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Paneristi is going bonkers,bananas whatever you like to call it


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woooow is all I have to say..

Are these people obsessed or what?

But daamn its a watch 300 is selected THATS IT [censored] LIVE WHIT IT..Yes the mail from OP was kind of stupid, but either way at least they had the curtsy to let you know have it stands.

Man, I just realise I am starting the first 360 thread here :rofl:

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I have been waiting for someone to bring it up here. The amount of animosity over there is just frightening. Risti is exactly the same size as RWG and Geeks. There was a very nice article in the WSJ at the beginning of last week about the NYC 10th anniversary GTG. The parting quote was about it being about the friendship rather than the watches. And now there is so much hating going on there. This happened to a lesser extent with the 195 a number of years ago but most people were friendly there back then.

As most people know Risti started with a bunch of guys being supported by Angelo and whoever the President was at the time. Panerai needed them to spread the word and the members loved the brand. At that time Panerai was having trouble even getting placement in stores. Now it has grown as has the brand to the point where it is just another purist elitist site with vets lording it over wannabees.

I have to say Panerai marketing folks and Risti are independently geniuses. For the Risti folks they have developed their own liquid trading network. They protect their own club members over unsuspecting folks (Kevin Adeeos, etc.). For Panerai, people may be hating (and they will lose a few people) but far more people will hang around and continue buying just to see if they can get in on the next limited edition. I still enjoy reading and looking at the ads on Risti but as is often the case it was more enjoyable when it was a smaller group of folks loving their unknown brand.

Let me leave you with one last question. Are people upset they didn't get one because now they are not in the elitist group who can claim Panerai/Risti cares about them or are they more upset that they can't flip it for 3 times what they paid for it? You will never know. ;)

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Well lets make them all happy and have a rep made of it with running serial numbers and lets make it perfect!!!!!!!!!!

Lets face it it is not exactly a complicated watch

now that will piss them off!

I have juust seen a rep advertised but it was using the same pictures as every one else has so i doupt you would even get any thing, but the cartel could spank this one!

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Let me leave you with one last question. Are people upset they didn't get one because now they are not in the elitist group who can claim Panerai/Risti cares about them or are they more upset that they can't flip it for 3 times what they paid for it? You will never know. ;)

I think the first for most that post on the site, they want to be in the elite they are just to getting what they want, they have lots of $$ but now their favourite brand don't chose them, that makes them feel out of place and in their head less of an member of paneristi..Many I am sure is just to paying their way into coolnes and whatever so now their ego is hurt :lol:

Me I em gutted I could not make 3 times what is cost :D:lol:

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What this boils down to is a war between the "haves" and the "Have Nots". The "have Nots" have their gigantic egoes bruised because they were left out. It's sort of like some guy trying to impress his hot date by bragging that he could get into Club X, only to be impolitely shoved aside ansd sent to the back of the line when he cruises up to the club door.

I used to frequent the Paneristi forum on a pretty regular basis, however it's literally been years since I visited. I was very put off by the elitist attitudes of some of the members (the "Haves"). I got the distinct feeling that new members were tolerated at best, but certainly not welcomed.I also found that there was very, very little useful content, mostly fluff posts, gooing and gaahing over someones watch and or band combo. What that was all about, I could never fathom. A new 063, 111, 196,etc looked just exactly like every other one produced and shipped out by Panerai. The ONLY way you could change anything was to put some weird Mongolian Yak Nut sack, or New Guinea Man eating chicken, straps on your cookie cutter watch!

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Sign me up for one..... Should be a snap to rep

Well lets make them all happy and have a rep made of it with running serial numbers and lets make it perfect!!!!!!!!!!

Lets face it it is not exactly a complicated watch

now that will [censored] them off!

I have juust seen a rep advertised but it was using the same pictures as every one else has so i doupt you would even get any thing, but the cartel could spank this one!

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I was waiting for someone to post about it, thanks Dani!

I've been visiting Risti for a little over a year and thought, ok, it's a pretty cool community made up of people with lots of expendable cash (no Stallone ref there). I bought some straps and buckles, even a couple watch boxes from Rainer (Very well made). Then the 360 came out, P-Day was pretty huge where they honored one of their members who passed and you could feel the sense of community when you saw the pictures of the event and kind posts remembering him. Shocked me to see grown men crying and hugging, so again it built my impression of friendship and that's the important thing. Then after all the photos came out of insane group watch shots, the fun had, etc...then the "have not" posts started...well talk about the mood changing, WOW!

I was shocked to say the least and it's hard not to read them, but what happened to friendship??? YIKES!

One of my buds and fellow RWGers has a 360, maybe he'll share his thoughts?!?

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M8s aren't so gr8 it seems. Its causd a big Pamily fallout with the bro's. Its most entertaining.

Read this on another forum which I think sums things up nicely:

"I just went on there to have a look and see what is going on, on the front page we have:

3 threads about the new P3000 movement, no real details, just poor pics, in reality this is a basic movement, no frills but being lauded as a great thing, with the price going up by about 1k a watch it's not something i'd go for!

About 10 threads from folk who got the dear john emails, all going on about looking on the bright side of it, how it's actually a good thing and so on

Another 'P-Day' thread, with loads of pictures of the food they had at a meeting, which seems to have involved a load of middle aged men with goatees and dressed as if they're 20

More tenth anniversary crap, enough bull to choke an elephant, with the usual inane replies"

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Let me leave you with one last question. Are people upset they didn't get one because now they are not in the elitist group who can claim Panerai/Risti cares about them or are they more upset that they can't flip it for 3 times what they paid for it? You will never know. ;)

I think it's bit of both, W. And I agree...it was a much more enjoyable place in the past, lot less egos etc....we just talked watches, Maurits and the few (most of them are gone now, though) kept us intrigued and glued to our computer screens with his knowledge about all things Panerai, especially pre-V stuff.

It is a very different place these days, for better or worse. For me it's the latter, sorry. I rarely visit the main 'risti forum page these days anymore, few times a month to check the sale forum and that's pretty much it. There' so much more fun in rep-dom and this wonderful 'underground' hobby of ours ;)

Also, big egos and crybabies don't survive for long on rep forums, people are much more 'onto it' here, bullsh$tters easily identified and ousted.

And the sheer knowledge of the folk on our rep forums, let alone all the experience of the watchmakers we have access to...sheesh, I won't even go there. ^_^

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It's really douchebag land over there these days.

The latest GTG photos have more beer bellies and [censored] packs than ever.

Ever other photo has a guy with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth flipping off the camera.

Stay classy paneristi.


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What's happened is the old guard has gotten old. I am no core member but same is true for me. Hey maybe its time for us to offer an elitist limited edition watch over here to make me feel better. :lol:

But seriously, I never was a hard core member but I liked the fact that it was a motley crew ranging from a finance guy to a longshoreman executive to a porno director (oops, I mean adult films), etc. Every one had a common interest in the watches and no one was out to impress everyone else with their awesome collection. Other than a few Europeans everyone else had one or two and aspired to get the next piece. When the 195 came out I always wondered if it was the beginning of the end.I didn't think so at the time but now I wonder. And yes babola, these forums are far more fun and thought provoking. We have champions of various brands but the interest in horology generally is just so much better.

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That's right! All we need are the cheap but good factories, our trusted 'collecters', great modders, DLC and AR specialists... and we can spoil the gen 360 appeal by flooding with great rep versions we are going to create!

Come on that is what we need the first ever perfect at version 1 rep, make it this, closed back handwind easy watch, we will help get it right first time, come on rep factory, this is the gauntlet and it is bouncing off the floor!!!!!!!

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True Pete, but i so much want them to do this now just so we can all post pictures of our LTD Pam 360 that the ristis all want

That would be such sweet justice ..... :)

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