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My TC Sub runs with crown in winding position, stops after ~1hr if screwed in


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I recently purchased a TC sub LV v4 (2836-2 ETA) and after having it in my possession for 1 day, I sent it off to a friend on this forum to have a gen crystal (AR LEC) and gen insert installed. 


It came back with the gen parts and realized that when I screwed the crown all the way in, after about an hour the second hand stopped at the 50 second marker. To get it ticking again, I tapped the watch on my hand and it started moving. I wound it up about 100 times and screwed the crown in all the way and stopped at the 55 second marker this time after about 45 minutes. Did the same steps and stopped at the 15 second marker this time. I have ruled out that the second hand is touching the crystal.


I finally wound up the watch one last time and left the crown in the winding position and it has been going strong for almost 50 hours now. It seems that the watch stops only when the crown is screwed in. 


I was talking to correctime and he mentioned that the problem is likely a long stem and needs to be shortened a thread or two. 


What do you guys think? Any suggestions or similar stories/experience with the TC Sub?

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So I got the stem shortened by 1 thread and now when I unscrew the crown into the winding position and start winding, it would suddenly start to screw back in. This leads me to believe that the stem is too short now. 


I was ok with it not winding very easily as I was going to wear this daily, so I have been wearing it for the past 5 hours with the crown screwed all the way in. 


Today it stopped again just 20 minutes ago with the second hand stuck at the 44 second marker. I'm very sad. I am also unable to restart the movement using the same tapping/winding techniques I did previously.


What else could be wrong with this TC Sub?

Edited by ykim88
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Befor you do anything else, STOP. Yes you have most likely cut the stem to short now. Get another one ordered. Unscrew the the crown, pull the stem out to the time set position. Hold the case up and see if the stem is centered height wise in the case tube. If it's not, you need to mod the case. If it is, remove the back, and remove the mounting tab across from the case tube, if the movement springs up, that is a problem. If it does pop up, remove the mounting tab closest to the case tube, and ck the stem height in the case tube, most likely not centered. Then you have to do whatever to fix it. Reinstall the mounting tab across from the case tube, leave the one closet to the tube out, close the crown and if it still runs after you close it,the movement is not mounted correctly. If it doesn't run, movement problem, most likely. But who knows?? These watches are CRAZY!!!!

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I've been talking with ykim88 regarding this issue. 


First sign of an issue was the watch would quit  running shortly after screwing the crown in but would continue to run in the winding position.

Most likely the stem was too long or unknowingly had started to unscrew from the crown.


The stem was shortened and now has the minor issue of the crown trying to grab the tube when winding.

Most likely the stem is now a tad too short but the watch ran all day in the locked position (all the way screwed in)


Sometime after that the watch stopped running.


He's opened up the back and gently tried to "bump start" the hair spring...it'll run for 2 or 3 seconds and stop.

This has been done several times with the stem in and the stem removed from the mvt. in the winding position (to prevent it from hacking)

A little tapping of the watch with the stem out to perhaps allow a seconds hands gear to possibly mesh with the idler cog between the canon and seconds hand.....?? justa guess.

(I'm sure my terminology of gears/mvt. parts is wrong....I know what's in there but I don't know what everything is called and certainly don't how to fix it   :) )


It's doing the same thing with the stem in and out of the mvt. .....running 2-3 seconds...slowing down, then stopping.


The stem went back in (with no keyless issues) and he's given it a few more tries.....still the same...runs a few seconds....slows down and stops.


What concerns me and may better help diagnose the problem is that the seconds hands hasn't moved with all the little 2-3 secs of running.


He's witnessed the watch running (hairspring doing it's thing) 2-3 secs at a time yet the seconds hand doesn't seem to be advancing at all.


I know there's a very fine little cog, sprocket, gear (whatever it's called) that rides between the hairspring and the drive gear for the seconds hand transfering the power from the hairspring to the seconds hand......possibly in a bind or dislodged.......??


I've recommended he send it to Katt for an overhaul as he plans to keep it and as has been mentioned it's worth the effort/cost to have a mvt. serviced in the beginning.


I'd like to know what exactly happens (what's put in a bind) when a stem is too long that it causes the watch to stop running immediately or shortly after locking the crown. 

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Sounds like the issue started with the keyless and it's pointing back to the keyless. I have seen movements with the same behavior all because of a fudged keyless. At first it would seem as if the stem is too long, you then cut it, only to find the keyless is not engaging correctly.

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just the fact that you turn the crown 100 times does not sounds right already

I recently purchased a TC sub LV v4 (2836-2 ETA) and after having it in my possession for 1 day, I sent it off to a friend on this forum to have a gen crystal (AR LEC) and gen insert installed. 


It came back with the gen parts and realized that when I screwed the crown all the way in, after about an hour the second hand stopped at the 50 second marker. To get it ticking again, I tapped the watch on my hand and it started moving. I wound it up about 100 times and screwed the crown in all the way and stopped at the 55 second marker this time after about 45 minutes. Did the same steps and stopped at the 15 second marker this time. I have ruled out that the second hand is touching the crystal.


I finally wound up the watch one last time and left the crown in the winding position and it has been going strong for almost 50 hours now. It seems that the watch stops only when the crown is screwed in. 


I was talking to correctime and he mentioned that the problem is likely a long stem and needs to be shortened a thread or two. 


What do you guys think? Any suggestions or similar stories/experience with the TC Sub?

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It could also have been bumped in shipping. I've had this happen a few times, the first was solved by changing stems, the second by blowing some air into the crown tube and the third by resetting the keyless works. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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I can't say whether or not the watch has been dropped....I can say it wasn't dropped while I had it.

I'm not the owner of this watch. I installed the gen crystal and insert for him.

Whether or not it had issues when he received it from TC isn't known.

It was sent to me for gen parts the day after he received it.

I rolled through the dates to check the DWO alignment before pressing an AR'd crystal on..(DWO alignment was impressive....perfect)

It was setting and running when I shipped it back though I have no idea if it was running correctly...I had no reason to observe that as this issue wasn't known or mentioned.

I've felt "fudged" keyless before as I've tripped the keyless on the 2836-2 GMT more than once

(something about those keyless works seems to make them sensitive....the 3rd time tripping them required my having to send it off..... :(  )

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Actually being able to wind a automatic movt that many times is a good thing, it means that its lubed correctly and the mainspring is sliping when it reaches its fully wound. It not running after winding that many times is the problem. 

I agree.

It's winding well and slipping to prevent overwinding so that's a good thing.

It's winding, setting the date/time and hacking as it should (or at least it was hacking when it was running) so I'm not so sure it's a keyless issue either.


The fact that he's witnessed an active hairspring to the equavilant of at least 30 secs running time and the seconds hand hasn't moved at all is an issue though.


Thanks for all the helpful input guys.....I'm certain the OP really appreciates it :)

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Guest zeleni kukuruz


Way dont you send it to FxrAndy, he is very good with watches and he will sort it out directly :) that is if he has the time!

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+1 with Andy. Probably dirt and debree blocking the gear train. No short cuts. Just service it! The watch deserves it.

I agree.

It's definately worth having it serviced...which is always a good ideas for "keepers".

On behalf of the OP...thanks again guys.

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correctime- Thank you for summarizing and updating the happenings of this watch. I really appreciate the feedback and attention I've received on this forum.


I have honestly never dropped this watch. It has been shipped to correctime with substantial padding and packaging (same as it originally came to me) and shipped back, but I have never dropped it myself.


I got in touch with TC and he said he has arranged for Experia78 to take a look at my watch. I've been instructed to ship it to him in CA and TC said that he has confidence in him to determine what really is the problem. I hope that he will be able to resolve my issues and I will keep this forum updated about this TC Sub LV. 


I have thought about trying to swap out the movement completely with my own money and with the help the help of other modders but I have decided to pursue the route TC has suggested first as he sold it to me. I am really happy to know that TC is standing by his product.

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No problem my Brother.....I've been where you're at more than once....I'm sure we all have at some point.

And it can get downright dis-heartening and discouraging at times.

I've always gotten support when in need and am more than happy to lend a hand if I'm able.


That TC LV is a Beautiful watch and deserves to be straightened out.

I'm glad to hear it's heading in the direction of correction.


Do keep us posted on the outcome....I'm rather curious myself.

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  • 2 months later...

I received response from TC, (who had it reviewed by Experia78) saying that a loose screw was the problem. I have since received the watch and it is working perfectly. There was some conversation that went back and forth with TC about what caused this. We were unable to conclude who's fault it was that the movement had issues. I had it modded the moment I got it, but from a reputable person who I really don't think caused the movement issues as that person didn't touch the movement. It's weird there was a screw loose probably jamming the movement in some way.


Either way, I had to replace the stem and crown with a new one cus shortening it did not work and made it difficult to get "bite" into the winding position. It was almost impossible to hand wind it as it would catch the thread and start screwing in.


TC asked for $60 (for new crown and stem) and said he would cover the labor. Overall great experience, great guy who stands behind his product.

Waiting was not fun, but all worth it.


Mods: gen crystal with AR and gen black insert.











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