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DSN PAM 027a, Swiss 2892 + PR module sweetness!

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Depending on how much they're off, if you have a jeweller vise you can compress or stretch the cg.

=| |= are vise lips and ^ and > denotes the position of the crown guard in vise

1. if the holes in cg are too far apart, compress a tiny bit like this, then fit to the case, repeat if necessary

=| ^ |=

2. if the holes in cg are too close to each other, compress a tiny bit like this (since the feet are cut at an angle you'll be stretching the CG) then fit to the case, repeat if necessary

=| > |=


i don't know which kind of sead CG you have, but mine fits with davidsen 027 case.


Thanks for the info, but the holes are too far off, only one half of the hole lines up, that is too much to modify....


i've got mine from sead direct.

but my watchmaker did install this CG with my 205A.

but with a very small bend-reworking to the 205A case.

and he did a little bit drill out the holes and reduced the screw-heads in the diameter for a better scope.

with this sead crown-guard i've checked the davidsen 027 case today evening.

and no probelm. perfect.


I got mine straight from nembo on Repgeeks, there is no way it will fit my 027a, half a hole is too much of an alignment discrepancy! :p


Gotta love those pain in the ass Davidson cases!!


I am not overly bothered that it doesn't fit, the nembo CG's finish is rough around the edges when compared to DSN CG, and where the shape has been re-worked, it's not so consistent, so I will stick with the DSN one.....

Cheers! B)


I got some success on reshaping a DSN CG. It was Ti, softer than SS, but I bet that with patience and elbow oil you can make it on a SS CG too.


The only thing that is bugging me about the DSN CG is the pin position, the pin sits in the center, whereas it should be higher, however there is no point getting a new CG with a better pin placement if other areas of quality and finish is sacrificed ;)

So I will leave it as is, no need for me to fuss over it.....

Cheers! B)

  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys,

I think I'm pretty much done with my DSN027A for now. I replaced my stock DSN CG with a rep one for several reasons. The rep CG has a fatter bottom while DSN's CG top and bottom are exactly the same thickness. Secondly I needed a longer lever stub to accomodate a deep T48 crown. I reshaped the guard, flushed the pin, thinned the lever profile rounded its tip, milled the rough edges and re-brushed it. It was tedious and in retrospect I probably should have just bought a gen CG. The biggest improvements though came from installing a Leo datewheel, T48 crown and sourcing a correct A series NOS OEM alligator in black semi-mat. I'm telling you the gator makes this watch. Swapped the caseback gasket for a thicker one, added an extra gasket to T48, so right now the watch is completely water-proof and running an amazing +/- 0.5 sec a day.

Some pics:



Side by side with a stock DSN027A so you can see what a difference the crown & DW mods make:


Here it is relaxing next to my all time favorite PAM01B:



Thanks guys, yours are just as good if not better :) Hopefully I'll be able to get a custom serial caseback from Jakobbh at some point but for now I think I'm done.



Your 27 looks absolutely incredible. Very nice work. The 2892/3's are still some of my favorite PAM's. My 27 is long gone to a great member who scored a gen dial (from me :lol:). I've started the long trek to building another PR this year. Here is step one. ;)


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