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Some Words From A Slightly Frustrated Admin...


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Hmm, what about this -

is it possible to setup a Free Preview of the site? So, lets say, people can get on it for 1 week for free. But then after, they must pay 1 or 2$ a month on a regular billing.

how many active users are there at 1 time? multiply that by 1 or 2 and see if that covers the expenses

most people after 1 week on the site will be addicted enough to pay a buck a month.

and maybe we have some additional premium features - posting in offers ect. that is 3 or 4 dollars a month.

i don't know what the service fees are on something like this, but clearly its easier to have people shell out a buck than 5 or 10. and it creates a steady reliable flow of income as opposed to spotty here and there income.

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Admin, I totally understand exactly what you are saying! :(

I think people sometimes forget how hard it is for you to keep this board running 24 hours a day. I have always been a supporter, except now I am going to "head over to the "donation button", and give back some of the money I have saved here over the last 1 1/2 years..

Anyone want to follow me for an "Extra Donation" :D



BTW, I just completed an extra $35.00 donation to help support Admin and our wonderful Forum. I hope many members follow my actions here...! ;)

Bump! :D

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What about restricting visibility to certain areas of the forum to paying/supporting members only? Like the trading section? This leaves some areas to be open/free, while other areas that are more focused on selling/trading are by membership only? Kind of like restricting the ability to post in the trading section to supporters only, except taking it a step further?

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It's good that we're (some of us at least) are getting these issues out into the open - one of the essential features of a 'forum' after all....

I personally like the idea of offering a free trial period (perhaps without posting priviledges or a limited access) followed by the obligation of subscribing to an annual membership fee.

Why annual, rather than monthly, weekly, daily or by the hour? (I exaggerate, of course).. But without exaggeration, think of the enormous complexities of managing the books on members paying on even a monthly basis, as has been suggested. It's hard enough for Admin as it is - I would imagine RWG would need a full-time accountant just to keep track of frequently-renewed subscriptions (and all the problems that Admin has mentioned concerning passwords, mail acknowledgements and so on..... Even though this is all 'automated', you can count on the human factor to create infinite complications.

As the person actually running the show, Admin should know better than most of us what's really needed, but it pains me to see that his most immediate imperative is paying for us to be here out of his own pocket, followed by the need just to get away from it all.

I think that Admin and the membership (ie, us) need to come to a consensus concerning the financing and membership process.

Once again, I'm happy to see that these issues are being recognized, along with the realization that resolution is needed.

Aside from RWG, Admin already has another forum to manage. If we fail to act wisely and responsibly, he might find that RWG has become one too many.

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How about lottery every month? It should be easy to make $100 extra per month.

Prize can be watch or 1 yr RWG Supporter membership.

Also, I think it's time to close TRC and redirect traffic to RWG.

Members should host the images and avatar on freehosting websites like photobucket and imageshack.

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How about lottery every month? It should be easy to make $100 extra per month.

Prize can be watch or 1 yr RWG Supporter membership.

Also, I think it's time to close TRC and redirect traffic to RWG.

Hey... you beat me to it, dude... :bicycle::thumbsupsmileyanim: But honestly, this is actually a great idea...

I too, sympathise with you, Admin...and the BEST dealers we have here... :group: .... And this is precisely the friggin reason why I'm using ubi's quote as my sig below... :whistling::whistling:

I'm praying this great place doesn't start rotting because of a few moronic asshats... :angry:

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I would imagine that there are A LOT of guys on TRC who would not take kindly to the idea of being deported to what for many of them is the equivalent of outer space.

I'm sure that they would suggest shutting down RWG and redirecting the traffic to Hades.

Furthermore, I'd wager that if Admin himself had to chose, RWG would not come out as the winner.

But we're getting a bit off-topic here......until things can be discussed and decided further, I think we've got a pressing need for a few dozen (and more) of paid supporters.

How about a little Telethon action, you guys?

Just do it! You'll feel so much better for having done so.....

"And our newest RWG Supporter is............


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I don't think you should force people to pay for access myself. You'll just lose them to non-paying forums.

That's fine by me... Survival of the fitest... It'll weed ALL the shitheads out... Anyone that sees the value in this place will cough up... the others will be left to wilt and ask someone else who has the best sub, buy it and screw.

I don't think a lottery is good enough (but *maybe* it may pay the way)... It is still a voluntary contribution.

I think if people are to have access to all this great information, they should pay for it... And I reckon it's worth 30-40/year easy, especially after all the great reps we get at a great price, and being pretty much protected from being scammed.

The paying members here are carrying the non-paying, and that's the bottom line... It's starting to show at the top and I think it's time to either [censored] or get off the pot. Sorry to be so blunt, but that's just the way I put stuff ;)

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I think if people are to have access to all this great information, they should pay for it...

So, those of us that give information in the forms of tutorials, reviews and pictorials should get a discount or even be paid? Sounds daft to me.

Raffles are an excellent idea and other fund raisers can be brought in too, but people need to keep on top of them and keep them active. Over on RWI the last raffle was excellent, right up until the minute it went pyriform, when the person running it was overtaken by real-life, delaying the outcome for a period of weeks/months. It meant that there hasn't been one since, but that doesn't mean a new one wouldn't be appreciated.

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If Ken can raffle off a baby Koala, I'm in.

Other ideas.... a dream date with TTK?

A bottle of Liquore de Mahler?

A night of pub-crawling through the back streets of Glasgow with Johntheboy?

Dups of Pugwash's Very Private Photo Album?

.....Yes, I've gone off the rails again.

I hope someone will get things back on track again with a membership upgrade or some brighter ideas than those I'm currently contributing.

Sorry about that - over and out.

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Actually Pug, not a bad idea. Your contribution( The Zigmeisters, Bytor,edge and others) that take time to illustrate posts and inform members of repairs and 'how to' should receive some form of beneficial treatment...IMHO (I think The Zigmeister receives VIP status at TRC because of his contributions???)

All I'd ask for is a "Title" change. Beyond that, it'd be a liberty to expect anything.

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There are always people who give without asking for something in return and there are others who will even criticize a freebee. I thank God for people like Admin (and for that matter all the other heavy contributors here on RWG and TRC) who give to the community...

Most people who buy a rep with knowledge taken from RWG / TRC spend more money on (let's just spell this out) "fake watches" in a few weeks than even a one-year subscription would cost them...and let's not speak about the money they save because they're not being ripped off on Canal Street.

So, after some time on TRC and my first couple of nice watches from members and dealers I’ve met there, here's my little token of appreciation... Danke, Admin :thumbsupsmileyanim:

I’m looking forward to the next year…

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There are always people who give without asking for something in return and there are others who will even criticize a freebee. I thank God for people like Admin (and for that matter all the other heavy contributors here on RWG and TRC) who give to the community...

Most people who buy a rep with knowledge taken from RWG / TRC spend more money on (let's just spell this out) "fake watches" in a few weeks than even a one-year subscription would cost them...and let's not speak about the money they save because they're not being ripped off on Canal Street.

So, after some time on TRC and my first couple of nice watches from members and dealers I’ve met there, here's my little token of appreciation... Danke, Admin :thumbsupsmileyanim:

I’m looking forward to the next year…

That was about the nicest second post I've ever read here. What can you do for an encore after that?

Welcome aboard, chubbchubb (double-fiddy?) it's great to have members like you here! :-)

(The Schwartz IS with me - oh man, is it ever with me.....)

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I am a newbie and will happily become a supporter, once I've found my feet in this new world.

An idea may be to ask a say £5 admin fee payable from the buyer if a purchase is to be made... Supporters can be exempted from this.

Advantage: Those newbies signing up for a one off make their contributions... Those that choose to stay will then find it in their interest to pay the supporter dues rather than a fiver per purchase...

I'm really grateful to be a part of this community and am in awe of the work you do... Keep it up and dont take any crap...

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The analogy of 10% paying for the other 90% is a good one. In the context of Thomas actually having to go out of pocket the answer appears fairly obvious. Pay to play. It is the only way. Whether it is through annual membership after initial introductory period, fee to be able to participate in the forum portion or fee to see and utilize trading or sales area it should happen sooner rather than later.

What happens next time there is a major server problem and it will cost real money to move? How about this - reading is free; participating is not. If you are participating you are getting knowledge and/or value out of this forum. Give back to the community or get out.:)

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How about this - reading is free; participating is not.

... but participating is what makes people come here. If I stop posting photo tips, it's not the end of the world, but if I stop helping because I have to pay to help, it's a little annoying, no?

Maybe what we need is some over-complicated compensation system whereby you get posting rights, or something, according to people who rate your posts, or you buy posting privs... no, it's all too complicated and time-consuming.

I have a better idea!

If everyone that is currently a [censored] would just stop being one for a while (take a day off or something) then maybe they'll get on with not hassling the admins and giving something back, be it cash or education. :D

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I am a newbie and will happily become a supporter, once I've found my feet in this new world.

An idea may be to ask a say £5 admin fee payable from the buyer if a purchase is to be made... Supporters can be exempted from this.

Advantage: Those newbies signing up for a one off make their contributions... Those that choose to stay will then find it in their interest to pay the supporter dues rather than a fiver per purchase...

I'm really grateful to be a part of this community and am in awe of the work you do... Keep it up and dont take any crap...

Another great second post, if you don't mind my saying so. So much better than seeing "Which dealer sells the most authentic....." from a newly-minted member.

Welcome aboard the Good Ship RWG, Hash, and may your stay be a happy one....


"If everyone that is currently a [censored] would just stop being one for a while...".

Good idea. As long as they don't transform themselves into [censored], it could work....


I guess things have really changed at TRC....I check in and out from time to time, but have never made it my main forum. I was going on earlier impressions of a calm sort of gentlemen's club atmosphere - quite pleasant really.... Back then (not so long ago) the consensus on TRC was that RWG (the first) was pretty much the Wild West - a place where the basic rules of civilization had yet to penetrate.

I guess Admin's presence here has succeeded in changing the minds of many TRC members - just as it certainly has had an enormous impact on RWG....

So I stand corrected concerning my opinion as to which of the two forums would prevail in the event that a choice had to be made.....

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Also I still contribute $$ to Thomas even though as an admin I get FREE VIP status, the money I saved by finding this site(and TRC of course) and what I would have been ripped off at the replicacenter recommended sites, more than justifies sending a few bucks Thomas' way as my way of saying 'Thank you'


Like you, I contribute as a supporter, even though a mod, and Hell! I don't even collect reps anymore.

But the wealth of info to be found here and on the other boards, helps me in my buying of gens... so I don't get ripped!! So its worth the time to assist and contribute a bit, and just be part of a great community and ( mostly) great group of WIS.

Thanks T........and guys, the button to donate is top right :p


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How many people can honestly say they give more than they receive on this board. I can think of maybe 3 or 4. :) Getting rid of the dicks would be helful too but it still doesn't pay the bills.

To be honest though, if they couldn't post their "who has the best Sub" questions here, how many people will have to close their PM box due to flooding from n00bz0rz?

Maybe PMing should only be available to paid members.

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