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I have a proposal for a virtual museum where we could keep photos and descriptions of the best we have seen made here, from the Ziggy works of art to the VDBs and as we have seen recently Corteberts, and not forgetting Ubis twins and many many other works of horological art our members have produced over the years.

Not just engineering but landmark photos that set new standards or events that have taken place over the years.

We would need a curator maby to look after the place and a group of members to work out what goes in there. if this was pinned in one of the areas Photography maybe its own area it would be a nice place to spend some time to look at the best of what we have produced, there should be a few rules like the work has to be produced by a member of RWG ect

What do you all think


I love the idea! Collectively, we have so much content and great works by our members here. It would be great to have a museum in place to showcase the talents that reside here on RWG. Great idea, Andy!


In the past, calendars, books & galleries have been proposed, but, due to the amount of time/work required, none has ever gotten off the ground. If anyone has the time to commit (I do not), you are welcome to include any of the pics I have posted on RWG as long as they remain unmodded ;) .


Great idea Andy !!

all the frankens from the vets form as far back as we can would be awesome.. to show the evolution of RWG.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:



edit add:

May I suggest..

I was going to "attempt" a best of the best "franken" thread after another similar thread for reps.. and include ToadT and the banner guy's to build a nice thread.. you may want to incorporate the members that do great eye catching reviews to this project.. your "idea" of naming it a "Virtual Museum" .. is Great !!

It would be nice to see Jojo's.. Tribal's, freddy's, Ubi.. and the rest .. like Duddly's gilt dial.. etc. included in the museum..

Suggest contact Toat .. he has some outstanding pinned reviews that are very colourful and he's tenacious in his project's.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

just a thought to add to your museum.. :)


Sounds a great idea! A museum tho, not just an art gallery. It needs to include any landmark subject. For example BT's first review, the first ever post and the first post by a non admin, a board history, the interviews with the admin team and even what ever the RWG2 equivilent of jetmid is. All the stuff that made board history 'cause that's what a museum is for.



Its a thankless task but someones gotta do it! :p


No smoking in the museum thanks!



A Night in the Museum? Brilliant!

But, it wouldn't be complete without at least a screen shot of this board's namesake hanging in the gallery;


This is where it all began for a lot of us old timey guys. As most, I found RWG Googling "Replica Watch Scams" after biting on spam in my in-box regarding a Submariner. When I came across RWG, I beheld the GMT on the homepage. I couldn't believe it! A GMT II with black insert option replica! WOW!

Those were heady times. And the rest, as they say, is history..............



Well it all sounds very positive I would of course be happy to be part of a team to work on this if it comes to Fuition


Andy.. maybe ask the vets to start hunting down their memorabilia and assemble a team, Dems seems to have a good collection of items.. roertk definitely has older reps that go back a ways .. Ubi has pics of his first frankens..

I know somewhere there's a history of how T and some buddy's actually started up their first rep forum .. it would be a good start to your project. :D



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