac:


    Is the lume charged at a similar rate to the 2254 in this shot? Normally in PO's I've seen the dial markers are weaker than the hands in lume strength,(although I haven't seen the latest factory runs of the PO) In your pic above the markers seem much stronger than the hands in the rep and holds up well next to the gen smp, and normally the 2254 would be about equal in lume strength (but bigger markers) than the gen PO but much stronger than the rep PO. So wondering have they improved the lume somewhat or you got a one off superlumed one or they are charged differently?

  8. Yeah it needs some tidying up on the sels, this is a prototype yet so hopefully a fine tune sorts out some of the flaky bits, the screw link bracelets should be interesting...can't wait to see the dial/bezel insert etc.

    Narikka has this one at the moment I think check hm on rg

    The one narikka has isn't this one, this one is still in production atm, the one narikaa has is well, tbh a bit of a disaster. ;)

  9. They are both 42mm, it's funny as like you I thought one was the 45mm, just shows you how features like a higher chunkier bezel can make it look wider etc. Both cracking watches though. I'm seriously tempted to pick up the new one, still happy with the old one atm, but love the changes with the new one. You thinking of selling your 45 to go to 42 or getting something different completely? The rubber strap also looks great on them, but the price of the rubber is fricken insane at about $400 or thereabouts.

  10. I have a terrible pain in my head, wtf happened, and who broke the front door? Justasgood what the fuuck are you doing with guns all over the house and the dogs trying to mount the prostitutes. Still you did good work ;)

    Teeth are nice and all....but a gum job now and then can be quite nice....just saying. I know...I'm a sick [censored]...so what's new? :)

    :D arrggh...and now my stomach is acting up ;) Hope the bitches last night didn't really look like that! Zeleni, where's that camera, I said get em with nice teeth, not no teeth. I thought those whores you brought were supposed to be high end, with some of these bitches the movement has failed already and the markers have fallin off their dials :)

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