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My First Gen Pam


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If you are paying over retail from an authorised dealer I would report him as this practise is not allowed in the U.K and not seen in a good light by Panerai. Only aftermarket sellers get away with that.

It is a beautiful watch though as my local AD has one in stock at the moment and also a PAM104! If I had not just bought a Seadweller I would be tempted. Enjoy the watch!

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Great watch but you did post a pic of the fake and you are over paying. I guess if you just had to have it NOW that is OK but an AD really could lose his dealership by doing that. In fact I would ask him to sell it to you at retail or else you might just have to inform Panerai of what he is doing. Be discreet, say "I thought Panerai would not allow you to sell over retail..." I bet he comes around.

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Tell the AD to kiss your [censored] and move onto another AD. You should not be paying over retail for watches from an AD, as if it wasn't expensive enough. Threaten him discreetly, allude that you know he shouldn't charge over retail.

Better yet, get one off a Paneristi. You'll pay a lot less, and you won't get shafted if you buy from one of the good guys.

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paid a bit over retail

The question has been raised already, but I'll ask again - why tf did you?

It insences me totally that any customer tolerates AD [censored] like this. Makes them think they can get away with it again. How do you feel knowing that the extra you paid will probably go straight into the pocket of the sales person who took you for the complete dimwit sucker that you are and are laughing behind your back?

Nothing in this world is worth that sort of humiliation, even if you personally don't see it that way.

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Awesome watch but not hard to get either. I would never pay over retail at an AD EVER. It is unethical of the AD to overcharge customers. Personally, I would give the AD a piece of my mind and never step into the place ever again. Whatever that floats your boat, it is a wicked watch with a lot of presence. Wear it well.

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You are not very clever, are you?! Money'd, but still not very clever....

I think we all know this type of personality ;) Personally I think it's all about upbringing and attitude to money, but there you go - let me stress I am not casting aspersions on anyone's character, just making an observation :whistling:

Anyway, in my experience in the long term, those moneyed stay moneyed by keeping a very close eye on all their money and parting with it less freely than most of us :D A somewhat extreme example of this is the annual tabloid photos of Mick Jagger in the corporate fat cat box at MCC (Lords Cricket Ground for you Yanks) watching a Test match with his home-made foil-wrapped sandwiches and thermos flask :rolleyes::lol: .

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If it is compliments on your purchase you are wanting I'm sure our members here will oblige you for a small premium on what we usually charge for them. PM me for my paypal address.....


Don't listen to r11co, I'll charge you a small premium over what he's asking for his compliments, trust me you will "just have to have" MY compliments :lol::bleh:

Seriously though, maybe you realise you've raised a few hackles which are nothing to do with jealousy, given there are many of us here who own gens. In which case then, I'll give my opinion for free - nice watch and all and maybe I'm jaded but I think it's fairly ordinary, just doesn't have any 'wow' factor, which for a Panerai kind of defeats the object, the one being I sense you wanted in view of the (somewhat typically NYC) way you went about posting this thread in the first place. Maybe I'm wrong but I think not :brow:

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