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Guys, Josh emailed me about that:

"I have delisted the item.. The 12.00 lume dot is made in accordance to the J series which is double ring...

The maker's genuine is in J ..

This rep is made in L.. which is single ring.. Maker decide to call back all the watches and alter.. Will be ready in about a week"

Have you ever seen this before ?

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Perl will be an easy fix. The rest is pretty good, but the CP is sticking out, which is worst of all auto PAMs so far, indeed very noticeable, and while it cna be fixed it is not trivial. Price (close to $400) they originally put up is way too hight for this, unless they made the crystal as on 187, 5mm tick, as per gen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In summary, the problems known so far:

  • Excellent price (for a car, not a rep watch!)
  • CG lever -- too pointy and too far away from the case
  • Cannon pin -- protruding in a very noticeable way, mod necessary (add £50 to the price!)

    Suspected issues:

    • Crystal unlikely of correct thickness
    • The H-factory colourless AR -- double sided AR that easily scratches
    • Lume colour bit on the green side (hard to tell on poor quality pics)
    • Bezel construction -- markers most likely glued in rather than bolted
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Looks definitively better on the QC pics than on dealer pics -- bezel seems pretty good actually, markers are fine. The CP sticks out, but this can be fixed; rollerball is bit odd. Don't see any blue tint in the cyclops, this means they might have finally made it properly... The lever is wrong, it was not a photoshop, the gap is too wide. I am going to order one to check it out, damn the price, but what is the probability N-factory will make a better one and sell it for less?

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I have from good source the N-factory version is coming soon cheaper and better. Well any replication will be better than this monstrosity.


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