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3 million in America will die young

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Myself included, as I was diagnosed on 1999 with HCV.commonly known as hepatitis C , this disease will soon kill many more people worldwide than AIDS. The HCV disease attacks the liver, and most people will develop Liver Cirhosis within 20 years, followed by liver cancer and death 5 years later. There is no cure. It is caught through blood transfusions, intervenous drug use, sex, or even sharing a cocaine straw.

There is a treatment, interferon which makes a persons hair fall out and become very sick. It is not proven to work.. I had to stop after one month because of side effects. Most people don't even know they have it. Symptoms are extreme fatigue abdominal pain, loss of short term memory. Weight loss, migraines, edema, swelling of legs, stomach and testicles, and extreme itching in legs.

I have stage 4 liver Cirhosis and need a transplant. Chances are good that I won't see the year 2019.

This terrible sickness was only discovered in 1989, and science has done very little to develop a cure.

I quit my job last January because I can no longer function well on a day to day basis. People with Hep c have compromised immune systems. I was hospitalized with pneumonia in Feb and I am on an oxygen tank at night.

Get yourself checked. There are people who have succeeded in lowering the virus count to a livable level. No more alcohol though ! Thanks for reading this my friends. Oh, I only have about 3 reps left. Sold them to pay bills.




I am extremely sorry to hear about this, I really am. :(


If there is anything I and the community could do for you, please ask.

I would nevertheless try to organise something for you. 

It is common human decency, to reach you and help another fellow guy in need. The world may have forgotten what this means but I have not.


hambone ,there is a cure I personally helped a close friend with the six month grueling regiment. It was brand new when he was put on it one of the first outside clinicial

studies to use. He is now free of the disease but the damage is done to liver etc from his time being infected leave him not feeling well often. However he came over helped me fix my tractor yesterday goes to the store in his car and the like so positive outcome considering.SO as hambone said GET TESTED caught early you could have little internal damage. I know I have you thinking buddy yes the treatment did involve interferon injection daily along with other drugs ,but it did work. No re-occurrence in over a year.

Please feel free to PM if you want more info.


Holy Crap! So sorry to hear that.......I didn't know much about Hep C :fool: until you posted this. Wow, I thought it was something you just take meds and it goes away.


Thank you very much for sharing your information with us........since I don't do drugs and not planning to have transfusion anytime soon, guess I better cut down on those Thai hookers! Crap!


LK, let us know your plan.......


I guess I do not need to mention it cost a fortune for this stuff ,my friend was already a ward of the state when it came up. A lot of pressure was applied to the government agencies to get this approved from many politicians who are friends of his family.


Holy Crap! So sorry to hear that.......I didn't know much about Hep C :fool: until you posted this. Wow, I thought it was something you just take meds and it goes away.


Thank you very much for sharing your information with us........since I don't do drugs and not planning to have transfusion anytime soon, guess I better cut down on those Thai hookers! Crap!


LK, let us know your plan.......



a donation drive is in order. I will PM you details once its set up nicely.



Guest zeleni kukuruz

God damn!!! Mother [censored]!!!

Im so sad when i read this!!! Like things isent bad enough!!!

You are in my prayers mate!!!


Thanks guys, your thoughts are most welcome. I do want to say that I have done much in life and am at peace with my fate. It is something I accept and it was not easy to disclose my dilemma . Hoping to let my condition be a cautionary tale, and that science finds a cure . This silent epidemic needs

telling and to be as well known as AIDS is.

There was a Doctor from India here who had a few clinics that gave colonoscopies. He re used syringes and equipment meant for single

use and infected thousands of Las Vegas residents with Hep C all for money and greed. The bastard is now faking illness as he faces criminal charges.


Holy phuck! OMG! He should be sent to Nanuq and feed to the White Bruins of Alaska!


Hambone, I'm sorry to hear this. That was tough to put in words. I'm sorry. Stick around here, you'll find a LOT of support and encouragement.

One day at a time mate. Live in the moment.


Hike, that would be too easy for a dirtbag like him, it's too quick. I'm thinking honey, hot sun and an ant hill.

Myself included, as I was diagnosed on 1999 with HCV.commonly known as hepatitis C , this disease will soon kill many more people worldwide than AIDS. The HCV disease attacks the liver, and most people will develop Liver Cirhosis within 20 years, followed by liver cancer and death 5 years later. There is no cure. It is caught through blood transfusions, intervenous drug use, sex, or even sharing a cocaine straw.

There is a treatment, interferon which makes a persons hair fall out and become very sick. It is not proven to work.. I had to stop after one month because of side effects. Most people don't even know they have it. Symptoms are extreme fatigue abdominal pain, loss of short term memory. Weight loss, migraines, edema, swelling of legs, stomach and testicles, and extreme itching in legs.

I have stage 4 liver Cirhosis and need a transplant. Chances are good that I won't see the year 2019.

This terrible sickness was only discovered in 1989, and science has done very little to develop a cure.

I quit my job last January because I can no longer function well on a day to day basis. People with Hep c have compromised immune systems. I was hospitalized with pneumonia in Feb and I am on an oxygen tank at night.

Get yourself checked. There are people who have succeeded in lowering the virus count to a livable level. No more alcohol though ! Thanks for reading this my friends. Oh, I only have about 3 reps left. Sold them to pay bills.

My father went through interferon. Hope you can get well.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2


Hike, that would be too easy for a dirtbag like him, it's too quick. I'm thinking honey, hot sun and an ant hill.

ohhhhhhhh........that's sweet! I'm not a violent person, but when a person does $hit like that, my blood just boils over!


Yes, the guy should be tortured to madness .

Below is a Nevada Supreme Court brief, google

Dipak Desai. and you will find out everything . He is one of the most hated individuals in this city.

The Nevada Supreme Court is calling for quick briefings on a request to stop trial for former endoscopy clinic owner Dipak Desai (DEE'-pahk deh-SEYE') in a 2007 Las Vegas hepatitis C outbreak.


Damn this has really made me sad.


I wish there was words worthy for a reply but nothing I can say other than thoughts and prayers from Aus seems suitable.




I have been struggling about whether or not I should disclose

What's going on with me, as I have told no one other than a few family members, not even my adult son and daughter.

Remembering how supportive you all were during the traumatic time with my Dad, (he is doing ok, except for the

Alcoholic dementia) , and I decided to reach out again.

Thank you for you words of support. As many have said in this forum, there seem to be better people here than in the

Everyday world we live in.

Sent from my tent in Bangladesh .


not going to say sorry as Im sure its a broken record in your head but this fukcing sucks man no other way of putting it . Much respect for speaking on this it's people as yourself that are hero's . 

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