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There's vintagizing and then there's vintagizing

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I ran across some photos on VRF showing Superdome crystals that have been crazed from UV exposure. They're fascinating, but I'm not real sure I like them. Thoughts?





This photo barely shows how the crystal on my Sharkie is starting to do the same.



Although the sun does damage crystals (oxidizes/makes them brittle over time), I think the actually crazing (hairline cracking) occurs (to oxidized/brittle crystals) from temperature & pressure changes (frequent expansions/contractions).


I think they need new crystals! If this was done artificially then some things can be carried a bit too far... :nea:


Freddy, I don't know if you remember but a few years ago we were talking about how aged crystals took on more and more of an amber tint. Someone (IT WASN'T ME!) subjected a Superdome to some crazy intense UV at his job and reported that after about 30 to 40 hours he started seeing this crazing but no color change. He told us "Stop! Stop! It's ruining the crystal!" and little did we realize... :whistling:

Fascinating, eh??


Freddy, I don't know if you remember but a few years ago we were talking about how aged crystals took on more and more of an amber tint. Someone (IT WASN'T ME!) subjected a Superdome to some crazy intense UV at his job and reported that after about 30 to 40 hours he started seeing this crazing but no color change. He told us "Stop! Stop! It's ruining the crystal!" and little did we realize... :whistling:

Fascinating, eh??

Yes, I remember that now. You may be right. But I also recall that the light source generated heat, which may have been the catalyst that prompted the cracking. Either way, I agree with the others - when the lens gets cloudy, it is time to change the lens.



Anyone with extra domes to play with should do a Freezer (or Nanuq's Backyard ;) ) -to- Hot water bath -to- freezer a couple of times. If that is the look you are going for.

Science!!! Gotta love it.


Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. A freezer is actually not cold enough, they only go down to zero or so. What's REALLY a hoot is getting out in a hot tub, then jumping in the -20F snow, then back in the hot tub. The snow instantly freezes to the crystal (and your bum) then it melts right off again. And... it's never cracked or caused a failure in a plexi crystal for me.


That's a really interesting effect :) I like how it looks, but as above, I think I would consider that time to replace the crystal when it gets to that condition :)


I've got a handful of old DW Tropic 21s that look just like that ;)

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