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How Big Is Too Big


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I'd never even heard of Panerai before I a week ago when I started on the rep sites. I couldn't understand the attraction at first but I'm starting to change my mind.

My main concern is what size would be right . My wrist measures 17 cm (6.7 inch) which I consider a bit on the small side. Would a 44 mm Pani be too big and look silly on my wrist .

Any advice appreciated especially from those with similar wrist size. Does it stand out too much or look odd? What size would you recommend?

Really looking forward to your opinions and advice.

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Ahem, expert here with 6.5" wrist.

I got my first 44mm pam a few months ago, before that I resisted, thinking it was too big. But I caved, and glad I did, I think it looks very cool. The watch covers my whole wrist, but the lugs stop right at wrist edge. That is the key, if the lugs go beyond your wrist, I think it looks too big.

With your 6.7" wrist you'll be fine.

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Don't worry, go and try it, in few weeks it'll seems to be the normal size, even a little bit small :D

The first time i have seen my 217, i've thought that it place sould be on my kitchen's wall and not on my wrist :blink:

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I have a wrist small enough to wear small sized straps and to remove 4 links from standard sized bracelets, still 44 mm PAMs fit ok on it. So don't worry about that size. I did not yet had the nerve to try a 47 mm, though.

The asian auto 21j movement is a reliable and versatile (and economic) movement. Concerns have been essentially on some asian 7750 models.

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I am still trying to find a watch that is big enough for me...first i bought the 44mm pams...then i bought the 47mm pams...now i got the 49mm breitling...but not satisfied yet...looking for something bigger...egiziano?!!!

don't worry...go with the 44mm pam...you can always re-sell it if it is too big for you...but it will be just fine!

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I have my first PAM for a week. I have the same issue like you:

1.- What is Panerai? :blink:

2.- It looks ugly!!! -_-

3.- Well they have "something" :p

4.- I like it!!! :bounce:

5.- Purchase one :D

6.- Purschase two straps.... (one BOB, and one HKTan that is coming) :Jumpy:

I had always "normal" watches (so, Festina, Lotus, etc). These are small watches (quarz) comparing with the mechanical watches that we see normally here (in size and weight).

My recomendation is that you do not purchase the metallic band: I have the PAM 090 from Andrew, and the first thing I said: oh man, that is too big. I think a small wirst with a big watch it is not so beautifull. So I purcahsed a leather band from BOB, and I brusched some parts of the case, beause with everything in bright metall, makes the watch looks bigger.

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well dangerman, i too have a small wrist about 6,7" anf i have a 44mm a 45mm and a 47mm

and i dont think that they are to big for me - ok well the 47mm looks big, my colleags calles me "bigBen" as in London when i wear my 47mm.

but i dont care, as long as im satisfied i dont give a rats ass what others think...

it is your desicion at the end.....








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44mm will look fine. If you got a 40mm you'd soon wish you'd gone for a 'proper' sized PAM, oh and welcome aboard.

As for movements it depends on your budget. I get 'Swiss' ones for my PAMs just to be sure, although others swear their CN mvmts run fine. Pick one of our trusted dealers (Eddie, Josh and Precious Time are the 3 I've dealt with and they were spot on) and you won't go wrong.

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I am pretty lucky having big wrists (no comments please), I weighs in around the 7 1/2 inch. But I love my latest aquisition as shown below. Bigger is great, I was a little unsure about the big watches but once you get comfy with the bigger stuff even the Rollie SD will look twee.


Edited by chronology1066
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I have almost 8' wrist, and being a powerlifter I have thick forearms... and I still consider ANYTHING over 42mm too big (for me).

It's not just the wrist size... I just personally find larger watches not so aesthetically pleasing.

Perhaps PAMs look nicer because they're on a strap? Gotta admit they don't look that bad at all (on skinny wrists). TAG Link is 42.5mm and it's absolute maximum for me. I'd imagine this watch would look a bit silly on someone with smaller wrists.


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Thanks for the welcome to the club and the advice. How have you fared with the movements so far. This is my second concern, the Asian movements seem to come in for a lot of criticism.

I take my hat off to ya dangerman. You've skillfully moved on from your original question to another and all in the same thread.

By my reckoning your next two will be "So, which pam?" and "Who has the best?". :lol:


PS - There is tons of information on the Asian movements on this forum. Your one line question cannot be answered with one line. I respectfully suggest that you need to put some work into this and become familiar with the little search button at the top of the page.

Also, this should not have been posted in the Panerai Photo Gallery, so I'm moving it to General.

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Great post ByTor, as usual.

So we see it's preference.

My personal opinion it that it depends upon the size and features of the face of the watch,

and your arm type, not just size.

My wrists are on the small side, but are fit and strong looking from lifting, kendo and aikido.

When I see slim arms that are smooth, veinless and non-muscular, I don't think it blends well

with a large watch.

I think a smaller, thinnner, or dress watch looks better with those types of wrists.

However if you love a large watch regardless, I think the size and type face is of the utmost


For instance, a panerai 44mm 212 due to the bowl around the rim of the face which

cuts the diameter of the face, is my favorite pam.

I tried a 47mm Fiddy once, but sold it, not because the case was too large, the lugs did not

overhang my wrist, but because the crystal and face was like a huge bubble.

I also gave up a 43mm Iwc Jones for the same reason, the face was like a full white moon,

however can sport a 44mm white face Vulcain because of the rim of recessed bowl.

{the name of this feature slips my mind at present}.

Another great watch for smaller wrists is the 41mm Memovox,.. simply one of my favorites.. ^_^

Chronographs are also a nice way to break up a huge face, that would normally look to me like an alarm clock. Imo.... :D

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Thanks this is helping a lot. A few more agreeing on this would ease my mind even more.

i agree entirely... if you like the watch get it.. the issue regarding size of wrist is overblown

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Why do people always post wrist shots that are 5 inches away. This gives horrible perspective and doesn't give a clear picture of what the watch looks like. I don't know about you but I don't have my head 5 inches away from my wrist all day long, and neither do other people. I'd like to see some good perspective wrist shots from like 5 feet away or so.

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