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Life in Alaska - part XXXII


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Guest zeleni kukuruz

Lots of strong vodka redbulls (99/1) maybe? ;)

@Nanuq: so you guys finally caught BIG foot, eh?

Naaaa m8, im use to 99/1 mixes :D and there is no way in hell that beast hade the redbullet's and vodka!

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is that you nanuq?

edit: we are the top of the food chain, look who's lying on the ground.

Nope, ain't me. My mug would break the camera.

Yogi is lying on the ground because he told the man to give him a paw massage and pedicure. "Mmmmm, yeah, right there... a little more pressure on the wrist. Ohhhhh yeah baby. Just like that."

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I always enjoy the Life in Alaska series and the mystery of what lies around the corner.

Looking forward to the next installment.


Technically, sorta. The Grizzly and Alaskan (Kodiak) Brown bears are subspecies of Ursus arctos. A Grizzly will get up to about 7' tall and a Brown bear here will get up to about 12' tall.

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If I were to live in that area I would be packing some serious shit......dam nature....you scarry :shock:

Actually it's the Black bears that are most dangerous. You can always tell what a Brown bear will do, and 90% of the time you can chase them off without getting charged.

But a Black bear is psycho. They're a lot smaller but totally unpredictable. When I'm out on my mtn bike and run across one, I immediately go full gonzo aggressive psycho on him before he gets a chance to think. So far they've all turned tail and run, except for one ... he stood there for 3 or 4 minutes and just stared at me. That was baaaaaaaaaaad. REALLY bad. My most dangerous encounter yet.

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Actually it's the Black bears that are most dangerous. You can always tell what a Brown bear will do, and 90% of the time you can chase them off without getting charged.

But a Black bear is psycho. They're a lot smaller but totally unpredictable. When I'm out on my mtn bike and run across one, I immediately go full gonzo aggressive psycho on him before he gets a chance to think. So far they've all turned tail and run, except for one ... he stood there for 3 or 4 minutes and just stared at me. That was baaaaaaaaaaad. REALLY bad. My most dangerous encounter yet.

I,ve always heard that Black bears could be very aggressive/unpredictable... I look at the size of that brown bears paw and shudder to think what a swipe of that thing could do....goodbye head. Here's a guy with some mighty big balls....good thing the warnning shot worked...holly [censored] :Jumpy: .

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Great video! That wasn't a charge though. The bears were excited and smelled something, and were ranging around in the trees looking for it. They have terrible eyesight but great noses.

If they had charged ... imagine thoroughbred horse speeds, 10 to 15 foot strides and snarling, popping jaws. That's a charge. You'll be changing your tidy whities afterward.

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Great video! That wasn't a charge though. The bears were excited and smelled something, and were ranging around in the trees looking for it. They have terrible eyesight but great noses.

If they had charged ... imagine thoroughbred horse speeds, 10 to 15 foot strides and snarling, popping jaws. That's a charge. You'll be changing your tidy whities afterward.

I was changing my tidy whites by just watching the video...lol...dear God.

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Nahhhhhhhhh, nothing to worry about there. Have you ever seen a cat running around a couch chasing a mouse? Or a dog chasing around tall grass sniffing out a rabbit? All excited and hyper? That's what those bears were doing. See the ears were up and they were bounding? They were jazzed and excited about something.

If their ears were back flat and they were running low with their heads down, then you'd be in deeeeeeep shinola.

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Nahhhhhhhhh, nothing to worry about there. Have you ever seen a cat running around a couch chasing a mouse? Or a dog chasing around tall grass sniffing out a rabbit? All excited and hyper? That's what those bears were doing. See the ears were up and they were bounding? They were jazzed and excited about something.

If their ears were back flat and they were running low with their heads down, then you'd be in deeeeeeep shinola.

Well Nanuq you certainly know much more about bears/nature than i do....no doubt about that sir.

The thing is I dont worry about cats or dogs chasing me down and eating me.:D


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