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The Official "You know who you are, and you KNOW what you've done!" Thread.


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(I searched, but couldn't find anything else like this, so here goes.)

Every now and then a fellow member here at the RWG will do something SO genuinely kind and unexpected for us that it reaffirms our faith in mankind and renews our belief in our capacity as a community, to do good. We often thank these members via P.M, but wish that we could openly tell the rest of the community of their generosity. The only PROBLEM with that is that if one were to state, for example "I really want to thank "Member X" for giving me that WM9 Rollie, free of charge.", the end result is that poor "Member X" would be rewarded for his kindness by being deluged with P.M.s from other members asking for the same deal. Obviously, the point here is to THANK the member, not punish them.

With that being said, what got me thinking about this was an INCREDIBLY kind gesture by "Vlydog". He REALLY went above and beyond to help me out with something, and he asked for nothing in return, DESPITE the fact that his actions were easily worth some $$$. I wanted to thank him in a larger way than just P.M.ing him to say "Hey, Thanks", but I ALSO didn't want ANY of the rest of you M.F.ers to know what he did for me, because I didn't want anyone else bothering him with similar requests.

That having been said, this thread is the place to THANK another member for an unspecified act of kindness. I also hereby officially dedicate this inaugural thread to "Vlydog". To him I say, "Vlydog, You KNOW who you are, and you KNOW what you've done!" ;)

P.S. The sheer, overwhelming amount of AWESOME represented by this picture is but a small piece of the larger awesomeness that is "Vlydog"!


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Awwww......c'mon.....tell us what vlydog gave you so we can all hound him :D

Awesome gesture Spidey. I too have been extremely blessed by several members kindness here. A brief list of members who have gone above and beyond to help me out:










If I've left anyone out, please forgive me :D

Thanks RWG!!! You guys rock!!!

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Very cool idea for a thread. If this is a "generic" thread I would like to commission this second third post thanking Lani, redwatch, and Ubi for the consideration shown me since I moved in! :1a: This place has a veritable "herd" of selfless individuals roaming around! ;)

When did the Bat-Dude get a Sith lightsaber?

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Very cool idea for a thread. If this is a "generic" thread I would like to commission this second third post thanking Lani, redwatch, and Ubi for the consideration shown me since I moved in! :1a: This place has a veritable "herd" of selfless individuals roaming around! ;)

When did the Bat-Dude get a Sith lightsaber?

If "generic" means "can anyone post here?", then the answer is most definitely "YES!" That's the WHOLE point of this thread.

And as far as the picture goes, what could POSSIBLY be any MORE awesome than Batman battleing against Jaws II using Darth Vader's LIGHTSABER?!?!?!?! Well..........maybe if Angelina Jolie was naked in the backround, swimming to the surface with a sack full of Reps, but that's the ONLY way!!!

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Great Idea Spidey! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

and....Redw.....it's an honor to be on that list!!!

And here's mine: :1a::1a: ...in no particular order, but all I owe my Gratitude!




victoria - too bad she's not around anymore!




.....and I'll update as the fog of memory loss is lifted......, but you know who you are!

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Hey Vlydog can I have a WM9 Rollie? :D

Seriously whatever you did kudos buddy.

I've been around so long I can't possibly remember all the acts of kindness I have received but it would be remiss of me not to give a very big shout to Mr D L Gates, without him I might not have lasted a month here.

I should also add that my avatar is a watch that I purchased from Dave.


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I want to be the first to thank Ubi for one of his amazing acts of generosity. Years ago he put together some amazing high quality bezel inserts and pearls for Subs/Seadwellers. Out of the blue he sent me one, and completely blew me away. I can report now that it found a home on a gen 1680 and it looks fantastic.

Thanks Ubi!!! :tu:

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I'm mostly lurker here now at days but my gratitudes comes to two guys:

Ubi for all the info, parts, watches, etc we have exchange during this years. You're great mate ;)

And to Halley (don't know if he's still here on RWG2), the one who started all the 6263/5 with DW long time ago... (2005? if I'm not mistaken), he started contacting with some "vintagers" members (Ubi, Nanuq, Avitt and myself) with all the DW info, his projects, pictures and specs, the first daytonas secs @12... some of you remember the caseback in the first 6263 showing the mistery movement?...

well, my 0,02

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I'm mostly lurker here now at days but my gratitudes comes to two guys:

Ubi for all the info, parts, watches, etc we have exchange during this years. You're great mate ;)

And to Halley (don't know if he's still here on RWG2), the one who started all the 6263/5 with DW long time ago... (2005? if I'm not mistaken), he started contacting with some "vintagers" members (Ubi, Nanuq, Avitt and myself) with all the DW info, his projects, pictures and specs, the first daytonas secs @12... some of you remember the caseback in the first 6263 showing the mistery movement?...

well, my 0,02

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Torresp, do you remember getting these first glimpse pictures from Halley? I don't think I slept a wink all that night. The very first DWs! :wub:

Yeah, the same for me... I even managed to get the watch in my holidays place...

That's the picture I was talking about... a true historic document:


By the way, just checked: august 2005

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I have a long list of folks that I need to thank in no particular order...




-The Zigmeister












-Jeff G





















And the list can go on and on even longer!

These folks have helped me in some form or manner, be it with an obscure part, someone to bounce an idea off of or learn from, treats or even just a friendly PM to say hi. Sometimes that's all one needs to turn a less than ideal day around into a great one.

Fact of the matter is, I owe my thanks to the entire membership, as it's the community that makes the time spent here a pleasure.

From the bottom of my heart... Thanks, gang!!

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Yep those were heady days for sure. I sold mine on to a member in Norway (how could I say no?) with a little historical information about it being one of the "first five" DWs. He appreciated that!

Thanks Halley, wherever you are...

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torresp and nanuq- You guys are pulling out the old skool stuff now!

I have a few to share as well...




I remember when L (halley) first PMd us with the discovery he had made, and recall my jaw dropping in disbelief looking at the 6263 and 6265 he had to share with us. I remember that moment well... 07-26-2005...

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Check this out... I was helping him develop his radial brushed silver dial and this is my final mockup for him.

In the end it came out pretty good, but the radial brushing is still too weak.


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I'd like to thank the rep collecting community at large for providing hours of entertainment, knowledge, inspiration and camaraderie. These threads have always been a pleasant escape from real life from time to time, thank you all.

And, thanks to Spidey7 for starting this thread, me thinks it would make a good sticky.

Cheers to all :drinks:

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Thanks to Spidey7 for starting this thread, me thinks it would make a good sticky.

Cheers to all :drinks:

Aw, shucks. You don't have to thank ME! If you want to thank anyone, you should thank Vlydog. It was his kindness and generosity that spurred this thread. His actions made me realize that every day, members here are helping other members out by offering up their own opinions, giving advice, sharing tips, posting incredibly informative "how-to" primers, writing excellent reviews so that the rest of us know what to buy and what to stay away from, and OFTEN TIMES, even sending a fellow member a part/piece/watch/band/case/buckle/etc, through the mail, not only FREE OF CHARGE, but actually at their own expense once they've paid for shipping. This is especially amazing considering the fact that they know that they could just as easily make themselves a few $$$ by offering those things for sale.

All of those acts of generosity are noticed by the general community, but rarely do we (or at least do I) take the time to actually say "THANK YOU!" Thank you for all that you've done to increase MY enjoyment of this hobby without ever ONCE asking for or expecting anything back in return.

This thread is dedicated to Vlydog for his initial "pay it forward" act, but in a much larger sense, this is the place to thank ANYONE here that has ever shown you kindness, anyone who's information ever helped you out in any way, anyone that you look back and wish that you had thanked but somehow never got around to it.

You need to know that it's not too late. This is the time and THIS is the place. Kindness and generosity are their own rewards, but I still want to know that I expressed my gratitude to everyone who took a personal interest in me when there was nothing in it for them. If you feel the same way about someone, let'em know! It's free. It's painless, and it might just be the ONE positive thing in that persons day that saves them from having an absolutely sh**y day with no redeeming qualities.

Kindness, try it. You might just find out that you like it. :)

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Wow the list is so long of the people that i could thank, I think all the names were in Ubi's list.

But what i have noticed so Far that every one has thanked Ubi so far, and that is because he is an outstanding gentleman and very willing to help others.

Can we have a smily that takes his hat off please.

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I want to thank the Mods and Admins for all the behind the scenes work they do. They work their collective backsides off to keep this place disinfected and friendly to newbs at the same time. That's a tough tightrope to walk.

Well done lads! :pardon:

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so i have also to thank some guys here :rolleyes:

Lanikai....the things he has done for me would taken the entire site, so i make it short.. youre da man, and you are awsome :)

TeeJay, this man is so nice, and he helpd me also a lot, i think without him i would not wearing my 111 :)

OsRep, O you are always so funny :lol: and again, thank you very much buddy, you know why :)

and of course val, ubi...... and so many more, thank you guys :)

and so many others who helped me with answering questions via mail and stuff, or for given such a nice feedback in started topics :)

so there are a hole lot a bunch of guys here, who deserve a big big thanks :drinks: and for me everybody i meet here is on that list, so if you know me :pardon: thank you buddy B)

all the best


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